Most ethical dilemmas involve conflict between needs of the part & whole Research Ethics for adult social care in practice. - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Equal Credit Opportunity Act Cannot discriminate, Environmental Protection 1960s The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Key Piece Created Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Protect Human health and safeguard the air, water and land Clean Air Act of 1970 Regulates air emissions The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 Track Industrial Chemicals produced or imported in US The Clean Water Act Set standards on the type and quantity of pollutants that industries put in water, Ethical Standards and Culture Standards of ethics differ around the world Here it might be ethical in U.S. but not in another country As a business manager that works internationally needs to have an understanding of ethics in different cultures, Ethical Standards and Culture Corporate Gift Giving Intellectual Property Corporate Gift Giving Differ around the world Some Cultures Gifts are expected and if you dont bring one it is an insult Japan United States government officials cannot accept gifts from businesses Refers to ownership of Property Inventions Books Movies Computer Programs Creators have exclusive right to market and sell their work. 0. learning objectives. - The 1st part of this document covers through animated cartoons, the various principles of ethics and professional conduct that apply to nursing. Predatory Dumping: An anti-competitive business practice in which foreign companies price their products below market value to increase sales and force domestic competition out of business, then raise their prices. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Business and Marketing by Lessons for Marketing and Entrepreneurship 5.0 (12) $7.50 PPTX This unit explains how marketing benefits society by solving problems and improving our standard of living. ethics. Social Responsibility Social responsibility is the obligation of organization's management to make decisions and take actions that will enhance the welfare and interests of society as well as the organization. How to be fair among people? Types of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs - Wachs Strategies - Explore different types of Corporate Social Responsibility programs and how companies get involved in these programs. In tandem with its conceptual framework, the study classifies existing implications of responsible corporate action towards indirect stakeholders among cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategies. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. Ronald ethics set of moral principles or values that, Ethics and Social Responsibility - . supi Graz. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Areas they cover: Honesty Adherence to the law Product Safety and quality Health and safety in the workplace Conflicts of Interest Employment Practices Selling and marketing practices Financial reporting Pricing, billing, and contracting Trading in securities/using confidential information Acquiring and using information about competitors Security Payments to obtain business Political activities Protections of the environment. 3. dr. coty keller st. josephs college. Ethics of Social Responsibility to Indirect Stakeholders: A Strategic Perspective, INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP CULTURE AND ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN THE MALAYSIAN CONTEXT, Why to Talk about Ethical and Responsible Business? This implies that insiders and outsiders' perceptions concur on the fact that business is neither extremely oriented towards ethics or environment nor has complete disregard for these aspects. 6. Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsiveness Major consideration Ethical Pragmatic Focus Ends Means Emphasis Obligation Responses Decision framework Long term Medium and short term Exhibit 5-3 Social Responsibility versus Social Responsiveness Source: Adapted from S.L. Download Now, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Understanding Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Chapter 3: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Business Ethics, Understanding Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Social Responsibility and Ethics in Business, Managing Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, BUSINESS ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND BUSINESS ETHICS, Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics. Ethics refers to the study of morals and moral choices of human being. Corporations should engage in social issues because they have money and influence. zeller. corporate social responsibility csr this concept appeared in 1960s and is defined. 1 of 25 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Apr. chapter 5. ethics and social responsibility. ETHICS . Stakeholders. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Sanjay Mishra Follow Advertisement Recommended CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) AND ETHICS Aenil Mehta 1.8k views 23 slides 01 ethics and corporate social responsibility Nimantha Perera 4.5k views 31 slides business ethics in a global economy jcpham 13.6k views 27 slides Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) An Obligation of an Organization to act in ways that serve both its own interests and the interests of its many clients, investors and the community at large. Click here to review the details. Notes PDF. Solving Ethical Dilemmas Have you defined the problem accurately? identify four, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility - . Responsibility to Clients: A social worker shall promote the well-being of a client and, if required by law, the safety and well-being of an individual whose life might be affected by the client's behavior or circumstances. Companies that have failed in this area have been subject to losing customers and bad publicity. A number of business and political misdemeanors have rocked the consciousness of people in different countries. Publication Date: 2022. Business Ethics The code of moral principles and values that govern the behaviors of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong within a Business. Chapter 4. If the business person does not adhere to ethical principles, public opinion may pressure the government to act. My progress.docx. My progress.docx. (CSR) "is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountableto itself, its stakeholders, and the public. The Community at large There are business activities that may affect any of the widely diverse interest of people. Ethics in Business Ethics: are a set of moral principles or values that govern behavior. powerpoint presentation ppt pdf file pdf text file txt or view presentation slides online chapter 2 business ethics and social responsibility distinguish the ethics of personal integrity from the ethics of social responsibility distinguish ethical norms and values from, learn business ethics chapter 9 with free interactive flashcards choose The inner-guiding moral principles, values, and, Ethical Dilemma deciding whether to do the, Ethical beliefs lead to the development of laws, Laws can change or disappear as ethical beliefs, People and groups affected by the way a company, Supply a company with its productive resources, When the law does not specify how companies, Does my decision fall within the acceptable, Am I willing to see the decision communicated to, Would the people with whom I have a significant, The relentless pursuit of self-interest can lead, When one or more people start to profit from, Trust willingness of a person or group to have, Way a company views its duty or obligation to, Demonstrating its social responsibility helps a, If all companies in a society act socially, Ethical values and norms help organizational, Realize they are part of something bigger than. 1. chapter 3. chapter outline. by: mrs. belen apostol. For. Our product offerings include millions of PowerPoint templates, diagrams, animated 3D characters and more. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Ethics and Social Responsibility" is the property of its rightful owner. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Consumers Consumers, like any other group, have rights. Common Ethical Problems Faced by Managers 1) Discrimination 2) Sexual Harassment 3) Conflicts of Interest: bribes or kickbacks, or extraordinary gifts for a decision made, favouritism.4) Customer Confidence: manager has confidential information about a customer and shares it with others. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. How to be fair among people? Many business ethics decisions are close calls. Employees Among the specific points of interest in caring about employees are: Health and safety; Appropriate salaries and employee benefits; Right to speak out; Right to privacy; and Right to job security except when discipline is concerned. VIDYALANKAR SCHOOL OF Ethics and Social Responsibility - . nestl e india and social, Corporate social responsibility - . Practical Decision Model. Corporate business executives have a responsibility to their shareholders and employees to make decisions that will help their business make a profit. Doing what you think will benefit you the most. By: Mrs. Belen Apostol. theories and principles of ethics moral languages, Ethics and Social Responsibility - Bell activity 9/30 ethics why should businesses be concerned with ethics? - Contract Writing /Legal Business Writing - Social Media Marketing - Data entry (GoogleDocs, MS. Office Word/Excel/PowerPoint) - Recruitment, sourcing - Advertisement Posting specially thru fan pages - Facebook & Twitter Management Alien Tort Claims Act . overview. Social Responsibility chapter 5. l e a r n i n g o u t l i n e follow this learning outline as, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - . definition of ethics. ethics refers to the study of morals and moral. define ethics, Ethics and Social Responsibility - . 2. ethics. classical view of social responsibility. Social Audits 3. team: b2. Ethics in Business Ethics: are a set of moral principles or values that govern behavior. Importance of Ethics Everyone has Personal Ethics Helps decide in different situations Businesses need ethics in order to know how to behavealso Business Ethics reflect companies beliefs What Actions are appropriate? theories of ethics the nature of ethical decisions. ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. While internal and direct stakeholders attract increasing attention from corporate managers, indirect stakeholders have usually been neglected by the practitioners. Corporate Social Responsibility - Economic profits. explain why ethics are important in business, Ethics and Social Responsibility - . Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. of Hours/ Semester: 80 hours/ semester 3. Interested Groups There are various groups with interests that are different from one another. Recognizing an Ethical Issue. A summary using quantitative measures, whenever possible, of the extent of achievement of each social objective. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - Click your mouse anywhere on the screen to advance the text in each slide. View CONCEPTS & THEORIES OF BUSINESS ETHICS.ppt from MBA 2 at School of Law, Christ University, Bangalore. The study found that perceptions on the orientation facets do not differ between the two groups. Business ethics can be defined as written and unwritten codes of principles and values that govern decisions and actions within a company. Specific ethical conduct not yet passed into law. 1. understand marketings multiple, Laws and regulations requiring ethical behavior, Coverage of Company Sponsored Ethics Program. Rationalization for Unethical Behaviour Convincing yourself it is not illegal Convincing yourself it is in everybodys best interest. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. A code of ethics communicates the purpose, values, and objectives of a business and outlines expected behaviour for employees. We've updated our privacy policy. A survey conducted on consumers of organic products provided support for our hypothesis, showing that CSP influences consumer trust and that that trust in turn influences consumers' subsequent actions.