After he is released, the man waits 30 minutes before running back to his Kings Castle. However, things drastically changed at the end ofChapter 2, with John blatantly committing a crime at the Continental, stunning Winston. John quietly overtakes him and binds the mans hands and places a hood over the mans head. However, the villainous game Santino plays shows that, in a larger sense, John is ultimately correct that playing by the rules will no longer protect him with the enemies he is up against. Winston gives John a blood oath marker and warns him he can only give him an hour's head start before a world of assassins descend upon him. One by one. Santino: He was already back. Winona Ryder, who was originally cast in the role, dropped out at the last minute due to illness, forcing Francis Ford Coppola to hastily make his daughter the replacement. SANTINO: "You came to me, I helped you." It's not explained what Santino did but it doesn't really matter.the marker was given and had to be repaid. It was a methodical suicide of a persona, but John Wick is not suicidal as a man, not in the least. How did John Wick get Baba Yaga wrong? He later finds out Santino's location at an art exhibit from the Bowery King. He wanted a new life, and he would kill anyone who tried to stand in his way of it. Its mostly just speculation, but it would help explain Winstons relationship with John a bit more. For those who don't remember (Chapter 3 doesn't dedicate time to get viewers up to speed), John shot and killed Santino D'Antonio in cold blood in the Continental. Look at the Fast and Furious franchise. Still, John avenging his dog's killing in the first John Wick would lead to Santino D'Antonio (Riccardo Scamarcio) cashing in a marker to force John to kill his sister Gianna (Claudia Gerini) in John Wick 2. The pillows on their bed that he could lay his head back on and hers laying just right there. What should we call you? John slowly stands up and with the slightest hint of a smile and possibly a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he tugs on the leash and continues walking on. He now has a wide range of cinematic tastes, enjoying the latest Hollywood blockbusters, Oscar contenders, and everything in between. Wick advises Santino to find someone else to do the job, but the crime boss insists that John redeem his debt and warns him of the consequences if he refuses. Santino then tries to phone call John, but Wick refuses to listen. Squatting down, he then rubbed the pups head and asked him, So, buddy. He retreats with his henchmen to the edge of the property, but then takes a grenade launcher out of the trunk of his car and uses it to shoot John's house. Santino being a member of the High Table was an after thought. John Wick wants to retire and live in peace to continue grieving for his wife, then wish granted. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Where does Prince Harry's money come from? I think this is the most logical answer. Winston would have checked Santino by telling him "You can't order a hit via phone on grounds either. So why didn't Santino get in shit for it? Appearances Why does Santino betray John Wick? John is fully aware that breaking this rule will bring great consequences, which might make his decision seem difficult to grasp. The elder asks John to kill Winston to prove his loyalty and fealty to the high table (and the elder himself), but makes it clear that until John does this to prove his loyalty, He is still excommunicado. Which is different from what Winston originally had to do. Winston gives John a blood oath marker and warns him he can only give him an hours head start before a world of assassins descend upon him. While his guards open fire on Wick and are gradually shot by him, Santino flees deeper into the museum and calls in additional guards. By giving Santino the marker? I don't know whether they disapproved, but his method, the use of a marker, was perfectly legal and acceptable to them. From the interviews, it didn't appear as if John Wick Chapter 3 was very far into becoming a possibility. John did stay at Marcus's safe house, but other images of her on his phone only strengthen his resolve. Why does Santino betray John Wick? Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. He seeks to join the High Table by killing his sister and taking her seat. SANTINO: "If not for what I did on the night of your impossible task, you wouldn't be here.". Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. At the end of John Wick 2, John kills Santino in the New York City Continental, a violation of the strict rule of no "business" being conducted on Continental grounds. After John hears what his killing of Santino has created, he knows exactly what he needs to do but also, whose help he'll need to fix this. The last ray of light disappeared as the clouds took over and rain gently started coming down. Soon, the overseeing of the Continental causes a panic with those in the business. Moments before being executed, Santino was taunting the Baba Yaga about how long he could stay at the hotel, citing its extravagant menu selection. When Winston advises John to turn around and leave, Santino mockingly repeats this advice and is immediately shot by John, much to the shock and dismay of Winston and everyone present. Feared among assassins as the "Baba Yaga", John Wick (Keanu Reeves) has spent the entire John Wick franchise trying to break free from the hidden society of assassins he was once a part of. They're a bunch of assassins, they're probably more okay with assassination than the average bureaucrats. The surname "Santino" literally translates as "Little Saint.". He therefore agrees to meet Santino in a museum. Everything that held her scent, her clothes, her make-up. Once an assassin. Zero is the leader and mentor to a group of ninja-assassins based in New York City. And upon going to Aurelio's place of business and even after roughing him up some, didn't reveal anything other than Aurelios employees working on Johns car. He wanted out of the reality of existing within that assassin's world and by killing a member of the High Table on the Continental's grounds, he was definitely out. With a mocking farewell, Winston leaves Santino's apartment and takes the devalued debt marker with him. Although, with The Continental and the Bowery King, that is actually more than just a few. Winston: What have you done? As forwhy John did this, it was personal. Why did Santino betray John? Winston: Do you now? Gender They've tried and failed. So that's the reason all the people are staring at John Wick and he is running to escape for the better of this completion of that one hour before he's considered persona non grata. Although his blood oath connected to Santino is spent, he still has the one given to him by Winston. Deceased Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. John's heart was inside that house. Is there an explanation for John Wick's behavior at the end of "John Wick: Chapter 2"? His idea of right and wrong. Why do they say be seeing you in John Wick? When John arrives, Santino reveals to him that the works of art around her come from his father's private collection and are therefore of special value to him. John: Finished it. What does forever mean in Catholic marriage? After his death, Santino's body was to be cremated within the furnace located underground of the Continental Hotel. Had John given Winston a little courtesy and followed his advice "John walk away!" Why was Sofia Coppola Criticised? He says, Well, well well. His cell phone. Santino then places a $7 million bounty on John Wick's head, prompting hitmen from all over the world to try and assassinate him. The High Table has taken over every Continental all over the world. John just stares at her for a second before simply saying, thank you before she had completely walked away. ". Once the job was complete, Santino essentially betrayed John by sending an army after him in a manufactured attempt to avenge Gianna's death. Making John nothing more than just a Mortal Man. A place that was so deep underground, that a person could stay for years. That's when Winston . Those that are left, could very well use this to fight amongst themselves to completely take over and run the High Table as they see fit, which would be disastrous to have only one in charge of an organization so powerful. That's open for interpretation. They figure, let them finish. John then looked down at his dog. Judging his impulsive nature of forcing John Wick to kill sister and hire assassins to kill him, it is possible that his father chose his sister over him as he was unfit to lead the crime family. Always an assassin. Santino apologizes, but then pulls the marker out of his jacket pocket and reminds John what he owes him. Feared among assassins as the "Baba Yaga", John Wick (Keanu Reeves) has spent the entire John Wick franchise trying to break free from the hidden society of assassins he was once a part of. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. After the War, the only recourse is for John to be Exiled completely from the world he is accustomed to. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The Debt he owed. It goes back to Johns loss of his wife. But, what is Johns part in all of this? Related: John Wick 3's Parabellum Title REAL Meaning Explained. The rules are contradictory. He storms into the restaurant, where he speaks to Winston, who realizes that he is looking for protection. A combination of rage for the house and for the assassination attempt on him. rev2023.3.3.43278. He ended the film by making clear that all of the assassin's and members from the world he had just irrevocably severed ties with know that he'd kill everyone single of them that tried to follow him into his new life. So, tidbits of ideas that I wrote out stay true to the appeal of John Wick. John quietly slips out of the safe house. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Their concern is that others might follow John Wicks bad example and start to ignore the rules and sanctuary that The Continental provides. Santino replies that Wick is probably already dead, but Winston insists anyway. You incinerated the priest's temple, burnt it to the ground. He had a glimpse of the other side. Assassinate his sister and take her place at the High Table, Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe), The story is loosely inspired by an incident in Texas involving former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who wrote Lone Survivor, about his fireteams ordeal during Operation Red Wings in Afghanistan in 2005. Yet, that wouldn't work. Santino D'Antonio | Ares | Gianna D'Antonio | Cassian, High Table In an attempt to make John Wick even more 'Russian' and mysterious, the movie's screenwriters ended up with an egg on their faces - accidentally making him a babushka. It seems as though John gave the marker to Santino to exit the assassin's world, which I thought he did by doing Viggo's final job. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. Abi Ketner is a registered nurse with a passion for novels, the beaches of St. John, and her Philadelphia Phillies. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Reeves was paid a total of about $200 million from all sources, including base salary and bonuses, for the entire Matrix franchise. Once the job was complete, Santino essentially betrayed John by sending an army after him in a manufactured attempt to avenge Gianna's death. Ever since the original movie, he's yearned for a normal life. Occupation Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. More: Everything We Know About John Wick: Chapter 4. However, Winston give John and his dog a 1-hour headstart to run, even giving John a Marker for future use. It only takes a minute to sign up. Walk awa-Santino's last words before Jonathan "John" Wick shoots him dead. The Adjudicator and Winston conduct a parlay on the roof of The Continental. As a result, John decided instead to kill him and break the rules, as at least then he would get his revenge. In John Wick: Chapter 2, there isn't any explicit explanation on this marker. Santino D'Antonio arrives at the John Wick's house asking him to pay his debt. Lot of options. He was hired by Screen Rant in 2013 to write box office prediction posts in conjunction with the Screen Rant Underground's Box Office Battle game, and his role at the site grew from there. Thanks to the actors success in the movie industry, he currently has an estimated net worth of $350 million. Doubling the cube, field extensions and minimal polynoms. We . John said why himself, he's "Finished it.". Winston: Jonathan Affiliations One of the signature elements of this universe is the Continental hotel, which has locations all around the globe and acts as a safe haven for members. She smiles at him, a raised eyebrow to indicate she noticed the small injuries to his face before continuing on her way. 3-6 Months?? Brad also offers philosophical musings on martial arts and the filmographies of everyone from Jackie Chan to Donnie Yen on Kung Fu Kingdom, where he's also had the privilege of interviewing many of the world's great stunt professionals, and hearing plenty of gripping stories on injuries incurred in their line of work and the intricacies of designing the acts of death defiance he first thrilled to as a youngster. A limit involving the quotient of two sums, How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. Seeing one of the Bowery Kings employee. John is a super assassin and no one seems to be able to stop him. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? While John heads into the exhibit to confront him, Ares arrives with several grunts. Indeed, he comments as much in the movie and so Wick's only alternative was to kill him right there and take the consequences. Gun fu in John Wick, as described by director Chad Stahelski, is a combination of Japanese jiu-jitsu, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, tactical 3-gun, and standing Judo. Under the watchful eye of Jonathan Eusebio, the fight coordinator for both John Wick films, Keanu Reeves took those arts (and others) and threw them into a , 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved (That being said) There is something unusual about a professional like Cassian staying mad at John Wick. And he embraced it. The Scar on his chest was a constant reminder of how John had left him. As such the job was declared between the parties involved in the marked (in this case Sant and John) then the job was done, the high table, even if they did have knowledge of it would not of intervened. Vengeance it's all you have.Santino D'Antonio talking to John Wick. He was portrayed by Riccardo Scamarcio. Safe. And now, he was on his way to Marcus safe house. . Of course not. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. He is accompanied by some henchmen, who wait in front of the door while John offers Santino a coffee. Yeah but then they targetted the Bowery King even though he had nothing to do with the continental killing, they went after him for helping John go after Santino off the Continental Groundswhich seems to imply that you can't assassinate someone on the High Table, even if they try to kill you first. But you, seor D'Antonio, you took it away from him. Thanks in no . A high council member can conduct "business" on Continental grounds basically by sending a "bullet" via a contract by phone but John isn't allowed to put a real bullet in his head. He seeks to join the High Table by killing his sister and taking her seat. Since the stakes are doubled all people in the park are alerted that they have a chance to claim the bounty amount of 14 million dollars before that one hour gets completed after which the contract is called off. We called him Baba Yaga. In all likelihood, John knew what would happen the second he pulled the trigger on Santino, but the point is he didn't care. What did Santino do for John Wick impossible task? Does the president need to go to the Oval Office to order a nuclear strike? So, Keanu's ideas of a war between the High Table and Continental is the only obvious scenario for Chapter 3. However, Santino has sent his personal (and mute) right-hand woman Ares and other henchmen to get rid of John after completing his mission. Makes all the difference. He was so deadly that he earned the nickname Baba Yaga, which means The Boogeyman. John Wick breaks the number one rule of the Continental in John Wick: Chapter Two by killing Santino due to his enraged and despairing mindset. He didnt, john did, normally he could refuse but he knew this kinda stuff could happen when he took the marker, But why didnt the table place a bounty on John for killing a member of the high table. He succeeded, thus making Santino head of the Neapolitan crime organization known as the Camorra and a member of the High Table. How could he have ever thought he could fully escape it. Viggos death is referenced in John Wick: Chapter 2 where Santino DAntonios mute right-hand woman Ares signs mockingly Be seeing you at John after being fatally stabbed by him. The question is..Did he really have anything to live for? What happens if someone becomes Excommunicado? But one theory suggests that . Addio, Santino.Winston informing Santino that John Wick is coming for him, Tarasov Crime Family Santino did something to help Wick in completing his last impossible task for Viggo. But the hardest to recruit was Cassian. You know the saying, Too Much of a Good Thing?. John Wick 2. Killing one's way up the table is probably not that unusual, so long as one follows the rules while doing so. He meant to shoot him. The Adjudicator | Zero | Winston | The Elder | The Shinobi. John is a super assassin and no one seems to be able to stop him. The High Table fears his fondness of John and that he will help John through information about who is after him and suggestions of places to hide or will give bad information to get others off Johns scent. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? John thought of Marcus and missed him. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? 2. John goes to confront the Mafia boss while he is holding a party. I am an admin of this site. Even though Winston has great admiration for John, he had no choice but to make Mr. Wick excommunicado after this turn of events. Early on in Chapter 2, Santino pays John a visit to collect his marker, a blood oath John made to Santino.Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. Dantonio: Have you seen the menu here? The two disappear deeper into the exhibition, but John continues to follow them. The couch where they snuggled together while watching TV. Was this some how an act of suicide? How to prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? How did John Wick get the name Baba Yaga? Or by doing that final job for Viggo? Answer (1 of 6): For four reasons. A lot of options. Continuing on from John Wick, the main imagery of John Wick 2 is John's descent back into the Hell world he had previously escaped. The Continental. For all we know - they don't know he had anything to do with it. This sets him on a path of revenge, returning him to the criminal . [John shoots D'Antonio] Why is everybody there in the park at the end of John Wick chapter 2? Men like C. . To tie up the loose end. Basically, John was one of the greatest assassins who ever lived. The High Table could not afford to have their members killed and leaving their chairs open. Although his blood oath connected to Santino is spent, he still has the one given to him by Winston. 2014 saw the release of a little movie about a retired assassin on a quest to avenge his dog. Flashbacks of the events that lead to those impossible tasks and the acts themselves. Questioning the leadership of all the Continentals around the world, they decide they need to step in to assist in overseeing each one to ensure that those who might be sympathetic to John Wicks plight, are encouraged with a violent message what happens to those who break those particular rules. The big questions are, did Winston mean to shoot Wick? A man can stay here a long time and never eat the same meal twice. John fends off most of the assassins, but is wounded while doing so. But one theory suggests that Winston may actually be Johns father-in-law. Hi. And one that just might be very welcomed.. However, John kills most of his men and escapes. He is an Italian Mafia boss and the head of the D'Antonio Crime Family. (William Defoe brief return in memory) Marcus had heard John was wanting to leave his current life after meeting and falling in love with his wife. John ends up leading the war against the High Table. Answer (1 of 2): Everything Doc Rich said in his answer. The Continental director informs the assassin that as a direct result of Santino's death, his bounty will, per the High Table, be doubled and offered globally. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? Today, Brad channels his thoughts on all manner of movies, from comic book films, sci-fi thrillers, comedies, and everything in between through his writings on Screen Rant. An Untouchable. The Entire John Wick Timeline Explained. Although John thinks this mission is impossible and has scruples about killing Gianna, he finally has to submit to the order and learns from Santino that his sister is currently in Rome and that he can use a secret path in the catacombs to reach her. There's a problem with that. Early on inChapter 2, Santino pays John a visit to collect his marker, a blood oath John made to Santino. How long does it take a man to miss a woman? John made Santino's visit a quick one by ending D'Antonio's life. When he refuses, Santino destroys his house. In John Wick: Chapter 2, the main antagonist, Santino D' Antonio, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on If so did he also mean to kill him? The High Table. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. Wasn't the point in killing him to stop him from gaining power? As the film ends, John has been betrayed by his longtime friend Winston (Ian McShane), who has chosen to sacrifice him to The High Table so as to keep control over New York branch of The Continental. Wick eventually became the top enforcer for the New York Russian crime syndicate, becoming a feared and ruthless hitman that people describe as a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. This is also a lose translation of the motto of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines although their spelling is Fortes Fortuna Juvat. This is common enough that its not conclusive evidence alone, but its definitely a starting point. After finally getting his car back, John has an unexpected visitor, Santino D'Antonio (Riccardo Scamarcio), who gave John the means to escape mercenary life. NEXT: John Wick 4 Has To Break The Franchise's Timeline Trend. Winston. Solitary. CharismaManipulationWealthComplete control of the Camorra. Wick was tasked with killing Santino's sister Gianna, so that Santino could have her seat at the high table. Winston informs him that as a direct result of Santino's death, Santino's contract is, per the High Table, doubled and offered globally.