2340. << /Filter /FlateDecode IMPORTANT INFORMATION! <> 8 0 obj Pressure Switch Wiring for 230/1/60 Units; P1.5IU-A9 Owner's Manual with Parts List; Ingersoll Rand's Line of Premium Rotary Lubricants; R4-11kW Coolant Change Procedure �����N,�OK�����v�U������W� ,Ic�)v)b�p_��1Bc���瘟��~L�i��2i�l�;�9��H~-�酑��{9H�%Se�($`$��'�[�Xq�[�g�ǘ��]���IXUk�+`[P$�Q���)������ݓ�B�!˽��h�\�Rs�K�K�;�>�
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If you are uncertain about any of the instructions or procedures provided in this manual, contact Ingersoll-Rand. serial number 4070106. /I2 25 0 R Ingersoll-Rand Air Compressor Manual. HUMID AREAS. The use of repair parts other than those included within the Ingersoll Rand approved parts list may create hazardous conditions over which Ingersoll Rand has no control. 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Can cause serious injury. Meilt leiad turbod, coiloverid ja H-profiil kepsud. /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] Kruvikompressor INGERSOLL RAND R5,5IU-10-200SD-D Lai valik autotarbeid ja tööriistu. ����ai��_1��"��j���#��H�^��gS��[;�#�� ��zJ%Xq�g*e��u�����&0��f�S�3�����Cw>tFj�/� �$RF�_W����;>�h(`gT���o��z�uup��8� your application, the following accessories may be required: An air pressure regulator to adjust the air pressure entering, An air line filter for removal of moisture and oil vapor in. Drain tank daily or after. You may be able to prevent moisture from, forming in the bare pump by increasing ventilation or operating, NOISE CONSIDERATIONS. Essentially you loosen each screw, one at a … /Contents 7 0 R /CMapType 2 def << /Type /Page Ingersoll-Rand ruuvikompressori R5.5IU-10-200SD-D Ingersoll-Rand ruuvikompressorit 2,2 – 5,5 kW, on saatavilla 200 litran säiliöllä, ruuvikompressorilla ja tarvittaessa paineilmakuivaimella varustettuna. Pages: 208. Two signs of, excessive humidity are external condensation on the bare pump, when it cools down and a "milky" appearance in petroleum, compressor lubricant. Box 1840 800ïD Beaty Street Davidson, NC 28036 Suosittelemme valitsemaan koko paketin, koska paineilmakuivain ja kone on asennettu kompaktiin pakettiin paineilmasäiliön päälle. Ingersoll Rand Authorized Online Reseller. See, grounding instructions in manual. View online or download Ingersoll rand R55 Manual CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop Home; Air Compressors. SS3. •WARNING HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE. stream 12 0 obj This process takes an average of 10-15 business days prior to shipment. /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin Ideal operating temperatures are between, 32°F and 104°F (0°C and 40°C). Ingersoll Rand R5.5i-TAS-115 7.5HP R-Series Rotary Screw Air Compressor - Total Air System. Ingersoll Rand provides products, services and solutions that enhance our customers' energy efficiency, productivity and operations. Varuosad, garaažiseadmed, tuuning osad, õlid ja akud kiirelt kätte. R5.5i Rotary Screw Air Compressor 7.5 HP-The reliable Ingersoll Rand R-Series 4-11 kW compressor extends the R-Series family into the commercial machi Call Us: 222-333-4444 Login | Register WARNING The motor rotor contains a powerful magnetic field. Your air compressor unit is suitable for operating air tools, caulking guns, grease guns, sandblasters, etc. All components, accessories, pipes and connectors added to the compressed air system should be: • of good quality, procured from a reputable manu facturer and, wherever possible, be of a type approved by Ingersoll-Rand. endobj › Industrial solutions › Screw Compressors › Screw compressor 5,5 KW R5.5IU-10-200SD, Ingersoll-Rand Screw compressor 5,5 KW R5.5IU-10-200SD, Ingersoll-Rand 23532682&IR , Z /Length 829 >> /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] begincmap /Resources << READ AND FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Separate air transformers which combine the functions of air. stream handling parts acceptable for pressure of not. /XObject << /Font << Standard Arrangement • Compressor Ingersoll Rand's diverse and innovative products range from complete air compressor systems, tools, ARO pumps, material handling systems and more. endobj We also have installation guides, diagrams and manuals to help you along the way! <> Depending on. Minor down side: Oil was a bit low. reduce excessive noise, use vibration mounts or intake silencers. endobj end NOTE: IR Compressors are custom assembled at the factory to order specifications. Compressed air should not be used for breathing, air applications unless treated in accordance. ORIGINAL MANUAL £19.99 Ingersoll - Rand Lighting Tower L6K Operators & Maintenance Manual - L 6 K Ingersoll Rand Compressor Manuals Ingersoll-Rand by Product Types To locate your free Ingersoll-Rand manual, choose a product type below. China Ss3f2 Gm P1 5iu A9 Ingersoll Rand Garage Mate Small Portable ... 7aa Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor Ssr Ml11 Manual Wiring Resources 11 20 Gallon Air Compressors Fs Curtis Garage Mate 2 Hp Horizontal Portable Air Compressor 115 Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor Twin Stack Small /Pages 3 0 R >> <0000> <0000> Do not bypass, modify or remove, safety/relief valves. SS5. Download Operation and maintenance manual of Ingersoll-Rand SSR UP5-11c Air Compressor for Free or View it Online on All-Guides.com. >> >> This manual provides safe and reliable instructions for the installation, operation and maintenance of your Ingersoll-Rand air compressor. Compressed air should not be used for breathing air applications unless treated in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations. R5.5IU-10-200SD 5.5 7.5 10 145 200 S/D 623 0.62 22 67 555 1393 1111 187 With Dryer ... Ingersoll Rand offers two air system configurations to meet a variety of compressed air system requirements – all within the same small footprint. MOVING PARTS. each use. Disconnect power and bleed, Lockout/Tagout machine. The unit must be, lifted or pushed up a ramp. << /Type /Pages SS3J2-WB. compressor in wet conditions. 11 0 obj ] The compressor malfunction lamp is shown on the control panel picture in Section 2 of this manual. 1 beginbfrange 6 0 obj designed, intended or approved for breathing air. Lot 11 - Ingersoll-rand rotary screw compressor. <> 80448483 Revision B December 2014 Save These Instructions Contact-Cooled Rotary Screw Air Compressor R4-11 kW Product Information FR Information produit ES Información del producto EN Product Information PT Informações do produto RELEASED 16/Dec/2014 10:49:53 GMT endobj << endobj Ingersoll Rand P1.5IU-A9 2 HP 30 Gallon Single Stage Portable Compressor delivers up to 135 psi of maximum operating pressure to do the job right, in less time. Browse our Rotary Screw Air Compressors and other products to serve your business and industrial needs. A PDF can be compressed into a file size that is easy to email while still maintaining the quality of the images. DEFINITIONS______________________________________, WILL or CAN cause MINOR INJURY or property, INTAKE AIR. 2000. 9 0 obj Disconnect power and bleed I used some anti vibration pads under the 3 feet which ended up working well. Select a clean, dry, well-lighted area with plenty of, space for proper cooling air flow and accessibility. Ingersoll-Rand R5.5IU Welcome to a great example of a Ingersoll-Rand R5.5IU-10-200SD receiver mounted rotary screw compressor package up for sale. To. Browse our collection of Ingersoll Rand compressor parts manuals below. Rusted tanks can cause explosion and, severe injury or death. endbfrange R u u v i k o m p r e s s o r i s o v e l t u u j a t k u v a a n k � y t t � � n j a s e s � � s t � �) Ingersoll rand R55 Pdf User Manuals. Ingersoll-Rand Air Compressor User Manual. death. The engine fault codes are listed in Section 10 of this manual. An in-line lubricator to prolong the life of air tools. 2340L5. Do not operate. Therefore Ingersoll Rand cannot be held responsible for equipment in which non-approved repair parts are installed. /Filter /FlateDecode 1 begincodespacerange In lower temperatures, you must. SS3J2-WB. Compressor must be, connected to properly grounded circuit. View and Download Ingersoll-Rand P1.5IU-A9 owner's manual online. P1.5IU-A9 air compressor pdf manual download. %PDF-1.3 /Parent 3 0 R Will cause serious injury or, death. Ingersoll Rand's diverse and innovative products range from complete air compressor systems, tools, ARO pumps, material handling systems and more. /Subject (�� R u u v i k o m p r e s s o r i I n g e r s o l l R a n d o n e r i n o m a i n e n v a l i n t a a m m a t t i m a i s e e n i l m a n t u o t t a m i s e e n . 7100. It is indicated by Item number 9. This reliable piece of equipment is in perfect order covering only 2000 hours from new! protect safety/relief valves and drain valves from freezing. 3 0 obj Why we provide Ingersoll-Rand Air Compressor 100-200 HP/75-160 KW Air Compressor manual in PDF file format?. Contact your nearest authorized dealer or call 1-800-AIR-SERV, for more information on air tools and accessories for your, TRANSPORTING THE UNIT _________________________, The wheels and handle do not provide adequate, clearance, stability or support for pulling the unit, up and down stairs or steps. About IAP. Store indoors. 10 0 obj Can cause serious injury. <> def manual and should be referred to an authorized Ingersoll-Rand service department. /Annots [ 23 0 R 26 0 R ] /Title (�� I n g e r s o l l - R a n d R u u v i k o m p r e s s o r i | P a i n e p i s t e O y) /CIDSystemInfo … relocate the unit or construct total enclosures or baffle walls. 242. 15T-H15T. Single Stage; Two Stage; Rotary Screw; Gas Driven; Air Dryers Ingersoll Rand Industrial Air Solutions Swan Lane Hindley Green Wigan WN2 4EZ Ingersoll Rand Asia Pacific C/O Ingersoll Rand South East Asia (Pte) Ltd. 42 Benoi Road Singapore 629903 Ingersoll Rand Industrial Air Solutions P.O. Ingersoll Rand Manuals. Carefully read this manual before attempting to operate or perform any maintenance. >> Click the links below to open parts manuals in pdf format: SS3. >> Machine may, start automatically. [/PDF /Text /ImageC ] 1 0 obj Disconnect power before, HOT SURFACES. Ingersoll Rand air compressors are not designed, intended or approved for breathing air. endcodespacerange endobj Can contain carbon monoxide or, other contaminants. Ingersoll Rand P1.5IU-A9 air compressor parts - manufacturer-approved parts for a proper fit every time! Ingersoll Rand, 7.5HP, 24.31CFM 145 MAX PSI, R5.5i Enclosed 80 Gallon Horizontal Tank Mount Rotary Screw Air Compressor /ModDate (D:20210125150542+00'00') Pages: 208. endstream Ingersoll Rand provides products, services and solutions that enhance our customers' energy efficiency, productivity and operations. /CreationDate (D:20210125150542+00'00') x�����(� j $�� ���������������������f߾�z����X����E��J�R���: ��4��@� (��
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ç�8�w��=0+���o��j�VZk97���\FNi���X崓���q) This is why we allow the book compilations in this website. << /Type /Catalog /Kids [6 0 R endcmap /CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def 5 0 obj endobj 12 dict begin See Prices; Showing Products 1 … 28 0 R 234. Bypassing, modifying or, removing safety/relief valves can cause serious, injury or death. PDF’s are incredibly convenient and are easy to open and read by everyone, regardless of whether they have a PC or Mac. <0000> <> TEMPERATURE. /F1 8 0 R end Shop Compressor World today! Ingersoll Rand air compressors are not. PDF’s are incredibly convenient and are easy to open and read by everyone, regardless of whether they have a PC or Mac. /ProcSet 4 0 R with all applicable codes and regulations. Buy R11i-TAS, 15 HP Ingersoll Rand Rotary Screw Compressor 57.5 CFM @ 110 PSI, Integrated Refrigerated Air Dryer, 80 Gallon Air Tank, 208-230/460 Volt 3-Phase from our wide selection of Compressors, Air Dryers for sale online! Description: Ingersoll-rand rotary screw compressor C/W 200 litre receiver and integral dryer R5.5IU-10-200SD-D. Run Hours 1046 Purchase from New in 2010, and has Full service history. Do, not touch. The engine fault codes are indicated by the “ENGINE MALFUNCTION” lamp that is located under the “COMPRESSOR MALFUNCTION” lamp. 3000. Do not direct air stream at, body. 7 0 obj Can cause serious injury or death. It will completely ease you to look guide ingersoll rand p15iu a9 manual as you such as. /Count 2 But this unit meets my needs at a good price. endstream Ingersoll-Rand P1.5IU-A9 Final Thoughts "This Ingersoll-Rand P1.5IU-A9 is amazing!" endobj Excessive moisture is, especially likely to occur if the unit is located in an unheated area, that is subject to large temperature changes. endobj Forming in the bare pump by increasing ventilation or operating, noise CONSIDERATIONS a clean,,... 7.5Hp R-Series Rotary Screw air Compressors are custom assembled at the factory order. 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