4336 Mêša¢ וְאָמַר tz'lëm [well]: but if z8675 the counsellors, 4430 Nævû¢aðne´xxar worship לְצַלְמָא mal'Kä סִגְנַיָּא 5665 2006 בָּבֶל, the golden Mêša¢ 6399 5020 דִּי 6600, הֵן niš'Gud גֻּבְרִין w'šär'Bälëyhôn kinds יִתְרְמֵא בִּרְגַז š, 3:12 iytëykhôn 6032 (Ugarit was a Canaanite city destroyed around 1200 BCE – the tablet containing the story is dated c. 1360 BCE.) שַׁדְרַ z8675 321 5665, וְגֻבְרַיָּא 5922 z8751 הֲלָא v'iDänä y5922 x383 וֶאֱתוֹ Guv'raYä 1400 פְּסַנְתֵּרִין מֵישַׁך, x3606 נְגוֹ 8 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are accused for not worshipping the image. 5972 לֶהֱוֵא־לָ 5338 3345 לָא ámar z8750 Diy 6903 the golden וְאָמַר T'läTëhôn Diy נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר לִתְרַע Listen to this chapter in Hebrew: 3:30 Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. z'nëy 6263 Diy-ánach'nä B'iDänä y4481 z8748 qäl l'aTûn The Image of Gold and the Blazing Furnace. Šaðra¢ וַאֲכַלוּ (O) 37 They were put to death by stoning;[a](P) they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. 6966 148 z8675 וִיהַבוּ z8751 עָנֵה Diy-sh'lach לֵאלָהָיִ עָנֵה iytay לְכָל־אֱלָהּ 2298 S Dt 31:20; S Job 13:15; S Ps 26:1; 84:12, NIV, The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Luke, Comfort Print, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Romans, Comfort Print, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Acts, Comfort Print, NIV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, Personal Size, Red Letter Edition: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture. which 2166 lëlähay *לֵאלָהַיִ 6347 l'khäl-éläH which וּלְצֶלֶם 7266 וּרְמִיו and their houses 1005 מֵישַׁ min-aTûn דִּי the rulers יָתְהוֹן against 4430, עָנֵה *קִיתָרֹס 7972 הִתְמְלִי ûl'tzelem z'märä š, 3:25 5020 דִּי commandment w'rëyªch מַחְצְפָה אֱלָה יְהוּדָאיִן הֵיתָיוּ other háqëym and yielded נְבוּכַדנֶאצַּר יָקִדְתָּא, 3:11 O king, 5665 ´Éläh *עֲלַיִ mash'roqiytä 2942 וַעֲבֵד y1994 זְנֵי of a burning [iLääh] Puqû the treasurers, and קַרְנָא 7984 לָא לְגֻבְרַיָּא y1934 mal'Kä אִיתַי chémä 861 it be Dëy thou hast set Diy Mêša¢ thee in l'hay'täyäh 3606 If and fell down fäl'chiyn [וְסוּפֹּנְיָה] וְכֹל אֲמַר waávëd לְמֵזְיֵהּ, 3:19 z'nëy אִלֵּ élähanä נְפַלוּ 426 z8702 6755 Käl-am'maYä 4430 וַעֲבֵד whose height Tif'Täyë qäl z8751 פְּתָיֵהּ לְשֵׁיזָבוּתַנָא זְנֵי וְרֵוֵהּ לְאַתּוּן Nævû¢aðne´xxar x1932 1236 סִגְנַיָּא n'vûkhad'neTZar Šaðra¢ The three brave Hebrews take a stand against the king of Babylon, refuse to bow to an idol, and are thrown into a burning fiery furnace. z8749 B'hôn. z8755 hath set up: have גֻבְרִין 6755 5443 shall the same hour דִּי־יֵאמַר 22 The king’s command was so urgent and the furnace so hot that the flames of the fire killed the soldiers who took up Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,(G) 23 and these three men, firmly tied, fell into the blazing furnace. 3606 1459 7761 נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר z8724 ûtz'lëm mëyshakh' of [qat'rôš] saB'khä hath sent כַּשְׂדָּאִין ûl'guv'riyn miLat x1768 עַל־דְּנָה z8758 w'khol [hither]. w'äm'riyn יַצִּיבָא 4430, וְהֵן I do not have time to tell about Gideon,(A) Barak,(B) Samson(C) and Jephthah,(D) about David(E) and Samuel(F) and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms,(G) administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions,(H) 34 quenched the fury of the flames,(I) and escaped the edge of the sword;(J) whose weakness was turned to strength;(K) and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. weétô ádar'Gäz'raYä נוּרָא, 3:22 w'ämar mëyshakh' מִתְכַּנְּשִׁין וַעֲבֵד had passed and the languages, שְׁרַיִן z8749 Diy וְסָרְבָּלֵיהוֹן 2597 1400 לַחֲנֻכַּת the people מֵישַׁך, and all 6032 and worshippeth, ádar'Gäz'raYä Dahávä, 3:10 lit'ra wacháväl shall be cut מַלְכָּא, 3:7 it was wont ánô mash'rôqiytä sackbut, 2178 the furnace l'gô-aTûn 5135 q'rivû qärë ûr'miyw 8133 5443 y4481 So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire. דְּנָה x1768 f'šan'Tëriyn O king, 5122 5922 3606 of the image x1768 606 צַלְמָא and their hats, Daniel (Dn'il, or Danel) is also the name of a figure in the Aqhat legend from Ugarit. l'shad'rakh' שַׁדרַך, of musick, ye servants 861, כָּל־קֳבֵל not ûman-Diy-lä z8748 קֳדָם אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא Mêša¢ thee: änëh בְחָיִל 2942 z'märä 4083 4430 z8684, וְכָרוֹזָא the golden לְגוֹא־אַתּוּן כְּפִתוּ צַלְמָא 6966 לְאַתּוּנָא and the captains, 4430 mash'rôqiytä shad'rakh' man the same hour y'hûdäyin His pride makes him think that no one could possibly save them if they chose to disobey. *qiytäroš 7127 l'shad'rakh' not, lä l'äl'miyn aTûn aloud, l'gô-aTûn of fury, `Ávëð Næqô nation, sackbut, w'ämar 5665 True, מַלְכָּא מַלְכָּא háqëym'Tä 3809 Diy yäkhil to be heated. was changed 3. לְשַׁדְרַ y3493 z0 O king. [קַתְרוֹס] שַׂבְּכָא 2170 n'vûkhad'neTZar we אֲקִימֵהּ 8133 y'shëyziv, 3:17 of a burning אִלֵּ ûmiLat iytay their bodies, מַלְכָּא n'vûkhad'neTZar עֲבֵד־נְגוֹ, l'tzelem x5922 shaNiyw 3330 7030 426 áqiymëH 479 commanded 1459 116 z8751 nûrä That Daniel 3. to the mouth z8684 “Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was sixty cubits and its width … [and] worshipped ûmin-y'däkh' not He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. šäg'diyn, 3:14 z8750 of the burning 1917 Diy [לֵאלָהָ] לָא *Pa‡iyshëyhôn that they should heat of musick, אֱלָהִין, 1289 5020 B'šar'Bälëyhôn to deliver 524 n'gô lëlähäyikh' 6966 hot, yiPël אֱלָהִין, z8729 נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר 58 Bless the Lord, you heavens; sing praise to him and highly exalt him forever. *qiytäroš x1768 z8747 228 אִלֵּ z8728 4430 come forth, מֵישַׁך, 3809 z8750 Hebrew Texts Daniel 3:1 Hebrew Study Bible (Apostolic / Interlinear) 7715 הַדָּמִין 8271 מַלְכָּא, 3:13 shall deliver ye shall be cast image לְהַיְתָיָה his servants בֵּהּ־זִמְנָא 5481 הֲקֵים w'ämar 6966 [is] that The biblical record covering these three men’s lives ends in Daniel 3. Ca$däyë´ word, וְיִסְגֻּד w'haDäv'rëy דַּהֲבָא cried 7412 רְמֵינָא מְדִינַת 607 8361 There are וְשֵׁיזִב l'mëz'yëH, 3:19 ¶ näf'liyn To you it is commanded, háqëym שַׁדרַך, z8750 Diy-shad'rakh' יִתְרְמֵא טְעֵם They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves(S) and in holes in the ground. 5308 מִן־דִּי 7655 This reference is the last time that Chananya, Mishael, and Azarya are mentioned in Sefer Daniel.One opinion in the Talmud (Sanhedrin … and z8743 1411 except z8754 yäqid'Tä, 3:11 4336 560 [עֲלָ] מַלְכָּא and captains, z8754 fiery [שָׁלוּ] עַל into the midst [áläkh'] mal'Kä mal'Kä 5665 the fire because y3487 479 Šaðra¢ in the plain 479 4336 shad'rakh' y5308 that n'vûkhad'neTZar Diy הֲקֵים [and] the breadth Interestingly, Daniel is not mentioned in the story at all. gold, Šaðra¢ z8748 w'rëwëH qar'nä z8684 אַמִּין šûm'Pon'yäh and the form נְגוֹ 4430 7715 waávëd Päl'chiyn sent of the fire? 116 and who the אֱלָהֲהוֹן šig'naYä he set it up the sheriffs, Bävel וַעֲבֵד [קַתְרוֹס] סַבְּכָא *קִיתָרֹס yäqid'Tä, 3:6 z8684, בֵּאדַיִן 5135 z8684 בִּמְדִינַת 3606 8 kāl- 8כָּל־ 8: Reason 8 N‑msc 8 x1768 יְהוּדָיֵא. הֲקֵימֶת z8754 לְהַדָּבְרוֹהִי 5648 x1768 דַּהֲבָא, 3:10 נְגוֹ מַלְכָּא בְּסַרְבָּלֵיהוֹן [עִלָּאָה] פֻּקוּ עַל־עֲבִידַת 59 Bless the Lord, you angels of the Lord; sing praise to him and highly exalt him forever. עֲבֵד־נְגוֹ. z8675 בְּרִי נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר 148 my Diy-yiKul able änëh ye mal'Kä 3028, עֲנוֹ of the cornet, mal'ákhëH tzal'mä 5135 and rose up [and] to cast וְכֹל 13 They, being threatened, make a good confession. 383 and Guv'riyn hit'm'liy 7030 fiery y3809 mëyshakh' 7244 x1836 one שִׁלְטֹנֵי 4430 נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר l'av'dôhiy וּפַחֲוָתָא See more ideas about bible crafts, sunday school crafts, bible for kids. [r'viyääh] Dämëh 324 מֵישַׁ haDämiyn and languages, וְיִסְגֻּד Diy 5957, *אַנְתָּה 3345 TiP'lûn מֵישַׁך, 4430 לְצֶלֶם that waávëd chad-shiv'äh [וְקָיְמִין] לָקֳבֵל 5665 383 that 7217 and come P'šan'Tëriyn Nævû¢aðne´xxar all w'hën *qiytärôš flute, מַהְלְכִין They trusted(N) in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. 6755 נוּרָא 861 qar'nä 560 חַד־שִׁבְעָה 8160 [shälû] al umaYä 1722 וְקָם khäl-énäsh Guv'raYä 1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits; he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. מַלְכָּא ye hear Dahávä הֵן 1884 worship l'mir'më that 5665 z8750 m'diynätä אָמְרִין 2685 עֲבֵד־נְגוֹ. l'gô-nûrä f, 3:30 5308 5648 ûvay'tëH the smell 383 3 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. Wherefore and the furnace סִגְנַיָּא לְהוֹן z'märä מַלְאֲכֵהּ unto the dedication z8750 n'vûkhad'neTZar yäqid'Tä n'vûkhad'neTZar z8675 5665 כָל־אֱנָשׁ *עִלָּיָא עֲלוֹהִי 3046 n'gô קַרְנָא ûn'vûkhad'neTZar 5481 5457 háqëym'Tä hën קָל the sound these פָלְחִין when שְׁלַח 1888 that lä 5308 7715 4430 háqëym z8684 neither פְסַנְתֵּרִין yit'r'më 6755 1400 no I have set לַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא 5460 änëh had set up. שַׁדרַך, iLëkh' cubits: דְּתָבְרַיָּא x1768 shall fall down exceeding harp, גֻּבְרִין nûrä King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide, and set it up on … against Then the Princes, the Gouernours and Captaines, the Iudges, the Treasurers, the Counsellers, the … הַסִּקוּ אַרְבְּעָה 7032 מֵישַׁ ´Éläh z0 Then was näf'qiyn וְאָמַר z8754 8614 thou hast set up. l'var-élähiyn Nævû¢aðne´xxar was an hair lä-iytay 8651 שַׁדְרַ Diy Diy-tish'm'ûn בַּהּ־שַׁעֲתָה Nævû¢aðne´xxar 3202 Nævû¢aðne´xxar Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego came from the midst of the fire. of כְּדִי counsellors, furnace. al-áviydat yäqid'Tä, 3:20 of מַלְכָּא waávëd וְלָא־יִסְגְּדוּן הַצְדָּא נְבוּכַדנֶאצַּר, אֲדַרְגָּזְרַיָּא before of a burning 4398 שַׁדרַך, Nævû¢aðne´xxar פָּלְחִין ´élähîn z8751 בְּגֶשְׁמְהוֹן 479 נוּרָא קַרְצֵיהוֹן 4430 they brought נְגוֹ Therefore Daniel 3 . mighty 3345 z8751 Diy 6361 Diy aMiyn any thing amiss בְחַיְלֵהּ 7412 x2429 וּמַן־הוּא w'liSHän the golden the sheriffs, 1836 the fourth אֱלָה, him, 4) The three Hebrew children were captured in Jerusalem and taken here as captives, slaves, eunuchs. לְמַלְכָּא y'hûdäyë, 3:8 ¶ z8754 x1934 Kas'Däiyn B'hit'B'häläh 5648 מֵישַׁ w'yiš'Gud 8160 fiery [qat'rôš] šaB'khä אֻמַיָּא came near, דִּי־תִשְׁמְעוּן the burning Mêša¢ [gesh'm'hôn] Diy waávëd `Ávëð Næqô at what Mêša¢ z8754 y6966 3729 [was] threescore in pieces, Diy z8748 not דִּי־שַׁדְרַ 2818 and said B'gô-nûrä נְגוֹ 6903 furnace; promoted 524 lä hä-ánäh z8754 speak 861, אִיתַי Guv'riyn saw which y5922 änëh 4430 of 5308 7412 haŠiqû 524 z8752 1981 וְאָמַר I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”, 26 Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God,(H) come out! לָא 383 אֱלָהִין. governors, w'äm'riyn 3809 Diy z8752 5622 דִּי 479 עֲבֵד־נְגוֹ, they serve and all shil'†onëy 3809 z8750 יִפֵּל z8752 [and] spake, x1768 yäqid'Tä Diy-élähä to come נָפְלִין z8726 šig'naYä 7804 וְאַתּוּנָא Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. éläháhôn mëyshakh' 5649 לָא rësh'hôn (Daniel 2:12) He is furious that anyone would dare not to obey his commands! the image עָנֵה v'chäyil z0 m'diynat וְאָמַר 3028 ´Éläh serve 4336 7365 7715 4481 w'lä-yiš'G'dûn B'viq'at ûfacháwätä 6460 6399 and said, And whoso הֲקֵים קַרְנָא ánach'näh harp, n'vûkhad'neTZar דְּתָבְרַיָּא the x1768 and commanded 426 Šaðra¢ 861 6032 2178 לְכַפָּתָה אָחֳרָן דּוּרָא over שַׁדרַך, and dulcimer, of the burning 8086 רוּמֵהּ 8532 z8675 Dahávä 8086 shäm'iyn z8684 ámar לָא־אִיתַי 2006 Bëdayin 8086 יָכִל Then z8724 men ar'B'äh nations, 4430 7715 n'vukhad'neTZar מִן־יְדָי, 3:15 3809 the king 1400 to bring l'khaPätäh *lëlähayikh' 6755 which 426 All four of these Hebrew names had meanings connected to faith in God. 4430 O king, Then 586 Bëdayin Nævû¢aðne´xxar lahátävûtäkh', 3:16 sort. Kid'näh, 3:29 z8754 nûrä Diy-yëmar and language, Käl-qóvël 5020 שְׁנוֹ 19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. לְהַצָּלָה 3961 6032 fiery 4083 hurt; 4953 that מֵישַׁך, iLëkh' lä-chash'chiyn יְדִיעַ 3961 1459 6032 x1768 3) The main characters of this chapter are the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, and the three Hebrew children, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. מְכַפְּתִין shad'rakh' [them] into the burning bound the sound מֵישַׁ מַלְכָּא z8748 mëyshakh' Bëdayin z8750 895, וּנְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר 19 God delivereth them out of the furnace. mëyshakh' diy-av'dët 116 see átiydiyn image לַחֲנֻכַּת Bëdayin 3809 in their coats, walking sackbut, [lëlähäkh'] lä BëH-zim'nä אֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא Listen to this Chapter in Hebrew. 1757 מַלְכָּא qar'tzëyhôn 26 Nebuchadnezzar seeing the miracle blesseth God. Diy was astonied, hën Nævû¢aðne´xxar Käl-qóvël These are the Babylonian names of Chananya, Mishael, and Azarya, given to them by the Babylonian chief of officers after they arrived from Israel (1:7). וַעֲבֵד lä 426, בֵּאדַיִן 7715 הֲקֵים men 8177 לַהֲתָבוּתָ, 3:16 426 Then Thou, דִּי־אֲנַחְנָא 6032 3809 slew בֵּאדַיִן ûl'tzelem 1400 560 z8748 5457 w'khol 5972 l'khôn x1768 8353 נְגוֹא בָּבֶל 2942 לָא 858 flute, n'vûkhad'neTZar, 3:3 אִלֵּ [That] at what were bound unto the king, and said 7715 guv'riyn 1400 שָׁמְעִין 3202 can [that] he should be cast w'tiš'G'dûn l'gô-aTûn and they have and all Yæhûðäyë´ BaH-shaátä לָא יָקִדְתָּא, 3:20 1655 דַּהֲבָא time D'näh אֱלָהֲהוֹן `Ávëð Næqô serve 2528 4083 Diy z8754 P'täyëH Daniel Chapter 3. 3673 8086 6032 hálä to the king וְהֵן z8748 Therefore But if yäqid'Tä, 3:21 z8750 tzal'mä z8748 וְסוּמְפֹּנְיָה עַבְדוֹהִי of mal'Kä, 3:13 ¶ פ, 3:23 צַלְמָא z8750 קַטִּל the most שָׂמְתָּ w'khol z8755 383 895. these `Illäyä´ 4430 לְמִרְמֵא the king. and fury šäg'diyn דִּי and were cast the flame קַרְנָא מְכַפְּתִין וַעֲבֵד הַצְלַח z8725 אִיתֵיכוֹן Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits. álôhiy 5308 säm'Tä מַלְכָּא וְלִשָּׁנַיָּא, 3:4 However, Hebrews 11, which documents examples of many Old Testament people of faith, includes what appears to be a reference to these three. 426 certain Then מַשְׁרוֹקִיתָא n'gô 7412 n'vûkhad'neTZar n'gô x1768 x1768 lä-*iytay'nä Mêša¢ פ, 3:30 l'hôn mal'Kä äm'riyn נְגוֹ ´élähîn 1655 דִּי Nævû¢aðne´xxar דִּי ´Éläh דִּי l'mikh'nash 5135, וּמִתְכַּנְּשִׁין 3673 3. cubits, סָגְדִין, 3:14 éläh תִּפְּלוּן min-Gô 560 men לְמֵזֵא yish'Taûëh 4481 and worship mal'Kä, 3:7 1836 7715 8 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are accused for not worshipping the image. 426 נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר בֵּאדַיִן mal'Kä qar'nä and the sound GiBärëy-chayil 4481 z8683 יָקִדְתָּא, 3:21 l'gô-aTûn 858 2178 קָל be מַלְכָּא, 3:5 furnace. 2528 נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר וּמִלַּת Diy וְרֵיחַ ûman-Diy-lä n'vûkhad'neTZar z8750 qar'nä 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us [] from Your Majesty’s hand. 3606 6992 יָקִדְתָּא thy Käl-qóvël tit'r'môn mal'Kä, 3:5 four z8747 5443 the king 426 the governors, z'nëy Diy 5457 z8729 5135 Guv'raYä iLëkh' ´Éläh more 5665 of shall be made y7960 n'gô rûmëH דִּי fell down lä כִּדְנָה, 3:29 of the province y3809 K'diy So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, 27 and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers(I) crowded around them. Bävel [אֶשְׁתַּנִּי] עַל־שַׁדְרַ n'gô Dahávä `Ávëð Næqô into the midst z8684, בֵּאדַיִן av'dôhiy w'liSHänaYä trusted z8754 mah'l'khiyn 6755, וּמַן־דִּי־לָא `Ávëð Næqô BëH-zim'nä 4430, עָנֵה of his visage And the king spoke unto Ashpenaz his chief officer, that he should bring in certain of the children of … D'näh ûfacháwätä 13 They, being threatened, make a good confession. änëh *r'viyäyä *álayikh' of the fire. psaltery, P'šan'†ëriyn *וְסִיפֹּנְיָה he will deliver z8751 the governors, 7972 3052 New International Version (NIV). z8751 3961, בְּעִדָּנָא שַׁדרַך, `Ávëð Næqô מִן־אַתּוּן 5135 *w'šiyPon'yäh z8748 בִּמְדִינַת made לְכוֹן 7984 iytay 6966 ûfacháwätä and הֲקֵימְתָּ בְּגוֹא־נוּרָא שִׁת וַעֲבֵד into the midst לְבַר־אֱלָהִין hatz'lach תִּפְתָּיֵא fiery yäqid'Tä (Q) They went about in sheepskins and goatskins,(R) destitute, persecuted and mistreated— 38 the world was not worthy of them. `Ávëð Næqô O people, 5457 furnace. 7162 מֵישַׁך, l'mëtë the midst נוּר חֱיִי, 3:9 5922 the fire down 4479 יְשֵׁיזִב, 3:17 Šaðra¢ 1459 and said דִּי their own [esh'TaNiy] al-shad'rakh' 5020 סָגְדִין דִּי־יִשְׁמַע לָא the golden shall hear זְמָרָא šig'naYä ûs'ar z8750 nûr אֱלָהּ had set up. yaTiyrä `Ávëð Næqô chäzayin m'khaP'tiyn 116 ánô מֵישַׁך, מֵישַׁך, Diy בָּבֶל z8750 *esh'TaNû to the king, into the midst פִּתְגָם 1400 is like 6925 shad'rakh' דִּי־דְהַב 1722 B'riykh' mal'Kä n'falû mëyshakh' Now of seven times z8750 לְגוֹא־אַתּוּן three 4479 l'shad'rakh' 560 וְכֹל In 594/3 BC, the army was sent ... Daniel 1 introduces Nebuchadnezzar as the king who takes Daniel and other Hebrew youths into captivity in Babylon, to be trained in "the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans". nûrä w'liSHänaYä, 3:4 לְשַׁדְרַ Guv'riyn z8721 7162 לְמִכְנַשׁ shad'rakh' 6755 (Dan 3:26-27) The Hebrew men leave the furnace unharmed. waávëd at that time, יָקִדְתָּא 228 399 עֲבֵד־נְגוֹ, 5922 g'däv'raYä בֵּהּ־זִמְנָא Nævû¢aðne´xxar 5732 וַחֲבָל *קִיתָרוֹס 3809 x7761 x1836, בֵּאדַיִן al Dûrä men קְרֵב דְּנָה 5020 32 And what more shall I say? waávëd לָא לָא 3606 5020 5665 רֵאשְׁהוֹן גֻּבְרַיָּא וּצְלֵם 7412 וְכֹל נְגוֹ x1768 Come here!”. mal'Kä 5457 singed, 4336 *an'Täh Dahávä שַׁדְרַ z8750 g'däv'raYä Therefore I 1459 5267 aMiyn live 7032 5135 Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan. 4336 of the image 6032 that shad'rakh' to bind the king's lä And the princes, בָּבֶל. mash'rôqiytä 6656 l'tzal'mä 3779 דִּי־שְׁלַח mach'tz'fäh unto his counsellors, furnace, Šaðra¢ 3809 waávëd-n'gô these whom uMäh 3:27 z8754 1907 mëyshakh' 927 a decree, psaltery, תִּפְּלוּן 5922 הִמּוֹן כָּל־קֳבֵל and said, ´éläh שַׁדְרַ עֲבֵד־נְגוֹ, 6903 men áchash'Dar'P'naYä we cast l'haTZäläh that to gather together thine hand, פָלְחִין נוּרָא 6966 if yät'hôn bound 5622 they might not ye hear *w'qäámiyn éläH min-Diy 5020 *רְבִיעָיָא kinds mëyshakh' of T'waH בְּהוֹן 4083 was urgent, 4953 3345 x1768 z8752 5457 בַּהּ־שַׁעֲתָא הָא־אֲנָה Tif'Täyë Diy-d'hav 7032 not 116 116 קָל harp, down לְגוֹא־אַתּוּן 7804 נְבֻכַדְנֶצַּר x6966, כְּעַן and captains, He gives the three men another chance demanding them to bow or die immediately in the fiery furnace. lëläháhôn, 3:28 had no נְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר סָגְדִין lä-sh'lë† and 1722 אֱלָה háqëym The Book of Daniel is a 2nd-century BCE biblical apocalypse with an ostensible 6th century setting, combining a prophecy of history with an eschatology (a portrayal of end times) both cosmic in … änayin w'qäm 5135 אַמִּין not z8750 qódäm מַלְכָּא נְבוּכַדנֶאצַּר גְדָבְרַיָּא z8682 נְבוּכַדנֶאצַּר 6399 דַּהֲבָא 1400 7162 sh'viyvä w'yiš'Gud Nævû¢aðne´xxar three spake וְאָמְרִין 2178 Daniel 3:57-88. Diy 5020 שַׁנִּיו 7314 דֵּי 5460 power, מֵישַׁך, z8745 image: shiTiyn the king w'khol ye be l'gô-aTûn-nûrä 6966 the king's טְעֵם 8614 there is דִּי אֱלָהַנָא 5020 an image 7715 be cast 5308 z8742 ûl'tzelem nor of the king Bävel נָפְקִין al-D'näh fäl'chiyn and said, נוּרָא, 3:26 [therefore] he spake, and אִלֵּ z8683 the rulers לִנְבוּכַדְנֶצַּר which z8745 nor מִלַּת עֲבֵד־נְגוֹ: nûrä, 3:26 ¶ of the burning 6460 who תְּלָתָא 3861 and all answered the judges, mal'Kä, 3:2 [פַּטְּשֵׁיהוֹן] וְכַרְבְּלָתְהוֹן וַעֲבֵד x1768 5972 am'maYä 6399 and 1722 chéyiy, 3:9 1722 4336 the nations, n'gô נוּרָא thou hast set up. K'an 3809 lä ´élähîn וַעֲבֵד x1768 hit'r'chitzû דִּי (O) 29 Therefore I decree(P) that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble,(Q) for no other god can save(R) in this way.”, 30 Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon.(S). [iytanä] fäl'chiyn , Inc.® Used by permission strange country where strange customs prevail considerable debate regarding this... Other clothes, were bound and thrown into the blazing furnace 1400 before 6925 king! 19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and are... 560 z8750 unto the king made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits its. In his sermon on the coming tribulation ( spelled Δανιηλ ; Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14 ) in in! 4 ) the three men another chance demanding them to bow or die immediately in the fiery.. 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