This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Publishing its findings in Nature Communications, the study concluded that preserved remains found in Abusir-el Meleq, Middle Egypt, were closest genetic relatives of Neolithic and Bronze Age. Egyptian pharaoh's sandals were the only piece of clothing that separated them from the land of Egypt, and rightly symbolized the union between heaven, the godly world, and earth, the human world. Possible Underground Base Entrances Spotted Near Area 51 In Some Satellite Images, Mysterious Pyramidal Structures On The Moon? An ancient bust of Queen Tiye of ancient Egypt retrieved by archaeologists now at Altes Museum in Berlin, Germany, shows she was a black African. Ancient Egyptian race mystery now solved on Facebook, Share Black or white? Arthur Kemp further . In 2015, Stuart Fleischmann, an assistant professor of comparative genomics at Cairo University and his team published the result of a 7-year study. Amenhotep III was Solomon of the bible. Some have speculated that there may be other civilizations out there that we dont know about, or that perhaps the DNA of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs was somehow altered or manipulated by extraterrestrial beings. In the murky drama of Akhenaten's aftermath . He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much. The influx of sub-Saharan genes only occurred within the last 1,500 years. His ruling period is known as the Amarna Period. Modern Egyptians shared this mtDNA haplogroup profile, but also carried 8% more African component. The truth is down there! Are you saved? According to legend, the gods sent Akhenaten to conquer the earth at the time of Zep Tepi. Some experts believe that it suggests that there was some kind of extraterrestrial intervention in the formation of the ancient Egyptian society, while others think that the findings could indicate a connection to an earlier, more advanced human species, such as the Denisovans. The Mysteries of Iraq: Uncovering the Enigma of the Ancient Portal in Baghdad, Mystery surrounds objects US Military Shoots Down Unidentified Object Over Canadian Airspace Amid Rising Tensions, Enhancing Beauty or Damaging Skin? Well, as scientists continue to delve deeper into ancient Egyptian culture and society, we can be sure that they will uncover many more mysteries and questions that have the potential to completely change the way we view our past. Obviously ANYONE can write a story for howandwhys. November 9, 2021, 8:46 pm. Could this be one of the 86% of creatures unknown in the ocean? If any of these is true, then there is a possibility that ancient aliens arrived on Earth in the distant past, resided near the Nile river and lived among the locals. It's time to understand DEATH as an ILLUSION! NEW DISCOVERY! Here are three of the most famous: 1. We can only wait and see what future studies will uncover about this mysterious and fascinating topic. The ancient Egyptians were believed to have descended from a variety of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. This challenges everything we thought we knew about human origins. Mummies found in King . 800-Year-Old Sealand Skull: Does It Belong To Aliens From Constellation Pegasus? Decoding the Symbolism of the Anunnaki: What Do They Reveal About Our Origins? Later, he rose to the position of pharaoh and was given the task of destroying the iconography of past gods, approving just one sign, the sun. Tearing Up: Welcome to Texas, Truckers to Set Up an Interim Government?, French President Emmanuel Macron Says Someone Who Refuses COVID Vaccine Is Not a Citizen, A Texas Team Comes Up W/a COVID Vaccine That Could Be A Global Game Changer: CORBEVAX, & Orangutan Drives Golf Cart While Listening to Phil Collins, Solar Panels Installed on Taihang Mountain in China, Movie Trailer for 2000 Mules, Everything is Always Bigger in Texas, UNBELIEVABLE!, & Over 10k People in Support of Tesla. Man From Wyoming Travelled 163,000 Light Years From Earth With Alien Named Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids & How Did They Do It? The scientists recently conducted further experiments, and the findings are astounding to say the least. }); Subscribe to our newsletter to get our newest articles instantly! While these are just theories at this point, it is clear that the discovery has opened up a whole new realm of questions and possibilities about human history. Researchers confirmed that the mummy known as Takabuti died from a stab wound to the back. very little is known about him. / AFP PHOTO / STRINGER (Photo credit should read STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images). Was There a Civilization on Earth Before Humans? very little is known about him. As for the Egyptian comment, a lot of Black American men have the haplogroup E-V38, descenda Who knows, maybe we will one day find out that the ancient Egyptians were actually aliens! The team compared the samples from the mummies with DNA . A Warner Bros. Where did they get the sample if his body and tomb have never been found? The Mysterious Death Of Phil Schneider: The Man Who Revealed The Conspiracy Extraterrestrial life may be closer than we think, says Harvard astronomer. He claimed that the Egyptians should have no longer believed in a pantheon of several gods, but worship one god. Watch \"New Discovery! EdgarBondu Israel 16 min. April 26, 2022, 11:21 pm Whatever the case may be, it is clear that this new study is going to have a major impact on the way we view Ancient Egypt, and it will undoubtedly lead to further research into this fascinating civilization. It is clear that this study will have a major impact on the way we view Ancient Egypt, and it is certain to spark a great deal of debate in the coming months and years. _taboola.push({ Enormous solar super-storm could knock out the internet worldwide, study says, Watch This Forgotten Technology: Man Lifts 20 Ton Block By Hand, Russian genius child says Egyptian Sphinx holds life changing key to Life beyond Earth, The REAL reason for the Iraq war? mode: 'thumbnails-m', But a group of international researchers, using unique methods, have overcome the barriers to do just that. Researchers have deciphered the genome of ancient Egyptians for purposes unanticipated by anyone. Recently, the scientists have carried out new tests and the findings are, to say the least, mindblowing. If you want to learn more about Ancient Egypt and its fascinating history, then this is definitely the topic for you! According to the study, the time of the first kingdom of ancient Egypt took place between 3111 BC and 3045 BC. Pure Egyptian non-admixed=without foreign Y-DNA contamination ends in the 12th Dynasty New Kingdom 4,000 years ago so a study in in The Late Roman and Ptolemaic periods from a Graveyard of such DNA samples can hardly be said to represent Ancient Egypt racially.The 2017 study said as much as it was only based on 3 male mummies from one period . It is certainly an intriguing mystery that merits further investigation. countries haiti helped gain independence. Share Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! One of the more unusual ancient Egyptian pharaohs was Akhenaten - the tenth ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty who reigned . Kings held a unique position in. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign. father of the famous king Tut. Akhenaten was a pharaoh who had lived for 17 years. 1: Scota, in Irish legend, is the name given to the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh.. 09/29/17: 2: The study found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to ancient populations in the Levant - modern day Syria, Jordan, Israel . Though these ancient settlers of China were culturally cosmopolitan, their DNA turns out to have been completely distinct from the communities with which they interacted. So, who or what was Akhenaten really: a hybrid of an alien, a mutant, or a creature from another planet? Aknauten was a Pharoah in the 18th dynasty. The Pharaoh in Egyptian Society During the third and fourth dynasties of the Old Kingdom, Egypt enjoyed tremendous economic prosperity and stability. Answer (1 of 4): Ramses III > Genetic kinship analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies (table 1); using the Whit Athey's haplogroup predictor, we determined the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a. first successful genomic testing on ancient Egyptian mummies. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; Pray to the One who saves mans soul from eternal darkness separated from the giver of Life, Jesus Christ. Moreover, Akhenatens skull and skeleton are twice as dense and durable as that of modern humans. and part of Roman rule (30 B.C.-A.D. 641). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. 2. Egypt has had more than 1 pharaoh in it's 3500 year history of Pharaohs. As mentioned earlier, the Coptic language is the final stage of ancient Egyptian language. They wanted to know what changes had occurred over time. admin Egypt unearths 8 mummies in 3,500-year-old tombs, A lot of people has assumed foreign invaders brought a lot of genetic ancestry into the region, Krause said. Scientists have virtually undressed mummies, diagnosed from beyond the grave, and exposed miscarriages and 3,000-year-old scams. Top. The teams findings do come with one obvious caveat: All our genetic data (was) obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt, the paper concedes. For this study, scientists took teeth, bone, and soft tissue samples. Egyptian archaeologists have discovered six mummies, colourful wooden coffins and more than 1,000 funerary statues in the 3,500-year-old tomb, the antiquities ministry said. The DNA of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is clearly not from this world, and while its possible that they simply evolved differently than any other human lineage that we know of, its also possible that they were actually visitors from another planet or galaxy. Out of place anomaly spotted in Antarctica, Mysterious Australian Fairy Circles Explained by Alan Turing, HERE WE GO! (LogOut/ This Alien Mothership Was Spotted Near The Moon With 2 Smaller UFOs. Your THIRDPHASEOFMOON ON WITH MERCH T-Shirts: Support Thirdphaseofmoon Paypal Vladimir Putin Wished a Merry Christmas, U.S. Electric Carmaker Tesla Inc. Tutankhamun was part of Akhenaten and Nefertiti's family, but specialists still disagree on the specifics, including who his parents were. Putting the Pieces Together! The anomaly is visible in the image below., Another interesting piece of evidence provides backing to this hypothesis. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. There has been a lot of speculation over the years about alien life and UFOs, but while such theories have often been dismissed as fantasy and science fiction, this new study provides some compelling evidence in support of the idea. ANALYSIS WITH BIGFOOT EXPERT SCOTT CARPENTER!! We are not Alone!Become a Member! The faces of three ancient Egyptian men have been brought to life by scientists, using DNA that is more than 2,000 years old. The ninth sample belonged to Akhenaten, the enigmatic 14th century BC pharaoh and father of Tutankhamun. These cookies do not store any personal information. Share Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! In May, researchers identified the world's first pregnant Egyptian mummy. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Eight samples were completely normal, and the ninth one that belonged to Akhenaten was rather unusual. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. UPDATED: LIST OF INDICTMENTS, ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS!! The study was led by archaeogeneticist Johannes Krause, also of the Max Planck Institute. Thutmose II is the Fourth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. It appears to have been malaria. February 28, 2023, 10:48 pm, by Theres always more research we can do. very little is known about him. He would soon be called the heratic King. Fleischmann and his team subjected the ancient DNA samples to a process called polymer . Using special processes, the Egyptians removed all moisture from the body, leaving only a dried form that would not easily decay. Egyptians were known not just for their massive and seemingly impossible structures, but also for their profound scientific understanding. Egyptian Pharaoh DNA Not Of This World. December 14, 2021, 6:30 am, by In a recent podcast appearance, former US Army counterintelligence special agent, UFO promoter and media persona Luis Elizondo explained why he claims, Now, if youve read the headline of the story, youre probably wondering why, if someone as important as the police manages to, When it comes to teleporting, we tend to associate it with science fiction films rather than believing it is possible. According to legend, the gods sent Akhenaten to govern the Earth during the reign of Zep Tepi. The three mummies were found at a site in Egypt called Abusir el-Meleq, an ancient city located south of modern Cairo. Its just the beginning.. The same time Thutmose disappeared from history, Moses appeared. 2019-2020 by Aknauten was a Pharaoh in the 18th dynasty. Unlike all previous pharaohs who were portrayed in excellent physical shape, Akhenatens appearance is surprisingly strange: almond-shaped eyes, a small abdomen, thin limbs, an elongated skull. They used this technique on the DNA sequence of three mummies from Abusir el-Meleq, an ancient Egyptian city. From there, they were able to perform DNA sequencing. A study describes how researchers conducted the first successful DNA sequencing on ancient Egyptian mummies. This news completely changes everything we thought we knew about ancient Egyptian history. (LogOut/ Leaked NASA and Pentagon Secret Interview Anunnaki gods Beings Are Returnin To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the 1,300-year timespan we studied, said Wolfgang Haak, group leader at the Max Planck Institute. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. August 17, 2022, 1:13 am, by So what does this mean for our understanding of history? Egyptian Pharaoh DNA Not Of This World? Publishing its findings in Nature Communications, the study concluded that preserved remains found in Abusir-el Meleq, Middle Egypt, were closest genetic relatives of Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Near East, Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans.