Ball ammo not so much. They are also safe to carry fully loaded and concealed, since they are equipped with internal safety systems that require the trigger to be pulled fully to the rear to fire a round. Good info. Too many people choose a gun to complement the way they dress - you carry gun should determine what you wear. The M&P line is extremely popular for S&W's semi-automatics and their revolvers as an affordable self-defense option. recoil-operated semi-auto shotgun. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. When she hears the whistle she starts at the crotch and shoots five shots straight up the middle until she gets to the face and that little Smith goes click, click, click. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Where do you get wooden grips for this Rossi M88 modelI have the identical model with the original rubber grips? When you gonna get the new sig p320 xcompact spectre? This is the blued model with the 3" barrel chambered in 38 special with Fixed Sights. Both kick. The MBA GyroJet pistols are unique and one of the most unconventional firearms ever produced. I own this model, but a little newer. in +P. Its a 3" Rossi .38 Special also from Interarms. The Rossi 352 is a handsome, compact, dependable, concealed carry weapon with 5 shot capability, a snub nose and exposed hammer. But the wife said if I buy anymore guns or knives theyll be stuck up my ass, Ive seen other awesome Rossi .38s with grips that dont seem to fit, but the guns still look fantastic! A small DA internal hammer .38 special like a Smith & Wesson 642, is what my Father referred to as a belly gun. Dont underestimate its lethality. ), Center Pin, Used Factory Original (w/ Spring; 2-7/8"), Trigger, Blued, Used Factory Original, Serrated, .234 Width, Trigger, Smooth, Stainless, Used Factory Original, Trigger, Standard, Stainless, Used Factory Original, Trigger, Target, Blued, Used Factory Original, Trigger, Target, Serrated, Stainless, Used Factory Original, Trigger Lever Pin, Used Factory Original (3 Req'd), Hammer, Centerfire, Standard, Used Factory Original (Less Hammer Nose), Hammer, Centerfire, Standard, Used Factory Original, Hammer, Centerfire, Target, Blued, Used Factory Original, Hammer, Centerfire, Target, Complete, Used Factory Original, Sear & Bolt Spring, Reproduction, New Factory Original (2 Req'd), Sear & Bolt Spring, Used Factory Original (2 Req'd), Hand, New Style, Used Factory Original (3 Pin Small Frame Type), Cylinder Stop Spring, Used Factory Original, Rebound Slide Spring, Used Factory Original, Mainspring Swivel, Steel, Used Factory Original, Mainspring Stop Pin, Used Factory Original, Thumbpiece, Standard Style, Checkered Blued, Hammer Block, Styles Vary, Used Factory Original, Cylinder Stop & Rebound Slide Pin (2 Req'd), Rear Sight Windage Screw, Used Factory Original (For Blade Mounted In Frame), Grips, Old Style, Target, Checkered Plastic w/ Thumbrest, Grips, Old Style, Target, Checkered Plastic w/o Thumbrest, Grips, Unweighted, Brown Plastic w/ Rossi Logo, Bolt Plunger Spring, Used Factory Original, Thumbpiece, Old Style, Used Factory Original (Flat Bullseye). Ruger LCR. My favorite is the smith airlite 351. Rossi Model 986 Cyclops Mainspring Seat. Change the title to 4 reasons a new shooter should not carry a .38 snub nose. Alexa analytics service - keep track on user informations. is it a smooth trigger? The used value of a ROSSI 88 STAINLESS pistol has fallen $0.00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $326.09 . Of course, the author is concerned about all the newbies who have been pushed toward the apparent simplicity of point and click. Ignition is hammer nose type firing pin. Wahi' Valleys. Especially from folks whove shot bigger .38 special revolvers or level-action rifles in the past. Numrich unfortunately is sold out. 1884-1895 ser. please, What is the price in US$ currency. The soft rack and recoil is more forgiving. The frame is made of aluminum and left in a matte finish. I have rounded up all my parts and plan on tackling it this weekend. .38 Special is weaksauce, because its not even more effective than 9mm. YouTube sets this cookie via embedded youtube-videos and registers anonymous statistical data. The only way to neutralize thatRead more , Chuck) Ill have to disagree. Enjoyed the video! Items per page: . Your work appears ponderous as well on a over used topic that was popular a decade ago. . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. tune in to find out my thoughts on this stainless beauty. It does not store any personal data. Anyway I might suggest you use wadcutters for self defense in that shorter Revolver, they have mild recoil and are VERY effective at close range. 1. I myself bought a Rossi about 15 years ago and its my go to concealed carry gun. My wife carries a snubby. Shockingly high for what was once a moderately priced revolver. Circumstances forced me to sell it several years ago. Haha. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! A great example is the .38 Undercover series, a snub-nose that has been tweaked with features preferred by . Have one to sell? The older I get the more I find things to be difficult. These were the best sights, in our opinion. We fired the Rossi for accuracy in single action and were surprised at the accuracy. I handload all my ammo and use very high energy 38 spl loads or very low energy 357 loads in the 461/2s. Barrel Length: 2.25. 1880-1884 ser #4001-119000, S&W .38 Double Action revolver, 3rd model, ca. $30.00 + $8.00 shipping. I usually carry a Glock 26 9mm but never feel under gunned when carrying My SP101. They expect the same mild recoil of an old S&W Model 10 out of the alloy-framed 442. . I am so sick and tired of these articles that say you are under gunned with this or that caliber. My Rossi M65(92 clone) .44-40 and Astra Colt .45 were imported by them. They grew to 0.6 inches with the Hornady ammo. Everyone just needs to look at their situation and come to terms with the compromises we make to go armed. When I showed it to the wife, she snatched it up before I could say, only five shots!. Id say its slightly beyond knife fighting distance so who needs fancy sights anyway. The cylinder had play in it, and the grip was a bit too large for deep carry. close friend was given a Rossi 38 Special that won't fire. Rossi Model 352 38 Special Revolver - Stainless/Silver, 2" Barrel, 5 Rounds, Polymer Grips, 3-Dot Sights 11 Reviews | 0 Questions & Answers . The trigger was initially gritty, but it smoothed out after use. . $919.00. But its a combination of whats involved and the circumstances under which a shooter would do so that makes them difficult. The gun appears new, never fired. . (30) . Rossi Gun Parts; Rossi Gun Parts. The Rossi Firearms website no longer shows handguns. Guys; I think I have the same 2 1/2" barreled stainless Rossi .357 971 w/the integral 3/4" compensator. If you think that a DA revolver is difficult to shoot due to minimalistic sights and short sight radius, try shooting a small DA only pistol. its intended to get the guy (s) out of my house with a few new holes. This part is manufactured of high quality tool steel and heat-treated to precise specifications in our Midwest facility, using an original factory part for duplication. Pin.$ 2, Hand..Out, Pair of Standard aryfrosty . Definitely Goodfellas got me in to revolver to. At 5 ft. it will penetrate 5 one gallon milk jugs filled with water. Still here. RivetOut, HammerOut, Hammer It was a blued predecessor to that gun. This cookie can only be read from the domain they are set on and will not track any data while browsing through other sites. Camden NJ they can sell guns ? But like anything, theres no free lunch. Personally, I think that it is recommended to new shooters far too often for reasons that can be easily overcome with rudimentary training and familiarization. Stop.$ 8, Hammer In addition, the grips filled that space behind the trigger guard that the RIA left vacant. A transfer-bar safety system was employed with the RIA along with the firing pin located in the frame, like the Charter Arms. The hammer sits flush with the rear of the frame, and it is DAO only. Hinterland #: 153865. The only Rossis to purchase are the ones imported by Interarms, their quality was highest at that time. Another ultra-lightweight .38 Special handgun, the M&P only weighs 14 ounces thanks to a one-piece aluminum frame. Couple of ideas. Rossi R351 38 Special Used Trade-in Revolver, Rossi M685 38 Special 5-Shot Used Trade-in Revolver, Rossi Interarms M33 38 Special Used Trade-in Revolver, Rossi M88 38 Special Police Trade-in Revolver, Rossi R351 38 Special DA/SA Police Trade-In Revolver, Rossi 38 Special Police Trade-In Revolver, Rossi M68 38 Special Police Trade-In Revolver, Rossi R351 .38 Special Police Trade-In Revolver, Rossi M68 .38 Spl Police Trade-In Revolver, Rossi M951 38 Special Police Trade-In Revolver, Rossi M68 .38 Spl Police Trade-In Revolver DASA, Rossi 351 38 Special Police Trade-In Revolver with Rubber Grips, Rossi 685 38 Special Police Trade-In Revolver. Put it back together. Think about that for a moment. Introduced in the early 1990s, the Ruger SP101 was the company's dominant .38 Special-only platform for decades. this article is a joke. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You know, exactly the sort of conditions someone might need to use a concealed carry weapon. Most self-defense situations are NOT like at the range where you have a static target at 25+ yards. I have a two inch model 19, at close range its okay but its not my go to weapon. Picture Information. Unless someone is willing to dedicate the time and training required for a snubby, its a poor choice for a novice shooter. Revolvers are legend. And how many shots are fired? 'There is nothing new under the sun. A hammerless .38 special snub-nosed S&W 442 revolver. Thats why a full hammer is good. Point one; none of us are good enough shots. Hinterland #: 22039. The rear of the rubber grips were squared off, and we also felt those edges slap our palms. I hope youre still enjoying yours my gunsmith tells me that these are very close to Smith and Wesson revolvers of similar vintage. Description. Accuracy with some of these short-barrel protectors was a pleasant surprise. I agree, the grips need to be replaced. This clickbait listicle could have been two items. Fight Like You Train and Train Like You Fight Numrich Gun Parts Corp. - The World's Largest Supplier of Firearms Parts and Accessories, General Semi-Automatic Handgun Discussion. But Im realistic about both my, and its capabilities. The 12 month average price is $326.09 used. The front edge of the cylinder had a slight chamfer, which aided reholstering. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. That was the first revolver I ever shot in 38 cal. Its a great loss for us, Rossi was always know to make the best revolvers here in Brazil. Ive only done it to mine a few times. an Order FormPRINT ORDER FORM, Side Terminal ballistics with premium loads are actually quite good, esp. I found the Hammer nose kit in stock at M&M Gunsmithing for $26.00 each. One of the old gunwriter standbys Like The 30/06 is Dead!! It looks like to firing pin, which is the hammer nose, is broke off. This cookie, set by YouTube, registers a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen. Amadeo Rossi was founded in 1889 by the guy with the same name who immigrated to Brasil from Italy late 19th Century. YouTube - Store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen - 2. Skip the gizmos and increase the practice. Otherwise they are just straw-man arguments. I too carry a S&W Model 60 on occassion during the summer, but Im much more comfortable with my P365 or M9. Worst case scenario, reloading without a speed loader is akin to playing a life-or-death version of Operation with advanced Parkinsons Disease; your hands will tremble uncontrollably while you fumble to load slippery cartridges into a free-spinning cylinder and if you fail you might die. Actually Jim small, hammerless, revolvers are great when you need to defend yourself while interviewing a moron who might be involved in a crime. and has no idea how small they will feel in a fight going against someone orRead more , You can add that this article is primarily for those who have never shot and those who offer advice to those who are considering a first gun. Negligent discharges are possible with a revolver, but nothing compared to those with semi-autos. BTW, do you and/or your wife engage in any tactical pistol competition, e.g., USPSA or IDPA. Imagine, over the last 100 years or so, there must be thousands of people buried in graveyards across the country, disappointed that they were killed by the obviously inadequate .38 Special. It was purchased for $250 out the door brand new. Colt Detective Special; Colt Python; Colt Huntsman; Crescent , Empire Arms , Peerless. The demand of new ROSSI 88 STAINLESS pistol's has fallen 1 units over the past 12 months. Waited to see the range proof pudding! Rossi dont exist anymore, unfortunately Rossi went bankrupt about a decade ago and Taurus bought it. hour. I have a Rossi 4 357 sitting next to me right now. We were able to coax it to under an inch with the Federal ammo, and our smallest groups with the Armscor and Hornady ammos hovered around 1.5 inches. We found the trigger was the second smoothest of the three, with minimal stacking in the final press. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Bore is an excellent condition. Furthermore, the German-designed 9mm Luger is generally less expensive, more versatile, and has better availability. Stay safe out there. Im fairly proficient in aiming the revolver as well. All Rossi revolvers feature the unique . I have the same gun, but mine is not a snub nose. Taurus 285621 856 *CA Compliant 38 Special 6 Round 2 in Matte Black Oxide Black Rubber Grip. Cartridges that stung our hands in the other revolvers did not have the same effect in the Rossi. Ejecting spent shells from a 2 snub with a smart smack on the ejected rod. Blade$25, Barrel..$50, Lock Bolt Lastly, these Rossis have a bull barrel as compared to the S&W J-frames. All revolvers were within spec, in fact. I love my S&W 38 special snub nose. . 164224. Liked your straight forward presentation too . A short barreled anything is designed as a belly gun for short range engagements. ElHalcon . Made in Brazil imported by Interarms Virginia. I have seen the result of a 38 spl snub and 4 inch . Yes, we are awesome at the range, but that is not shooting under stress. . Thats the range that DA was designed for. Especially given the aforementioned short sight radius. V2-I2. I have socks older than Mr Grant. Nothing more. (4) 3 hard cast wadcutters with 2 90 gr. And your points will have some validity. The hammer was a bit old school with the firing pin attached. Rossi cautions against dry-firing that model of revolver because the firing pin (or "hammer nose") can break off. I do a lot of w. Cheers. Grips.$20, 5 Pair Target Grips net Wound up taking it to my transfer dealer and he shipped back a pistol (Kel Tec 380) for 15 bucks. Walther PP, PPK, PPK/S .22, .32, .380 pistol, parts not for post 1999 models! The terminal ballistics of a standard SAAMI spec .38 special round fired from a short barrel is terrible. The no hammer revolvers do not allow debris, coins or make up to interfere with the weapon firing. The OldAlien said: Hi Guys. You say that a revolver is only for the most experienced of shooters. I totally recommend revolvers for the inexperienced. Installed by Google Analytics, _gid cookie stores information on how visitors use a website, while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance. During recoil, that narrow portion of the backstrap slapped the webbing of our hand as severely as the lightweight Charter Arms, even though the RIA was the largest and heaviest of the guns tested. But on a snubnosed .38 special, shooters are slowing themselves down needlessly. Thousands of rounds, zero malfunctions, zero issues, zero concerns. The fit of the side plate and crane to the frame showed slight gaps, something a more expensive revolver would likely not display. 1. All Rossi revolversfeature the unique Taurus Security System and are covered by their LifetimeRepair Policy. Written and photographed by Bob Campbell, using evaluations from Gun Tests team testers. Nothing wrong with that at all. I have lots of guns but the Rossi has never disappointed me. Interarms imports a lot of cool stuff! I know they recalled them for some models. But that doesnt mean the little guy cant get the job done. But have you ever heard of a pistol with sights that are both slow to align and too large to place shots accurately? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Paramount among these is the .38 special snub-nosed revolver. One even tried to charge me $75 bucks PLUS shipping!!!!!! Nice video Im looking for a Ruger LCR 357. I had no idea that Ive placed my life in danger because I carry a snub in my overcoat pocket. Which brands do that? The test_cookie is set by and is used to determine if the user's browser supports cookies. cylinder wont open. Hes older and doesnt have the arm strength to keep it straight out in front. If you think the .38 Special is feeble, then try the .380 Auto. I have the EXACT same model except mine is a 3 inch .32 Smith and Wesson long chambering. Besides, who is going to be taking long range shots for self defense? Good review, I heard that accent and knew you had to be from around here great videos bro. Rossi cautions against dry-firing that model of revolver because the firing pin (or "hammer nose") can break off. I think it is easier to work a speedloader with cylinder held vertically anyway. The trigger itself was smooth and wide, so the pull actually felt less. Google DoubleClick IDE cookies are used to store information about how the user uses the website to present them with relevant ads and according to the user profile. This is an Alexa Analytics cookie that is used to track user behavior. I picked up a Rossi M685 .38 special revolver from another forum member here a month or so ago. I bought a 3" Taurus 856 Defender. Nice groupings. We all need more practice and when possible, more realistic practice. Finish$95, #4 Rossi Forend to match That leaves twoRead more . And what, I might ask, are your qualifications to make your derogatory statements? Arthur W. Kenneth K on 03/31/2015. Good review! This increase in physical capabilities comes at a cost reduced fine motor skills. TLDR: Assume that revolvers don't use safeties unless you can prove otherwise through research. i would recommend that if you do not you should start, It is the very best training/practice in which you can engage short of as real gunfight. I was most active in IDPA where I had 24 first place finishes in regional, state, and major club competitions. I usually carry a Glock G19. Unlike the RIA and Charter Arms handguns, the Rossi is a SA/DA with a hammer spur nicely checkered and offering a good grip.