Its retail shops as well the list goes on. This tends to be an uncomfortable topic that people dont want to think about until theyre forced to. Statistically if you look at gunfights that people are in versus using your hands in self-defense to stop a violent attack, the media pushes and spins a lot of the gun stuff and you think its an epidemic. What do you think it takes for the average person to embrace the value of preparation and be proactive when preparing for worst-case scenarios? I like your sense of humor. They watched one YouTube video, and thats it. Entrepreneur and former Green Beret who founded FieldCraft Survival, a company that teaches civilians first aid, fitness and emergency tactics. Subsequently, Glover began working as an independent contractor for the US government overseas in the same year, protecting government officials in dangerous situations. This is his story. Davis was one of the first Black officers in the Army's elite Green Berets. The natural reaction is to fight or flight, but if theyre staying conscious that means theyre staying aware of their situation and can make good decisions. Teaching land navigation during FieldCraft overland training course. Subscribe Here. He served in various positions during his time in the United States Army such as Weapons Sergeant, Sniper, Freefall Jump Master and Sniper Team Sergeant. He was quite young when he joined the military. He is known as the founder of FieldCraft Survival, it is a company that teaches civilians emergency tactics, first aid, and fitness. We try to focus from a position mindset in teaching all of our skill sets. It stars Matt Damon as Jason Bourne, a man who wakes up with amnesia and tries to uncover his identity. Each film places the spotlight on a firearms and tactics instructor with a plethora of military special operations forces (SOF) or law enforcement experience. Later on I became a team sergeant, which is the pinnacle of an enlisted guys career and then I wound up getting out. My dad spent 12 years in the Army. 18) The Bourne Identity (Amazon Prime Video) The Bourne Identity is a 2002 spy thriller film directed by Doug Liman. Make sure you subscribe and stay tuned to everything we are doing. While his father served 12 years in the army, his uncle was a navy seal. As per Mike Glovers Linkedin profile, he began his US army career by getting assigned as 11B/18B/18Z at USASFC (USA Special Forces). The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Think about truck drivers jobs that would save $163 billion a year by using automation and all those truck drivers no longer have jobs. Dinand Woesthoff. Glover has wanted to become a military officer from a very young age. We commit to cover sensible issues responsibly through the principles of neutrality. Today we have Mike Glover on the show. He retired from active service as a Master Sergeant. Podcast of survival and preparedness expert, founder of FieldCraft Survival, and former Green Beret and CIA contractor Mike Glover. You're about to see a . As of now, we believe that Mike would now be an owner of $1.2 million USD. Ultimately I was very interested in it because I realized it wasnt just bushcraft; it wasnt just considered a technical skill set. 376k Followers, 4,518 Following, 1,955 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mike Glover (@mike.a.glover) MG: Especially for Green Berets, they never highlight the building rapport and nation building that takes place behind the scenes. In this episode of the WarriorU Podcast Bram talks to Mike Glover. When it comes to things that stand out as an experience, although he was killed, I served in that firebase, and I want to think that whole team was saved that day because of Robs actions. He served as a SGM (Sergeant Major) in. He is an avid outdoorsman, overland enthusiast, traveler, and hunter and resides in Heber City, UT. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'biographyhost_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-biographyhost_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Presently, he is the CEO and owner of FieldCraft LLC in Northern California. MG: I think the way weve been able to bridge that gap is by communicating that if you integrate survival thinking into your game, whether thats mindset or equipment, then you can actually make it a fun part of your life. They dont understand the day-by-day activities of improving their medicine, improving their infrastructure, training them to defend themselves just sitting down and breaking bread and having tea together. He along with sharing this picture disclose that his grandfather was a military man as well as his father served in US Military. Support Veteran Journalism . He is now skilled in Security, Crisis Management Operations, and counter-terrorism. In 2021, theFieldCraftSurvival achieved new heights. MG: Weapons specialist, so I was 18 Bravo, but I served the rest of my career in pretty much every capacity. Twenty years of government service is enough for me. Aaron Barruga joined the military because of 9/11 and served as a Green Beret in the US Army's 1st Special Forces Group. To report about any issues in our articles, please feel free toContact Us. When he was young, all he knew was running about outside with his cousins and pretending to be soldiers. After spending 18-years in the US Army in various positions, Glover founded a company, FieldCraft Survival, in November 2015. The big ones are things like weapons handling and tactical courses. And with the survival aspect, Ive been schools where they give you a ziplock bag full of things that you could put in your pocket and you have to survive for 72 hours. #1 Mike Glover - Green Beret from Shawn Ryan Show on Podchaser, aired Friday, 20th December 2019. Mike Glover says what needs to be said. Green Berets (Forward): Ultimate Preparedness. And most of all, he is backed up by facts, figures, research, and military expertise that only a few people can ever achieve. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Salary in 2022. "When men get lost they use a lot of their ego. Dad. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. We commit to cover sensible issues responsibly through the principles of neutrality. It was The Green Beret with John Wayne. And best of all, its based on facts, studies, research, statistics, and a level of military experience few are ever able to attain. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. He also served in the Special Forces as an SGM in numerous posts and deployed to combat regions multiple times. Most of his training courses are based on the established military Special Operations curriculum to ensure it was good enough for Green Berets and Special Operations. We obviously dont teach classified tactics or procedures, but a lot of the way we handle weapons and defend ourselves in combat are equitable to the way youd defend yourself on the streets. Then if youre left with a vehicle, but you dont have any gas prepped, whether you have an extended tank or a reservoir of fuel, then youre capability is only as much as what your fuel tank has, so if you have half a tank youre looking at 100 miles or so. Contractor Mike served in austere . 34. Glover was raised in a military family in between Daytona Beach, Florida, and North Carolina. Former Green Beret Mike Glovers Fieldcraft Survival Is Using His Military Career Experiences To Prep Us For Worst-Case Scenarios, Joe Tati - Dual Survivor, Age, Net Worth & Partner. Mike Glover is a happily married man who is raising his family standard with his hard earnings from his different businesses. Knockin' On Heaven's Door. Former Special Forces living my PREPPED life as the CEO of FieldCraft Survival, a modern Preparedness company. We like to educate and tell people the facts and a lot of people especially on the left get a little loose lipped about statistics, but they dont really teach the truth. You can teach a course on survival and all these small, technical tasks that can be memorized, repeated, and rehearsed, but if youre not doing that and introducing stress, or culminating it in stress as we do, then youre not really testing if its viable. Since 2013 he has been an independent contractor for a government agency where he continues to deploy to austere . He is also not a pure American. Continue with Recommended Cookies. We obviously don't teach classified tactics or procedures, but a lot of the way we handle weapons and defend ourselves in combat are equitable to the way you'd defend yourself on the streets," Glover said in a 2019 interview with Off-Grid. Published February 05, 2020 18:59:11. Keep reading to know more about Mike Glover. Were Americans and we tend to think bigger is better often, but places like Europe, South Africa, and Australia its all about more effective and more efficient. Mike Glover was a Green Beret who started Fieldcraft Survival and, more specifically, American Contingency. He is an expert in Counter-Terrorism, Security, and Crisis Management Operations and is the host of the Fieldcraft Survival Podcast on iTunes, and Soundcloud. Find out what happens when Navy Seals train a Green Beret. Often when you say the words survival, survivalist, or prepper to people they cringe because they think its some isolationist fringe movement. "She might not be as reactive as males who may be looking at losing as a bad thing that might affect their psyche. MG: I might sound crazy by saying this, but automation, AI, and technology being involved in our lives and societies is creating a vacuum. Our dedicated Editorial team verifies each of the articles published on the Biographyhost. Glover gives people many elements of training and survival skills as experts in counter-terrorism, protection, and emergency preparedness operations. Former Mil. He also served in fourteen war zones, both as a special forces member and as a contractor for the US government. To report about any issues in our articles, please feel free toContact Us. Were just teaching people full spectrum and preparing them for natural or manmade disasters. Watch the American Gunfighter episode below to hear Mike talk about his experience in SOF as well as his vision with Fieldcraft Survival. Even if they havent built out that contingency plan, we also recommend they build a network of friends and family people that you know and can communicate with in a rural environment where you can escape and evade if need be. While Glover is unmarried and does not have a wife as of 2021. Over thirty episodes have been aired on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and iHeart as of this writing (August 2021). About American Contingency, LLC. mike glover twins He is a former military man who now trains civilians in First Aid, Mindset, Fitness, Tactics, Mobility, and so much more. Survival Kits and Coffee in Aberdeen, NC (Mar 4th) : Navigation in Aberdeen, NC (Mar 12th) : to Canning and Jarring in Aberdeen, NC (Mar 18th) :, Check out the Pre-Sale of my upcoming book Prepared in the link below!, Subscribe to Fieldcrafts Newsletter HERE :, My Patreon is LIVE! Instructing CQB with Ceres, California, SWAT Team. He served as a sniper and reconnaissance team sergeant and even worked as an operations sergeant major for a counterterrorism unit that operated in Africa. In this episode Shawn Ryan sits down with Mike Glover, a former Green Beret, CIA Contractor, and currently the CEO of Fieldcraft Survival. MG: I grew up with military surplus around my house, so growing up playing with my cousins as a kid, all we did was run around outside and play soldier, so it was really all I knew. He worked in the US Army for over 18 years, serving as a weapons specialist, assaulter, sniper, recon specialist, team sergeant, joint terminal air controller (JTAC), and operations SGM. Also, planning and preparing in advance will determine your fate and survival, so survival shouldn't be reactive. CMG West, LLC. What were the biggest survival lessons you gleaned from serving in the situations and capacities you did? Local community, preparation, and training for disasters and emergencies. What do think the future of firearms is going to look like 20 years from now given all the government overreach that law-abiding citizens now face? I have 110 gallons on one of our company vehicles and that can go about 2,000 miles. Michael has operated as a Camp Master for A&E History channel for an upcoming episode scheduled to be released first quarter 2021.Michael has instructed mobility courses for Fieldcraft Survival for 4 years as well as manages business . Con Riley Keough (The Girlfriend Experience, Mad Max: Fury Road), Sam Claflin (The Hunger Games, Peaky Blinders), Camila Morrone (Death Wish, Never Goin' Back), Nabiyah Be (Black Panther), Will Harrison, Suki Waterhouse (The White Princess . Firearms & Survivalists Lifestyle. When asked about what he finds different in teaching survival to a man and a woman, he responded the best instance could be given when they teach land navigation. (FCS), Mike Glover spent 20 years in the US Army in various positions including: Weapons Sgt, Sniper, Assaulter, JTAC, Freefall Jump Master, Sniper Team Sgt, Operations SGM. Michael Glover, also known as Mike Glover, is a former green beret and US government, contractor. Watch on. Mike Glover was born in b/w 1980-1982 which makes him a 40-42 years old guy. DJ and Cole discuss differences in the trigger reset, weight considerations when driving the gun . Mike is a retired Green Beret, a United States Special Forces Operator. Continue with Recommended Cookies. I was passionate about it, and I felt guilty if I wasn't deploying to war each and every year. Original : May 07, 2022. We assure our audience that we will remove any contents that are not accurate or according to formal reports and queries if they are justified. Mike Glover was born on 27 January 1980 to a former US army officer and a Korean mother. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'biographyhost_com-box-4','ezslot_7',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-biographyhost_com-box-4-0'); Glover then began his professional career as a guard at the tomb of an unknown soldier. August 2, 2020. How do you go about approaching the mental aspect of survival? He is the first Green Beret to be elected to Congress. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs: Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers: Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon: 6pm Score deals on fashion brands Well also discuss how men adapt to survival situations versus women, how technology plays into and works against survival, and how current events like Brexit may pose survival situations with unpredictable ripple effects. He served as a SGM in . Wiki, Biography, Net worth, Age, Height,, Who is Mahadi BZ? . School in the mountains near Hindu Kush, Afghanistan. And whether its an urban or rural situation, Mikes no-bullsh*t approach is a refreshing departure from instructors whose main focus is getting their photo on products being sold at REI. Mike hosts the Fieldcraft Survival and Mike Force podcasts. We also teach that being deliberate also cures and suppresses a lot of that anxiety. He is the founder of Fieldcraft Survival and American Contingency. He usually posts videos of his kids playing with military toys on his Instagram. With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! Mike has taken all these experiences and turned them into something incredible with Fieldcraft Survival. Technical K.O. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'biographyhost_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-biographyhost_com-medrectangle-4-0'); "Not just passively look, but consciously observing was an important lesson I learned. This means you dont have to bog your life down and make it uncomfortable. Author of Prepared (June 6th, 2023). In addition, he is a keen hunter, outdoorsman, and overland enthusiast.