In spiritual terms, Ormus is believed to be the underlying lifeblood of consciousness; abounding in seawater, fresh water, air, rock, and trace amounts of raw-organic foods. As more people can comprehend their personal rights in UNVERSAL LAW, they can exert that personal power to become more flexible and open to receive the clarity around the larger unpleasant truth behind world events. Q&A with Emery Smith & Aaron Cameron from q360 and Quantum Reach Foundation. Would highly recommend in combination with a daily spiritual practice - much love ! Much more documentation will follow. Holes were cut in the wall where various classified items had been stored and all of these precious documents and keepsakes were removed: In the second and even more serious incident, which again was only a half hour after my article had launched, Paul suffered a head-on collision. Many people have reported that they like the result they observe by giving Ormus to their pets. WHATEVER IT TAKES! I pray that all those who served for the dark side or called the insiders come to Christ Jesus immediately. Emery did appear openly at many CSETI gatherings where CE-5 contact protocols were being used to call in potential UFO sightings. He said he hasn't got anyone anymore. So it appears that the Cabal is fast tracking this technology for control. I learned all about Karma from you. There is more to it than what I've just written, but these are just a few of the red flags that made me lose trust in Emery. Uhhhgggfggff As I said before, they were already at full capacity the night this happened, and wouldnt admit him for seven more hours. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A: Therefore, concluding that someone shouldnt be believed or paid attention to at all because they are incorrect in at least some part of their accounts seems a recipe for literally throwing all ET accounts and individuals down the drainand that, again, is a very not-intelligent thing to do. Of course not. Even if you dont believe in this sort of thing, please send Emery your thoughts and prayers for a full and fast recovery. Is anybody 100% right about everything theyve ever said about ETs on this planet? Trust in our Savior and be faithful to our G-d. do not work with them for their advancement or work with their technologies. you shall not act as their propaganda agent(s) even if you deem that you are doing disclosure of their deeds. What your relating about what the Blue Avians told Corey sounds a whole lot like gradual ascension to me. I tried taking it before years ago, it made me have some lucid dreams, but overall not impressed enough to keep taking it. Yet, on that Judgement day, all of they will be summoned to the Judgement seat, dead or alive. Some like Ormus, some do not. I didnt incarnate in this lifetime to not see this thing through! There were incredibly malicious and slanderous attacks being made online against me, my various insiders and Gaia, by what I refer to as the Dark Alliance. This included personal death threats I received in July 2017, warning that if I continued working as the host of Cosmic Disclosure, I would be killed. The Range Rover was the last item of value that Paul still owned, and it was destroyed beyond repair in the collision. Amen to yourwords and double double amens endlessly, I love David and am sure he knows the Truth but The Lord chooses to use him this way at this time for his unseen purposes, Nevertheless help is coming to him, He married the right person. Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2023. I will definitely be signing up for a subscription once this bottle gets low. By utilizing ancient teachings and healing modalities, we aid in the removal of pain and limitation on a cellular and DNA level. This is not true. He never met "evil" ones. The only vaccine not containing contamination was a veterinarian sample. Spelt out by the Law of One. Therefore, I have theorized that the Cabal is trying to clean it up before either being exposed or attempting a Partial Disclosure. Its UGLY, but we, as a COLLECTIVE NEED to know the TRUTH! Actually, there are at least 22 different ET races that have messed with our DNA in a way that would not benefit us. Here is what I wrote about it at the time, and posted into the existing article as an update:, UPDATE III, SAME DAY [OCTOBER 22ND, 2017], 3:43 PM: TRAGEDY, BUT MUCH GREATER LOSS AVERTED. Welcome back to the last and final part of the Emery Smith story. This forces agenda was almost certainly to divide and conquer. Moreover, notwithstanding the fact that I believed my co-hosts and I were being paid well by Gaia for Cosmic Disclosure, the continuum of the outside hostility contributed to my decision to leave Gaia. Furthermore, they are giving themselves three days 72 hours to complete the investigation, even after seeing my website. Emery became active duty in the USAF and was stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. Google and NASA have a joint project using the D-Wave2 to develop AI. You know you are always in my thoughts. When Emery went to see the damage, all that was left was a box with some of his military badges in it, with an armor-piercing bullet next to it, left standing upright on the counter. Well, perhaps its because he is not telling the truth and they dont mind people who spread disinformation since its fitting their agenda. I would only call for this in a genuine emergency, and this is it. In the morning especially at work I noticed such a positive drive in energy performance that I felt cutting coffee was much easier. It started working right away for me but I notice the more I took it regularly it enhanced so many things. With our collective help, we can stop them from trying to whitewash the truth. For me , youre a great man, really brave , and I thank you herefore. No level of proof will stop the paid trolls from making such accusations, but my goal here is to reach the real people who might still be on the fence. Which in turn means prosperity for all! I am sending Emery my prayers and thoughts for protection and guidance. [UPDATE NEXT DAY, 12/29: Emery had a miraculous improvement after our call for mass meditation and prayer and does not need to be in the hospital. Ive never been a fan of sleeping as I suffer from anxiety-induced insomnia, but with this product, I Im typically skeptical about products like these and largely think things like these are placebo, but it does what it says as far as deep sleep with lucid dreaming. With that being said, dont lose track of the massive work we just released on Christmas Day about mass indictments and targeted arrests of the Deep State. It is helpful with pain relief mostly a calmer relaxed feeling. I want you and your boss to fly out there. Of course not. I am going to keep plowing right on ahead, as we still have a great deal of important new intel to release from Corey Goodes side of things. I bought this after reading several rave reviews about how great everyone felt after taking this. David, listening to your f2b interview now. I am a Christian and testify boldly that our Creator is in control forever more. The adversary very likely did not count on anything like this happening. This awakening occurs to those who are ready and desire to receive it. 2. So glad to know Emery made it through this horrific event. EMERY SMITH OBITUARY 74, of Avon, and formerly of Mayfield, died peacefully after a brave battle with cancer, on February 18, 2021. UPDATE, NEXT DAY, 12/29, 1:06 PM: MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. Many others are undoubtedly facing similar threats at this time. Documentary Dec 11, 2017 31 min. Our Ormus reveals trace amounts ofMagnesium hydroxide. Cosmic disclosure season 2 ep 4 when emery talks about the egg in the earth and his team lol. How can u get monoatomic gold from sea salts and distilled water? Amazon has encountered an error. The true source of the attack, as well as the motive for why this was done, still remains elusive to me. Please check compatibility before purchasing. This could have been the result of how rough things got before we bailed him out, coupled with lack of sleep and massive stress. If we can step away from the immediate shock, horror and crisis of this, we can be grateful that he got his dog back, relatively unscathed. The Deep State obviously wants to make other insiders afraid to come forward. The things he has told me over the last ten years may seem quite sensational, but they line up precisely with what we end up hearing from many other insiders. So there are many, many validations. They are working hard, so does our G-d Father in Heaven. *These Results are simply reported by some people and in NO WAY represent a guarantee, likely outcome, or promise. DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation But Why? Gaia uploaded this to my YouTube account, since I granted them access, and made it live earlier today: I am documenting what is happening to Emery because this is an incredibly brazen attack by the Deep State. A single bullet was left standing on his countertop. This is exactly what happened to Pete Peterson after coming forward on Cosmic Disclosure with much more controversial information. as I watched quite a good amount of the information like this, I would like to say that the history is repeating. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Yes, parts of the disclosures also documented that the dark forces have learned the coming ending. This would seem, as you pointed out in your first statement, to be indubitably false. Q&A With Emery Smith & EON Wellness' Regina Brugh. Once we entered into that community, there could be all sorts of rewards, including hyper-advanced technology they would teach us how to build. Anyone accusing him of making this up is acting like a psychopath and should be shunned. Remain faithful dont judge off one bottle, Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2023. His vehicle, however, was completely totaled. Application of Ormus produces improvement in growth & size. A sense of well being, centered and grounded. Emery has had the opportunity to try out these smart suits, and they are quite spectacular, including giving you the ability to jump up to 30 feet high. This one is negligible. However, immediately after the abduction, Emery developed pneumonia-like symptoms with a fever that skyrocketed up to 105. Paul turned away from the car to try to change the impact angle and reduce the severity of the crash at the very last second. Emery the guy who autopsied thousands of aliens but has never used the word "incision" once in his vocabulary. After Eisenhower was JFK. And I feel like I am more patient and less irritable. Why is it so cheap? In May 2017, the UK Express covered this story with film clips from Michael Mazzola and Dr. Steven Greers film Unacknowledged. I encouraged Emery Smith to come forward as a guest on Cosmic Disclosure despite threats he had received. I believed that he would not be safe unless he did so, as "Publicity is Protection." A series of very violent and suspicious events occurred soon after he decided to come forward on Gaia. Could it be because they dont want people who tell the truth on the show? Emery never wanted to come forward about any of his black-ops experiences. Many insiders, documents and reports suggest Kennedy got some info on UFOs, but not very much. Where does Emery Smith get his Ormus from? Peace and love, I am just reading this June 2018, I will send protection to Emery. Too many people think this is all a game, just something to read about if it can hold their interest for a few minutes. DAVID TALK TO THEM!!!!! Emery Smith was on an episode of Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock. The Alliance will make its moves regardless of whether I am involved in any of this or not. My dreams have been amazing. YOU MIGHT FIND YOUR WAY INTO THIS THROUGH THE MILITARY. Based court docs that came out a few months ago. This was particularly significant because we had released more of his highly sensitive intel in that same article. As well love the awareness with having it charged with love from a reiki master, that is so important to do that with all liquids and food and I do that with everything daily , so it's great to see company's starting to do such . Every last thing Pete owned was stolen. Please do the research yourselves; the ones looking to shape opinion ($) always have the most to loose. So far I have noticed on my first day is, happiness, clear minded, energetic. slowly boiling the water, all frogs die in unawareness. The timing, particularly in light of everything else that has been going on the last few months, is extremely suspect. I, as Im sure you all, are EXTREMELY passionate about this!!! Maybe that's why he doesn't use that terminology. I am very happy to report that after a great deal of telephone work, Emery was able to get Paypal to un-freeze his account. The whole thing was just crazy. Continue your wonderful work! To date, I deliberately refrained from commenting on any of this until Gaia and I had a chance to discuss how we would collectively handle it. The sad part is that even with all of this said, there are people who will deny, deny, deny that any of this actually happened. Period. I do not believe he would have improved so quickly without our collective assistance. As to my last comment on this blog, I further stand by my last statement on FULL DISCLOSURE and that WE ARE READY! Q&A With Emery Smith & EON Wellness' Regina Brugh. In response to Dolans question, Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51? the CIA agent confirmed that Eisenhower indeed planned to do so with the First Army. Since then, we have taken elaborate precautions to insure that his valuable information can never be lost. Gaia Location 833 W South Boulder G Road Bldg, Louisville, Colorado, 80027, United States Description Industry Broadcasting Media & Internet Discover more about Gaia I take a dose in orange juice in the morning and afternoon. Egyptian Numerology and Sacred Oil for Healing. Emery is a scientific investigator and frequent guest on the Cosmic Disclosure series with David Wilcock on GAIA TV. Part of why Corey made sense to me was that I had heard Emerys stories long before we ever spoke. Facebook gives people the power to. Well wipe the sleepiness and salve from our eyes, just let the light in!!!! The letter circulated online contained many topics. this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Your submission has been automatically removed because your account does not meet the minimum karma requirements. View the profiles of people named Emery Smith. David and others has spread much information of the dark side from those claimed insiders, but there are great things happening on the bright side as well. So sorry to hear everything that has happened. When I clicked to check on it, I had yet another three-digit synchronicity: For me, that was another sign that this really needed a full article all its own well before I knew he would be going in again. We are taking multiple precautions to ensure his future safety. I'm interested in trying it out. The timing was very, very suspicious to say the least. Emery seems to be in desperate need of psychological help. CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THE EMERY SMITH SURVIVAL FUND, HE WAS ALREADY IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM BY THIS POINT. We heard from Corey Goode that the Deep State has a gag order on the mainstream media not to cover ANY aspects of the UFO field other than the agreed-upon talking points.. The science proving this works is very well established, as I have written in The Source Field Investigations and covered in Wisdom Teachings. It was similarly irrefutable for him to take pictures of his car after he suffered a head-on collision. Pretty sure it is his name though. If our own elected officials have no access to such potentially significant programs, going all the way back to Eisenhower, we have a very serious problem on our hands. Always seek theadviceof your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding amedicalcondition. I have known Emery Smith since 2008. Heres the update I wrote to the last article about this, in case you may have missed it: BEGIN UPDATE WEDNESDAY 12/27, 11:33 AM: EMERY SMITH HIT WITH VERY SERIOUS ATTACK, This is an act of total desperation. I just got done having a text exchange with my insider, Paul. This product is from a small business brand. The Cabal folks seem very angry and jealous right now. For Emerys security, we did not say how sick he really was, or that he was in the hospital, until he stabilized. After I leaked his intel in David Wilcocks Brakes Sabotaged: Was It the Dark Alliance?, his house was burglarized to the bare walls. I remember in the past being frustrated when I would ask about certain things and know he was holding back, for whatever reason. I was reading about the third eye and then I came across someone recommending this supplement. It is tremendously cruel what he did to this woman and his long term girlfriend. Contents His life has been threatened repeatedly because he has been speaking out. Remember if we have nothing insider of us that is better than those created angels or evil spirits, they would have not abducted some of us, experimented us, or genetically modified us, or scanned us to learn restricted things from G-d inside of us. MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program. The National Library of Australia's Copies Direct service lets you purchase higher quality, larger sized photocopies or electronic copies of newspapers pages. I feel it is very important that we do this. And in and out of different types projects as a civilian after that, because of .