Please note, comments need to be approved before they are published. Once they saw the thing land, crash land in the hills. Right as soon as I do that, theres a six-foot ledge on the left side of the road where some small trees have fallen over whereas on the other side, theres a steep hillside that has a path cleared through the thick underbrush where deer like to hide in. It is believed to be of extraterrestrial nature. Rather, they are the recollection from memory from everyday, ordinary people who want to be heard. Just as I slowly drove around the corner, I saw this thing step onto the road on all fours. Flatwoods Monster and Mothman in Tomodachi Life. West Virginia has played host to an extraordinary number of unusual creatures. These creatures are said to inhabit isolated wooded areas of Appalachia, and while usually have a dog-like appearance, have been said to resemble bears as well. He was riding in a car with members of his familyThe witness described the thing as 'mostly white, no wings, with real thick, shaggy hair.' 124125. The object came to rest on land belonging to a local farmer. This collection of over 170+ articles, direct from newspapers of the 1800s and 1900s, brings some of the most bizarre, amazing, and incredible stories of true monster encounters out of the past and into your hands! According to many in Webster County, the animal was responsible for the deaths of a growing number of livestock over the period it stalked the land. [3], Robert Cockrell would late contact paranormal author Gray Barker, who popularized tales of the Mothman. Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience, which primarily looks at anecdotal stories, and other claims rejected by the scientific community. Today the Grafton Monster is one of the most well-known West Virginia cryptids and cryptozoologists and enthusiasts frequent the town every year in their search for evidence of the beasts existence. The Mothman is a cryptid that was spotted in West Virginia in the 1960s (and has allegedly appeared in other locations, from ancient times to the present day). Mrzer Bruyns, W. F. J. The Grafton Monster is described as being seven to nine feet tall, four feet wide and having white seal-like skin. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Throughout the twentieth century, a cluster of reported sightings of a cryptid specific to West Virginia known variously as the "White Thing" or "Sheepsquatch" have occurred on a mountain range that traverses Monongalia and Marion Counties known as Morgan's Ridge. Now, I may have made up different stories and stuff before, but that was only when I was so little and whatever Ive experienced wasnt a joke; I told them the whole truth with honesty, but terror in my voice. As crazy as these explanations sound, it is the only thing that makes sense. Bigfoot is a large, ape-like creature, primarily found in the deep woods or mountains, which describes our region perfectly! This Tumblers & Water Glasses item is sold by Strangeology. West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Mystery surrounds fate of killer crocodile that 'ate 300 people'! North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. The day after the Flatwoods incident, a couple taking a leisurely drive through the mountains of Frametown, West Virginia, at dusk were met with a similarly horrific experience. Cockrell's initial sighting, and others not long after, describe the monster as a large, white or greyish bipedal creature with no visible head. Mothman, The Grafton Monster, The Wampus Cat, White Things,, and other bizarre creatures, including Bigfoot, lizard people, and out-of-place panthers! I was visited quite a few times by him when I was a kid about 8-11. It started in 2002 and is held on the third weekend of every September in Downtown Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The other thing to consider is if perhaps the creature that the witness described is perhaps related to the skinwalkers of Navajo lore. To my shock, it was more than a wolf standing on its hind legs; it had a human-like torso from the waist up that appeared pretty muscular with broad shoulders and long forearms, longer than those of a normal human being. Bigfoot reports are also tied to these areas as well. The dog is invisible to others. If so, then how did this one get so freaking huge? "A lot of them make a bellowing, yelling scream at you. I've been recently sinking my teeth into any info on Cryptids. Privacy Policy. They range from the widely known Mothman of Point Pleasant to the Flatwoods Monster in Braxton County. Others have also suggested it could have been an "interdimensional traveller."[1]. On November 12th, 1966, a group of grave diggers in Clendenin claimed they saw a man like figure flying low through the trees near a cemetery. Anyone interested in trying to catch a glimpse of the Blue Devil today may do so by traveling down scenic Grassy Creek Road in Webster County between Jumbo and Grassy Creek. Local experts and authorities attribute the sightings to a large heron or crane, owls, or even pranks and hoaxes after the initial report made the news. When the wolf stood up and my headlights hit it square-on, thats when I got a really good look at it. Do you even know what your state's most popular cryptid is? Though Cockrells editors at the Sentinel immediately dismissed reports of a monster in Grafton, the towns residents quickly began a massive search of the area over the following weeks and the legend of a local beast soon spread across the state. But there are numerous other creepy creatures and mythical monsters throughout the world that cryptozoologists and thrill-seekers are eager to find. Bigfoot - Virginia: Bigfoot (aka, Sasquatch) is probably one of the best-known cryptids. He drove down Yates Avenue along the western banks of the Tygart River. (Going from red to yellow rapidly.) From the waist up, however, it was a reptilian humanoid. Then, almost as quickly as it had pounced, the Vegetable Man raced away up a hill. Alleged encounters with cryptids of various shapes and sizes have a long history in the state of West Virginia, a history that has most recently been recognized in the Bethesda Studios video games Fallout 76. Join. Robert Cockrell wrote an article on the Grafton Monster which was published in the Sentinel on June 18th., During an encounter in Point Pleasant, the witness felt as if the dogmans eyes drew here in. She said when it stared at her, she became lost in its eyes. West Virginia Dogman Encounter August 2017. Moreover, the Ohio and Kanawha Valleys were once home to a vast network of mounds and sacred earthworks. Liz Pavlovic is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Morgantown, WV. [1][2], On June 16, 1964, Robert Cockrell got off work at local newspaper publication Grafton Sentinel (now known as the Mountain Statesman) at 11 pm and journeyed home. team. The Mothman is said to be a winged creature with glowing red eyes. While the page says monsters, the proper term for the creatures on display here would be "cryptids". That same night, a meteor was sighted across West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland, accounting for the trail of light. More than 20 calls came in from people who allegedly sighted the monster. Various sightings across the region in the mid 1990s describe the Sheepsquatch as a large, furry or woolly white creature, usually a quadruped, although sometimes bipedal. Creatures like the Ogua, Sheepsquatch, Grafton Monster, Flatwoods Monster, and Blue Devil have also received their fair share of notoriety in the state over the years. A state of the east-central United States. Rivonverhandeling. chaospirations NCS Files, video September 20, 2020 11 Minutes. It was admitted as the 35th state in 1863. After two years West Virginia's largest cryptid celebration returned and it returned to record numbers. The witnesses felt as if she had to keep track of the eyes and she felt a sense of evil and foreboding. Cumberland Spaceman (Solway Firth Spaceman), Pterosaurs and Pterodactyls in Cryptozoology, The Buru, Giant Lizards and Giant Crocodiles, The Death Dealing Tree of the Phillippines, The Mysterious Giant Snake Of North-Africa, Titanoboa and largest snakes of the world. The other thing to consider is if perhaps the creature that the witness described is perhaps related to the skinwalkers of Navajo lore. I estimate that I saw at least five other pairs of eyes staring at me; three of them were low on the ground on all fours, the other two were standing upright but they didnt reveal themselves out of the darkness like the first one did. No discussion about cryptids would be complete without Bigfoot, or the Sasquatch. Set in the head were two eyes, described as "portholes", glowing green-orange and the size of half-dollars. But I think it'll eventually happen.". From the Mothman to the brakesucker (not really exists), there's no shortage of strange creatures said to roam the mountains and valleys of the Mountain State. As for cryptids there is supposedly Chessie which is one of the most sighted water cryptids and is seen in the Chesapeake bay from VA up to MD, I kinda feel that it could be a misidentified seal honestly. It could have easily ripped the doors off my car and pulled me out of it, it couldve caught up to me if I tried to escape, and even if I tried to scream for help, it wasnt going to help me because I knew how powerful this predator was, even if I dont know it yet. crew may look like expert moonshiners, but these guys seriously research and hunt odd creatures on their TV series, "Mountain Monsters," which kicks off its second season tonight on Destination America. The Vegetable Man was said to be very tall, arguably over 7 feet, thin with a semi-human shape. As soon as it did that, I couldve sworn right there and then that it wasnt alone. The Four-Eyed Beast of Beckley West Virginia: National Cryptid Society Podcast . Local authorities discredited the sightings, and there have been few if any since 1964. What West Virginia Monster are you?! Others are experiments gone awry, or once normal animals mutated by radiation, and given the names of infamous cryptids to match their new forms. The owl face might be connected to aliens or other worlds. "In the first place, the guys have jobs, so we usually try to do it in three days, over a weekend and we have limited time. Regardless, Ogua sightings offer historians a unique opportunity to draw connections between the rumor mills of the colonial borderlands and those of deindustrializing Cold War America. There is no fossil evidence or evidence of an upright-walking bipedal canid. North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. This Wolfman, as I previously referred to it as, gave out a grunt and actually frowned at me for a few seconds before standing back up and walking to the other side of my car, and it jiggled the other door handle adjacent to the passenger side. This could possibly be a reptilian version of the Flatwoods Monster, only without the skirt-like structure around its waist. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here." This is a very perplexing case for a couple of reasons: 1) While I have received dogman type of reports before, I have never received a first-hand account in which a witness saw a metamorphosis take place; 2) I have never received (or even read of many) reports in which a pack of these creatures were together. Finally, on December 15th, 1967, the Silver Bridge crossing the Ohio River in Point Pleasant suffered a sudden collapse, resulting in the death of 46 people. WVU Libraries West Virginia The only extraterrestrial creature in this list, is the Flatwoods Monster, naturally sighted in the small town of Flatwoods, WV. I WISH TO COMMUNICATE. Mothman, Sheepsquatch, Thunderbirds, Flatwoods monster, and Devil Dogs? Cryptid Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. WonderfullyWeirdArt. What cryptid are you? For the upcoming film, see. In 1994, a twenty-eight-year-old man said that he was seven years old at the time. Required fields are marked *. ", "In Cherokee lore, the sudden appearance of a white wolf heralds a magic, premature death. Once the white dog appears, the person is marked for death and dies tragically within a few days or two weeks.". The witnesses felt as if she had to keep track of the eyes and she felt a sense of evil and foreboding. What cryptid are you? Limited Time Offer FREE Shipping Within The USA! Click to take the quiz. Now, what Im about to tell you guys is 100% true and I swear upon my life that what Ive experienced is something Ill never forget. The Flatwoods Monster (also known as the Braxton County Monster, Braxxie (by locals), or the Frametown Monster)is a cryptid sighted in the forests of Flatwoods, West Virginia and Frametown, West Virginia, respectively. Author John Keel's 1975 book. North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. As he moved through the woods in search of game, Frederick heard an odd noise. Another close-call in Ocala National Forest Apes are in Ocala! Theyre not a haunting part of humanitys imagination like we all believe them to be; monsters do exist in this world and this fact alone makes us realize how small our world really is. The Flatwoods monster in the video game Amagon. You have to wonder, do the old mound sites serve as some sort of portal to somewhere else? No face was seen, but the head was about three feet wide. What cryptid are you? More sightings followed but no physical evidence was ever found. The Mothman Festival is an annual commemoration of the visit of the cryptid known as the Mothman., There is no way to be sure, and no way to prove it, but it seems to me that, is accessing our plane of existence from somewhere elseanother dimension, plan, or universe. Almost all White Things are described to have dog like features, but in different accounts, some are humanoid creatures like Bigfoot, demons or even prehistoric cats. There are now more groups dedicated to gathering reports of Dogman encounters than ever before. Jennings would go on to say that the being looked weakened, sickly. West Virginia is known for strange happenings and mysterious creatures from the Mothman, the Grafton Monster to Bigfoot and the Flatwoods Monster. (ft. Tenebrous Jim). From the waist down it was similar to the Flatwoods Monster, but from the waist up it was a reptilian humanoid. I NEED YOUR HELP.". I wasnt dreaming of this incident nor was I hallucinating it; it wasnt even a simple misidentification. Several of them had even reportedly sighted the monster. Im 20-years old, and I live near a small town in Wayne County, West Virginia, called Lavalette. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word cryptid as "An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the yeti.". Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. They looked different from what I see in the eyes of any canine I know of; they looked much more intelligent than anything Ive ever seen. To be clear, I have never been a believer in dogmen as a flesh-and-blood cryptid. To be honest with you, the fangs had a very eerie resemblance to those of a Smilodon or saber-toothed cat, but the rest of it just looked like a werewolf. If you have a personal cryptid sighting story you would like to tell us, please visit our Make A Report page on this site. West Virginia was part of Virginia until the area refused to endorse the ordinance of secession in 1861. Click to take the quiz. As crazy as these explanations sound, it is the only thing that makes sense. How West Virginia Lore Inspires Graphic Art, Mothman Festival returns Saturday in Point Pleasant. The witness said the creature stood at eight feet in height. Denver and I spoke breifly about the report and he had also had contact with the witness. This superfund site was allegedly home to the Mothman, and has been linked to other local cryptids as well. This is my list for the Top 5 Cryptids of West Virginia!For millennia, people have claimed seeing unusual creatures that don't fit our paradigm of understand. I felt like this thing, a creature that shouldnt even exist yet it was standing right there in front of my car, was the true ruler of the forest and we humans were nothing compared to what it can really do. This red-eyed chrome beast pays homage to the popular modern myth of West Virginia's insectoid monster. With that scary thought, I snapped out of my trance and decided to get the hell out of there. The Grafton Monster is described as being seven to nine feet tall, four feet wide and having white seal-like skin. Sunset on August 27, 2017 in Lavalette, West Virginia was at 8:07PM, so it would have been getting dark around the time of your encounter. A fun Guide to learn more about Halloween, WV Cryptids, Dia de los Muertos, and how to stay safe this holiday season. Goatman - spotted in Kentucky and Maryland, not to be confused with a satyr or faun, Thunderbirds - a legendary Native American creature, allegedly once spotted across the country, Tennessee Wildman - a Sasquatch like creature, spotted in Tennessee, Grassman - a Sasquatch like creature, spotted in eastern Ohio, Snallygaster - a bird-reptile creature, spotted in Maryland, Rosemary ellen Guiley; Visionary Living, Inc., Staff. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. West Virginia Cryptids: A Visual Travel Guide for Traversing the Mountain State Paperback - May 13, 2021 by Mr. Mark A Randall (Author), Mr. Les O'Dell (Author) 9 ratings See all formats and editions Paperback $10.00 1 New from $10.00 The area now known as West Virginia has always been steeped in mystery. My family and I originally lived in Jacksonville, Florida during my childhood, but we eventually moved up north because we couldnt handle the humidity and oncoming hurricanes. Again, I am not stating that the above witness observed a bear. Legends, Ghosts and Witches, and Superstitions: a selection of books from the Appalachian Studies Bibliography. . The Wolfman did it to us in Kentucky, and just things you see, you know are way faster than we are. The identity or location of its head is unclear though if it actually doesn't have one close to its chest like most people think; some say that this strange beast might be nine feet tall (3 meters) making it taller than many predators on land. Regardless, today, there is a statue of the Mothman in Point Pleasant, and a yearly festival celebrating the creature, and the town. Throughout the twentieth century, a cluster of reported sightings of a cryptid specific to West Virginia known variously as the White Thing or Sheepsquatch have occurred on a mountain range that traverses Monongalia and Marion Counties known as Morgans Ridge. Was the state government secretly using conservation efforts to repopulate wolves here in the state? While most of these will stay far away from humans, always exercise caution when hiking or camping around the fall foliage. The confluence of the Monongahela River and Paw Paw Creek in Rivesville, West Virginia is the site of one of the most famous alleged sightings of what has become known as the Ogua, a word supposedly borrowed from the Delawares or Shawnees. The Ogua is a cryptid said to live in the Greenbrier River. And right at that same spot is where my first encounter happened. (Hints at telepathic communication. During the 1930s and 1940s, a wolf-like creature known as the Blue Devil stalked livestock in Webster County. It is always seen by the person who is about to die, and sometimes by others who are close to the person. A large, humanoid bipedal creature with no visible head and covered in slick white seal-like skin. Institution. [2], The next day at work, Cockrell said nothing to his co-workers about the monster. From Rosemary Ellen Guiley's Monsters of West Virginia: "A mysterious white creature was seen in July 1973 in the TNT area of Point Pleasant, the epicenter of the Mothman sightings during the 1966-67 wave. How about the rest of you? The group ran from the figure, and contacted local authorities, who searched the area the next day and found nothing, although a local reporter claimed to have found evidence of a UFO landing. ", "The Zanzibar Leopard Between Science and Cryptozoology | PDF | Panthera | Organisms", "People Keep Seeing the Mothman in Chicago", "The mythic child-stealing Thunderbirds of Illinois", The Sasquatch and Other Unknown Hominoids,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Giglioli's Whale, Rhinoceros dolphin, High-finned sperm whale, Alula whale, Unidentified beaked whales, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Dinosaur (lake, river and/or swamp monster), Jonesville Monster, Southern Sasquatch, Boggy Creek Monster, Chemosit, Kerit, Koddoelo, Ngoelo, Ngoloko, Duba, Large and hairy human-like entity, various other descriptions, Winged Man, Bird Man, UFO-Bird, Mason Bird Monster, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 22:49. The crash landing of the "extraterrestrial" Braxton County Monster (a.k.a Green Monster, Flatwoods Monster, Flatwoods Phantom) on September 12,1952 sent shock waves throughout the country. The reptilian version of the Flatwoods Monster. During an encounter in Point Pleasant, the witness felt as if the dogmans eyes drew here in. She said when it stared at her, she became lost in its eyes. Another cryptid with ties to the Point Pleasant and Charleston areas of West Virginia is the Sheepsquatch. ARandomShoppe. Shortly thereafter, a putrid sulfuric odor filled the air. This and several other Dogman reports describe dexterous hands.. The entity was initially reported as being about 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. The wikipedia article about cryptids and cryptozoology. They also gathered a statement from the mother of the local farmer, in which she said that, at the approximate time of the crash, her house had been violently shaken and her radio had cut out for 45 minutes, and a report from the director of the local Board of Education in which he claimed to have seen a flying saucer taking off at 6:30 in the morning of September 13th (the morning after the creature was sighted). There is no way to be sure, and no way to prove it, but it seems to me that something is accessing our plane of existence from somewhere elseanother dimension, plan, or universe. Sometimes they can aid in holding down or moving something that is holding their interest but the are limited in their ability to manipulate their surroundings with paws alone. - Joke by comedian Mitch Hedberg. Also hosts of the yearly Mothman Festival. On the road you were on at the time of the encounter, was it dusk, failing light, or were there trees shading the road from the light? (1971). The physiology doesnt work. A Devil Dog, better known as White Things, "They're scary sons of [demons]," Tice told The Huffington Post. Google Earth Image Sparks Controversy: Is it Really Bigfoot in Colorados Uncompahgre National Forest? Check out some of the interesting artwork. It also appeared to be partially plant based, and possessed large ears with striking eyes that oscillated in colors. Or maybe, whatever this is a form of energy that manifests itself in strange ways. In a letter written to Cockrell, Barker suggested the Grafton Monster could possibly be "an alien visitor from another planet". In the 3DS game Tomodachi Life, the Flatwoods Monster makes an appearance along with other cryptids in the Mystery Interior. The West Virginia North American Dogman Project (NEW Facebook page for WV Dogman reports), North American Dogman Project (YouTube channel), The BDRP [Bigfoot Dogman Research Project] (YouTube Channel), Reddit forum for Dogman encounters (r/dogman), Small Town Monsters The Bray Road Beast (documentary), The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsins Werewolf by Linda Godfrey (book), The Michigan Dogman: Werewolves and Other Unknown Canines Across the U.S.A. by Linda Godfrey (book), Werewolves (Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena) by Linda Godfrey (book). This event took place during the height of McCarthyism and the Red Scare; as such, the phenomena was attributed both to the US Government and the USSR as possible secret weapons testing gone awry. We've been very close, and it's gonna take a bunch of luck, along with a lot of experts to do this. I know what I saw, and theres no doubt in my mind that it was real. The monster also posses no discernible head and is said to emit a whistling sound. Few people, however, even within the state itself, have heard the strange case of West Virginia's own Vegetable Man. It was the road that took me straight to the house of one of my Dads friends, Ezra, where there was this road called Walnut Gap Road and that was where it takes me home. 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