Our mission: to create a statewide grassroots movement around election integrity, as well as identify weaknesses in our voting systems and county processes and fix them! The Election Night Integrity Project is a project of Data for Progress and VoteAmerica. Heres how it works: Soros et al, through Arabella, through 1630 dark money fund, through North Fund, through States News, which supports Colorado Newsline. Worsening performance since 2016 signifies a deepening legitimacy crisis over American elections. Integrity is an essential part of a free, fair, and reliable election. It mandates voter identification requirements on absentee ballots, limits the use of ballot drop boxes, expands in-person early voting, bars officials from sending out unsolicited absentee ballot request forms, reduces the amount of time . I, 4, cl. In no way does the organization condone violence towards any group of people or individuals. August 17, 2021. Taking Cuccinellis campaign at its word that this effort is about voter integrity and election transparency, no productive outcome can come from feeding the Big Lie and rooting the effort in debunked conspiracy theories. Meaningful Work. As some individuals say our democracy is so flawed as to be unworkable, the conservative response should be to defend our institutions, not undermine them; to tell the hard truths to preserve them, not easy obfuscations that appease a political base and the former president. Actual deadly violence broke out in the U.S. Capitol as a direct result of conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. The Election Integrity Project, billed as an independent academic project from Harvard and Sydney Universities, ranks South Dakota 32nd in election integrity. 164, page 38 of complaint]. [par. Fraud can affect the outcome of a close election, and fraudulent votes dilute the right of citizens to cast ballots that carry appropriate weight, the Court continued. On November 21, 2022 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia established standing to pursue its lawsuit. The swift progress of the Agenda was made possible by the intentional failure of the federal government A new right-wing election integrity project is being headed by Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who took part in the notorious call on which former President Donald Trump threatened and badgered Georgias Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to find enough votes to reverse the election results in that state. 164, page 38 of complaint], EIPCa et al v Weber et al - Second Amended Complaint, CALIFORNIA'S ELECTION MODEL: VOTING "EXPERIENCE", NOT ELECTION INTEGRITY. . More than 60 judges including judges appointed by the former president confirmed the same. 164, page 38 of complaint], EIPCa et al v Weber et al - Second Amended Complaint, https://www.eip-ca.com/complaint/EIPCa_Files_Second_Amended_Complaint_in_Federal_Court_2282023.pdf, Challenging Californias Unconstitutional Election Process. Lowell added that the Election Integrity Project will focus on such alleged problems as "erroneous NY ballots, ballots being thrown into rivers, etc." The latter is a favorite claim in Trump . EXCLUSIVE - The Republican National Committee is launching a new panel on election integrity that it says is dedicated to restoring transparency and confidence to future elections. We hope that patriots around the country who are concerned about the integrity of our elections will rise up and contribute to the cause. The Voter Integrity Project was founded in 2011 by Jay DeLancy and John Pizzo. I am one of the founding members of the newly formed Election Integrity Caucus that consists of legislators from all 50 states. 24,000 will be mailed two or more ballots. Seek, Learn, Share. EIPCas June report cites Californias election code that requires officials to provide timely answers to citizens questions. Mitchell dismissed longtime progressive efforts to protect voters from voter suppression, charging that they are ploys to wipe out election safeguards. Our work, led in 2022 by the Stanford Internet Observatory and the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, focuses on a narrow scope of topics that are demonstrably harmful to the democratic process: attempts to suppress voting, reduce participation, confuse voters, or delegitimize election results without evidence. The Republican National Committee hired election integrity directors in 15 battleground states including Michigan, where organizers hope to recruit 5,000 volunteers to oversee voting locations and . He is the author of#DELETED: Big Techs Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election. The Electoral Integrity Project is an independent non-partisan scientific research project based at Harvard University. The new multi-million dollar National Election Protection Initiative was announced by right-wing astroturf group FreedomWorks via an exclusive to Newsmax. USAF and the chief author of the report, Jeff Young. Read the Colorado Canvassing Report Press Release, Email Your County Clerk and Commissioners, Report false claims of QAnon affiliation, author, and outlet here. The amended Complaint now includes two additional defendants: Kern County Registrar of Voters and San Luis Obispo County Registrar of Voters. The complaint also examines how California laws like ballot harvesting, and last-minute changes like privileging vote-by-mail voting over in-person voting, disadvantaged minority groups. Election Integrity March 23, 2021 Welcome and Opening Statement - Dean Michele Bachmann Opening Prayer - Eric Metaxas - Author, Speaker, and Radio Host. Conservatives have raised some legitimate issues that merit consideration for future elections, for example, pushing for clearer standards around the limits of what secretaries of state can do during a crisis to make voting accessible. The Constitution of the United States guarantees this right through the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment and, in the case of Federal congressional elections, through the Elections Clause (Art. to enforce the good elements of laws designed to protect the electoral process (NVRA and HAVA). Undermining confidence in the 2020 election and aligning against robust voting access is a disastrous position for social conservatives if they want to be viable in the future, particularly at a time when they are attempting to build a racially diverse, socially conservative, working-class Republican Party. Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. Health Clinic is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. The playbook for the theft of the 2020 presidential election is written. Santa Clarita, California (June 22, 2021)Click here to download copy of press release-- Californias November 3, 2020 election was marred by significant voting and registration irregularities, according to Election Integrity Project California, Inc. (EIPCa). To our readers: Right Wing Watch, a project for People For the American Way, is run by a dedicated staff driven to shed light on the activities of right-wing political organizations. The strategy takes advantage of the presumed delay in determining the winner of the upcoming election (due to the deluge of mail-in votes). The video is a presentation by Col. Shawn Smith (ret.) v. Weber, et al. If you use Right Wing Watch, please consider making a contribution to support this content. The group, called the U.S. Election Integrity Plan (USEIP), states unequivocally that the 2020 election was stolen and that members "do not . 1and going on offense at the state level around election reforms. Nevertheless, a series of flaws still undermine the quality of American elections, such as gerrymandering, campaign finance, and misinformation. It's top five states are Vermont, Idaho, New Hampshire, Iowa and New Mexico. Thomas presented to the secretive Council for National Policy. Over 12 years of EIPCa research indicates that Californias election laws, regulations, policies and procedures have weakened or removed integrity from the election process. Its motto is "Every Lawfully Cast Vote Accurately Counted." The Complaint replaced 13 Congressional Candidate plaintiffs with four citizen plaintiffs. The California suit was filed Jan. 4 in the Central District court in Los Angeles by Election Integrity Project California, a nonprofit watchdog group that's tied to the conservative Public Law. His actions on election integrity included "eliminating drop boxes." . Corrupt elections beget illegitimate. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important as does your support. The questionnaire includes 49 key indicators clustered into 11 stages of the . Pure Integrity for Michigan Elections one of many groups pushing for a so-called "forensic audit" of the 2020 election has blasted the GOP plan. Our Constitutional Republic is founded on the sacred right of all eligible citizens to cast an equal vote to determine who will represent them in government. Conservative 'Election Integrity' Effort Must First Reject Big Lie. EIPCa News and Press Releases 2023. The Supreme Court concluded that these measures are important in ensuring a fair and accurate election and that Arizona did not violate the Voting Rights Act by enforcing them. Republicans are aggressively fighting back against the Democrats' assault on the integrity of the vote. The research gathered the views of almost 800 scholars of elections, parties and American state politics located in all 50 states plus DC. We are interested in these dynamics both during the election cycle as well as after the election, when public perceptions of its legitimacy continue to be formed. Election Integrity Project California - EIPCa Every Lawfully Cast Vote Accurately Counted VOTE IN PERSON if you want to be sure that YOUR VOTE COUNTS For Immediate Release: 2/28/2023 CONTACT: Linda Paine, President EIPCa corpoffice@eip-ca.com Mariah Gondeiro, Esq., Advocates For Faith & Freedom mgondeiro@faith-freedom.com Election Integrity Project is a non-partisan and non-profit organization committed to researching and scrutinizing election data. Learn More Election Integrity in Your State Latest changes to election laws and their impacts state-by-state. The outcome of the 2020 presidential election and its associated legal battles underscore the need for conservatives to engage at all levels in fighting for secure elections that generate confidence., As the Washington Post reported in January, Mitchell was an early backer of Trumps false claims about election fraud and a stolen election. With Christian-led Jericho Marches calling for overturning the 2020 election, prominent pro-life Christian leaders speaking at the "Stop the Steal rally, and a Jesus Saves sign and Christian crosses and iconography held high by individuals storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, Christian leaders have a particular responsibility to tell the truth about the 2020 election: President Joe Biden won a free and fair election. Their decision ruled that federal law does not deprive states like Arizona of their authority to establish non-discriminatory voting rules to protect the sanctity of the vote nor did the Arizona legislature act with discriminatory intent when it enacted the policies. I, 4, cl. The Election Integrity Act of 2021, originally known as the Georgia Senate Bill 202, is a law in the U.S. state of Georgia overhauling elections in the state. The RNC. Turning his aim to The New York Times' 1619 Project, DeSantis disagreed with the premise that slavery had "a . State Agenda. Protecting the integrity of our elections. But the response to losing elections should be to regroup, win the argument, and win at the ballot box. We would love to hear from you. Data for all states in The Heritage Foundation's Election Integrity Scorecard Sign up for updates and more ways to get involved: As right-wing extremism across the country continues to grow, our reporting becomes even more important. Griswolds defenses key moment When asked whether the Clerks and Commissioners had the responsibility to preserve election records for 22 months (federal statute) her reply, no.. Michigan Voter & Election Integrity Project report what you see, even if you dont think its a big deal. The Election Integrity Partnership was founded in 2020 as a non-partisan coalition to empower the research community, election officials, government agencies, civil society organizations, social media platforms, and others to defend our elections against those who seek to undermine them by exploiting weaknesses in the online information environment. Protect the Sanctity of Your Vote. That decision remanded the lawsuit back to the lower federal court for discovery, which is the next phase of the litigation. This followed EIPCa reports of 2020 cross-state voting on April 30 and May 18, 2021 that the Secretary has ignored. The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right,. The full electronic dataset will be released in mid-December. VOTE IN PERSON if you want to be sure that YOUR VOTE COUNTS, Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia Files Second Amended ComplaintChallenging Californias Unconstitutional Election Process. In a world where dictators and tyrants challenge our way of life, our nation stands apart as the shining city on the hill. Follow @2020Partnership. The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right. With our organizations mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Having successfully interfered with the 2020 election, the EIP is now gearing up to influence the upcoming midterms. Fair Fight Sues Over Baseless Voter Challenges in Georgia, Election Activists Flood Election Offices with False Claims of Voter Fraud, Georgia Election Workers Targeted by Trump Share Their Story. 151, page 36 of complaint], Defendants have further violated the Equal Protection Clause by applying nonuniform laws, regulations, and procedures that treat votersdifferently than voters in other counties. [par. Such a movement has no durable future in electoral politics. We believe the American public deserves to know the facts, whatever they ultimately are, about what took place in their local election during the 2020 elections. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Election Integrity. The America Project . Election Integrity Project Seeking answers and truth About Here at Election Integrity Project, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Election Integrity Project California, Inc. ("EIPCa") is a California non-profit public benefit corporation committed to defending, through education, research, and advocacy the civil rights of .