Sybil "Sybbie" Branson, (b. late May 1920) is the daughter and only child of Tom Branson and the late Lady Sybil Branson (née Crawley) after whom she is named. Anna's mother managed to convince police that it was an accident and he had slipped, but Anna is now terrified that either the police have found a file on the incident or her stepfather had heard of her arrest and tipped them off and it would be used to disprove the Crawleys' character reference of her and portray her as violent. However, his physical dishevelment deceives Grantham into thinking that Thomas has more concern for the family than Grantham believed, and Grantham later tells Carson that he is willing to give Thomas a try as valet. He arrives at Downton in the first episode to replace Lord Grantham's previous valet. A shocked Anna begins to ask how the case is sorted out but Bates silences her, saying they will speak of it later. Gordon says he was rescued from the freezing ocean by Fifth Officer Harold Lowe but developed amnesia and was sent to Montreal after being mistaken for a Canadian. In the third series, she grows to like Alfred but resents Ivy, the new kitchen maid, who steals Alfred's attention. However, the investigation into Green's death begins to wind down, as the police have failed to find anything more than circumstantial evidence to link Bates to the crime. He is never referred to by name on the show, but the published scripts reveal his first name to be Philip. Mary tells the Bateses that their newborn son is welcome to stay at Downton's nursery during the day, as Anna wants to continue working at Downton, and that soon their son will be joined by a child of her own, as Mary is now pregnant. Anna reveals that she's already pregnant again. However, this alliance does not last very long, as Edna is fired after she successfully seduces Tom Branson but is foiled in her effort to blackmail him into marrying her. However, Violet and the family remain suspicious of him as he is "new money" and is described by Lord Grantham as "a hawker of newspaper scandal". Captain Smiley was an Army officer who stayed at Downton Abbey when it was a convalescent home. Violet Crawley (The Dowager Countess of Grantham) (played by Maggie Smith) (b. Barrow is badly beaten instead. Mr. Albert Mason (played by Paul Copley) is the father of William, the Downton footman who died of injuries received in the Great War. Edith decides she wants the child back and plans to reclaim her, then places her in the care of a local pig farmer and his wife. If your canine friend is always happy, you could name your dog after army captain, Captain Smiley, who stays at Downton Abbey when he is injured during the war. Gregson arrives in Munich, then vanishes with no word. She also discusses with Charles Blake his feelings for Mary. Months later, while on vacation, he tells Edith he knows about Marigold, and he believes Michael was an honourable man, with which she agrees, stating Michael would have married her as soon as he could. At the end of the series, Bates is livid as Inspector Vyner calls Anna into Scotland Yard as part of an identity parade. The Observer Slavery He's the MP with the Downton Abbey lifestyle. Lieutenant-General Sir Herbert Strutt KCB, DSO (played by Julian Wadham) is a senior British Army general known as the "Hero of the Somme". [3] She is fiercely political and desires to break free from the social restrictions of the times. While he is recuperating, Jimmy comes to speak with him. Throughout the first series she is often seen bossing around and shouting at Daisy while working but cares for her like a daughter and often offers her advice. He starts his employment there as a junior footman. Lavinia dies at Downton of Spanish influenza after Matthew regains use of his legs and shortly before their wedding. When news reaches the Crawleys confirming Michael Gregson's tragic death, Edith tells a terribly distraught Mrs Drewe the truth, reclaims her daughter, and flees to London. Despite being upset that she kept it from him, he comforts her when she tells him she thinks she's let him down. By the end of the series, Molesley finds work as a schoolteacher. William Mason (played by Thomas Howes) (d. 1918) was the second footman at Downton. Alfred also notes that Thomas always defends Jimmy no matter how unkindly Jimmy behaves, and suggests that perhaps he take it easy. Bates then disappears and is now on the run. This scheme fails, however, when he is sold worthless goods and is rendered penniless. Tony instead becomes engaged to the Hon. Vera comes to Downton only to inform Bates that if he does not come away with her, she will sell the scandalous story of the death of Kemal Pamuk in Mary's bed to the newspapers, which could ruin the reputation of Downton Abbey. He previously served in the Army alongside the earl as his batman during the Boer Wars and suffered an injury to his right leg. Throughout much of the series Bates is at odds with Thomas, who tries to get rid of him so that he can take his place as valet. When she does, Alfred apologises to her, regretting being blinded by his infatuation for Ivy and failing to see how good and true Daisy had been to him. He returns to Crawley House immediately upon Mr Carson's recovery, though he goes to the great house with Matthew Crawley to be his full-time valet after his marriage to Lady Mary. Considering Charlie's future, she gives him to Mr and Mrs Bryant. She reveals that she had stolen jewelry from a previous employer who treated her nicely, and she went to prison but was released early for good behaviour. Full Cast & Crew: Downton Abbey (2010–2015) Series Cast (337) Hugh Bonneville. Between Series 5 and Series 6 they move to New York, sometime before Christmas 1925 they have a daughter named Victoria. She is devoted to Robert and his family and thus feels it is her duty to speak her mind on every possible occasion, though her interference in her nieces' decisions often has disastrous results. In Series Four, Jimmy is something of an antagonist, stirring the pot for amusement and to get at Alfred, his professional rival. Timid by nature, other characters frequently take advantage of her naivete or pull rank by tricking her or handing her the more undesirable and menial tasks. After visiting Bates in prison, Anna declares that she will not rest until Bates had been proven completely innocent and is free. Cora and Edith make up a story to tell her father Robert, that the pig farmer cannot financially care for this child along with his own children, and Edith asks Robert if Marigold can become her "ward." During the War, he served with Charles Blake in the Royal Navy and fought at the Battle of Jutland. While the family, guests and staff listen to Melba's performance upstairs, Green sexually assaults Anna in the servants' quarters. Despite these virtues, Robert's adherence to tradition lets him down in other ways. She tells Bates's vengeful estranged wife Vera about the family's dirty secrets in an attempt to force Bates out and Vera uses that to blackmail Bates. However, problems between the two are not over as Bates realises something has upset Anna. Outwardly prim and somewhat strict in her manner as housekeeper, Mrs Hughes is essentially kindly and generous, as shown when she assists Ethel after she leaves her position and has a baby out of wedlock. However, the same day, Matthew is killed in a car crash while driving home from the hospital. After being caught stealing a bottle of wine, Thomas takes advantage of her feelings for him to persuade her to tell Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes that she saw Mr Bates take the wine. When O'Brien seeks to assist Alfred by enlisting Thomas' support, he refuses to help tutor him, irritated that someone else should progress rapidly when he spent years trying to reach his position. He first appears onscreen after Lord Grantham has given Carson permission to hire another footman in addition to Alfred Nugent. During the first series he had strong feelings for Daisy. Anna later tells Mary of her troubles. Cora blames Robert for Sybil's death because he did not listen to Clarkson. Inspector Vyner of Scotland Yard returns to Downton and informs Anna and Bates that they have discovered that Green attacked several women. In episode 3, Mary asks if Anna has considered Dr Ryder's advice. Marigold is born in Geneva, Switzerland and adopted by a Swiss couple. While her parents are posted to India, Rose stays at Downton, where she is living by 1922. The intended dinner conversation quickly becomes a heated argument in front of the bemused minister, and the Earl of Grantham collapses from a perforated ulcer, ending the gathering while he is rushed to hospital. Anna and Bates both visit Scotland Yard where Anna is forced to be part of an identity parade to which Bates is outraged. He is initially reticent about his family, but mentions that his great-grandfather and his family were Russian Jews from Odessa who had emigrated to England during the 19th century and eventually anglicised their family name. Some of the family do not recognize her at first, but when they do they are surprised at her elevated status. Cora is surprised but confused. Richard Clarkson (played by David Robb) is the Crawley family doctor. After the death of the heir to the estate and her unofficial fiancé, Mary's relationship with the new heir, distant cousin Matthew Crawley, begins coldly due to their different upbringing. Affable and good-natured, he was also a competent pianist (actor Thomas Howes is a pianist) and would entertain other servants during their free time. They had been too scared to come forward before but had now stepped forward and informed the police of his actions. He was further humiliated after being handed a white feather at a benefit concert held in the Crawley mansion. She also refused to hand the police the ticket regarding Mr Bates's trip to London on the day Mr Green died, telling Lady Mary she could never condemn a man for defending his wife's honour against such a crime. As Anna returns to Downton, Bates is still missing, leaving her miserable. Rose befriends the prince's mistress, Freda Dudley Ward, who comes to her when a letter from the prince is stolen by Terence Sampson, a greedy acquaintance from Robert's club. However, after she explains her feelings on marriage he doesn't act. When she feared what he might do next and knew what was about to happen, Anna hid in the dark, waiting for him with a knife. When Daisy visits him again in 1922, she is trying to avoid Alfred, who is saying his final goodbyes at the house. When Barrow begins treating himself to cure his homosexuality and is suffering, Baxter convinces him to see Dr Clarkson, after which Barrow treats her with more respect. Edith is shocked that he was not forced to use the right in school, but his mother would not allow it. She begins an affair with Major Charles Bryant (played by Daniel Pirrie) when he is being treated at Downton while it is a temporary convalescent home. Violet hopes to persuade him to allow the Downton village hospital to remain under the control of the Crawley family, instead of having it merge with a major hospital in York. Despite his questions, he does so. She decides to move back into Downton Abbey, leaving Mr Bates hurt and confused. After the war ends he covers for Carson when he falls ill with Spanish influenza, only to accidentally become drunk while tasting the wine for dinner. When Edith marries Bertie Pelham, the Marquess of Hexham, Marigold moves with them to their new home at Brancaster Castle. Sarah O'Brien, who is angry with Thomas for the way he has treated her nephew, Alfred, quickly latches on to this dynamic and uses it to her own ends. He knew Mary since they were young children, but they did not become reacquainted as adults until after Matthew's death at the end of series three. In the first series, she is shown to have feelings for first footman Thomas, something that Mrs Patmore tries to discourage as she can see that Thomas is "not a ladies' man". Lord Merton remarks that both his sons are very much like his late wife, to whom he was not happily married. He returns to Downton in 1922, clearly still interested in the recently widowed Mary. She calls it off with him but he becomes angry and refuses to break it off with her. But she refused him and he married a woman named Ivy and had a son, Peter. It is impossible to recognise Major Gordon as Patrick Crawley because his face was severely burned during the Battle of Passchendaele. He is appointed Governor of Bombay that year, and he and his wife travel to India. In episode 2, without his knowledge, Anna visits Dr Ryder in London, who offers to perform a cervical stitch to rectify the problem with her carrying a child to term, but she must become pregnant again first. Thomas tells O'Brien that his father was a clockmaker. The episode ends with Anna and Bates sharing a Happy Christmas alone. Only the housemaid Anna offers him any sympathy and friendship. Almost immediately, Daisy Mason falls head-over-heels in love with Alfred, but is impeded by the new kitchen maid, Ivy Stuart, who Alfred is quick to develop a crush on. In the film, she has had a daughter with Henry named Caroline. Bates then invite O'Brien to his cottage, and whispers the words "her ladyship's soap" in her ear, before warning her that unless she calls Jimmy off, he will not keep her secret. Carson had expressed his concerns about Andrew's suitability to fill the new footman's post (because of the gambling club incident), but head housekeeper Mrs Hughes, Mr Barrow, and Daisy Mason urge him to give Andrew a second chance. Eventually, his wife persuades him to accept the child as his grandson, and Mr Bryant offers to adopt Charlie. They love to dislike her. She plays outside with her cousins Sybil and George, and does a little dance for Princess Mary. Despite misgivings, Mrs Crawley agrees with the plan, although Ethel seems unwilling to accept any position aside from one close to Charlie's new home. In the Christmas Special, she receives a letter from Alfred, implying that they keep in touch. In series six, she gets irate when her father in-law loses his tenancy on a nearby estate. There was mercifully only one comedy stump (hello, inappropriately-named Captain Smiley). Then she learns he got into a fight with some men in Munich after taking exception to what they were saying. He also helps cover up the scandal that the murder trial of Downton valet Bates would cause. She also seems to have protective feelings towards Daisy when she suspects that some of the other staff such as Thomas or Miss O'Brien are trying to make a fool or take advantage of her. Over time, however, the pair grow closer, and a romance develops. Using her husband's name, she obtains a service post in the household of the Marquess of Flintshire since the Marchioness of Flintshire is the Earl of Grantham's cousin. However, after James-Collier had filmed the first two episodes of the show the producers contacted his agent and asked if he would like to be optioned for the second and third series.[14]. By the end of the second series, the couple marry and move to Dublin, having finally gained Lord Grantham's blessing. In Series Four, Alfred pursues that interest and leaves Downton to become a chef at the Ritz. As the Minister for Health, the future Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain is persuaded to dine at Downton Abbey by Violet in May 1925 (his wife Anne is her goddaughter). Bates is angered when Miss Baxter informs the police that he could have made it to London the day Green was killed, despite her making clear she could not swear on the evidence. O'Brien, always against Bates, writes to Vera to tell her where he is and about his and Anna's blossoming romance. Out of spite, she leaves a bar of soap on the bathroom floor while Cora is taking a bath. Edith tried to make a joke of it but she looked rather downhearted. Horrified, Alfred is pressured by his aunt, O'Brien, to report the incident to Carson, as homosexuality is considered a crime at this time. Edith Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham (née Lady Edith Crawley; b. In 1913, three years after Ivy dies and his son joins the army, Joe comes to Downton and asks Elsie to marry him, but once again she refuses him, even though she has previously expressed doubts about choosing a life of service over having a husband and family. During the time apart from Bates, Anna refuses to fall into hopelessness or despair, though there is a brief period where this wavers, when letters and visits with her husband are stopped for a time. Rose secretly invites Ross and his band members to perform at Downton for Robert's birthday, by which times she has entered into a secret relationship with Jack. Ever since Downton Abbey pulled the curtains closed on its six-season run this past March, viewers have been feverishly searching for a new period-drama fix. Her father dies shortly after and Matthew honours his deathbed wish for his ashes to be placed in Lavinia's grave. He dies hours later. But Mrs Hughes and Mrs Patmore intervene and Carson eventually gives in and takes Molesley on as a second footman. For example, Rosamund's influence causes complications and delays Mary and Matthew's engagement during the first two series. The final series also deals with Carson downsizing staff to adjust for the current times. After Matthew dies in a car accident Molesley loses his job, moves in with his father and struggles to find work as a servant, forced to be a road construction worker and delivery boy. Bates sneaks up behind Anna, surprising her, then pulls her aside. She gets a new hairstyle announces that she will leave Downton Abbey and move into Yew Tree Farm with Mr. Mason. Isobel becomes disheartened after Larry and his brother Tim treat her disrespectfully. During the second series, Matthew serves in the First World War and both become engaged to other people, but after a series of obstacles, Matthew proposes to her again, and the two marry. Daisy Mason (née Robinson) (played by Sophie McShera) is the kitchen maid, later assistant cook, at Downton. In the second series, with most of the male staff depicted as serving in the First World War, Mr Carson finds himself under mostly self-imposed pressure to ensure household duties are carried out to his exacting standards. He threatens Mrs Hughes with leaving Downton in order to find out what is wrong with his wife. But when learning of his status, Matthew (as the heir to Downton Abbey) instructs him to put an end to his relationship with Edith. With Matthew off at war and Mrs Crawley working with the Red Cross in France he and Mrs Bird, the family cook, find themselves in an empty house with no one to serve. After a confrontation with one of the Russian emigres, Count Rostov, which Rose witnesses, Atticus reveals his family had emigrated after being driven from Odessa in that city's 1859 and 1871 pogroms. After his return, he receives a telegram informing him of her death. She gives it to Lady Mary, who destroys it after Bates uses his skills as forger and pickpocket in suppressing a royal scandal. His aunt is Sarah O'Brien, who brings him forward as a candidate for the empty post based on his previous experience as a waiter at a hotel. In the fifth series, Mary meets Henry Talbot, a race car driver. Ethel Parks (played by Amy Nuttall) was the new maid introduced in the second series as Gwen's replacement. Jimmy continues to be manipulated against Thomas by O'Brien, while John Bates and Elsie Hughes work to protect Thomas from the fallout. By series 4 the love triangle is getting nowhere, until Alfred decides to leave after catching Ivy kissing Jimmy. "They're quite well known apparently. The Duke of Crowborough (played by Charlie Cox) was one of many potential suitors for Lady Mary, but he was seeking a wealthy wife to cure his financial problems. Carson quickly steps forward to comfort her, and assures her she will always find a source of support in him. Rosamund is one of the more headstrong and outspoken members of the family. In the third series, when Lady Sybil goes into labour, he sees signs that she is suffering from eclampsia and is in danger of dying from the intense seizures and distress. In 1924, she meets, falls in love with, and marries Atticus Aldridge, the Jewish son of Lord and Lady Sinderby. He would also gain the companionship of Mrs. Patmore. It begins in pre-World War I England, right after the sinking of the RMS Titanic.. Downton Abbey details the trials and tribulations of a family of nobility living on an estate called Downton Abbey, run by matriarch Violet Crawley, her son Robert Crawley, and his American wife, Cora. Mary struggles to move past her grief, but after the discovery of a letter from Matthew stating he intended to name Mary his sole heiress, she recovers and begins helping her father and brother-in-law Tom manage the estate. Lord Grantham sends Thomas after Lady Edith, and Thomas can only watch in horror, unable to protect Jimmy this one last time. She is also entrusted with teaching Lady Sybil how to cook, something which the pair enjoy. This is a list of characters from Downton Abbey, a British period drama television series created by Julian Fellowes and co-produced by Carnival Films and Masterpiece for ITV and PBS, respectively. She reacts callously at first, reminding him of his place, but soon comes to apologise, and finally breaks down and cries. Charles Blake stages a scene where Mabel and Tony come across Charles and Mary supposedly in a passionate kiss, and finally Tony gives up on Mary and decides to marry Mabel. Overjoyed that her husband is once again innocent, Anna then attempts to locate the untorn ticket to London, as Bates kept it in his coat as a talisman for a time, and its existence would prove Bates could not have been in London when Green was killed. In the third episode of the fourth series, Anna is violently assaulted and raped by Lord Gillingham's valet while the rest of family members and staff are attending a concert above stairs in the house. Still a man of high standards, his reactions to Hughes' cooking lead to a comic incident where he is forced to cook dinner and fails, teaching him to respect her efforts. She takes great pride in her cooking and is a perfectionist in the kitchen. Thomas is quickly drawn to Jimmy, whose flirty and vague behavior leads him to believe that Jimmy might be interested in sharing a homosexual relationship. Before the war, he worked for Lady Anstruther and was her favorite footman. When Thomas decides to buy extra food and supplies on the black market to sell to Downton's kitchen staff, she refuses to get involved in his business, but she sympathises with Thomas after he realises he has been swindled. While Barrow is away in America with Lord Grantham (as John Bates asked to be excused from the trip to remain with his wife), Baxter grows closer to Joseph Molesley, who treats her with respect. Daniel Jonathan Stevens (born 10 October 1982) is an English actor. Bates is then released from prison due to the neighbour's statement. He meets Lady Rose MacClare one stormy day in York in the spring of 1924, while she is leaving a pastry shop, and helps her with her packages. Lavinia Catherine Swire (played by Zoe Boyle) (1895–1919) is the sweetheart and fiancée of Matthew Crawley. Ryder informs Anna that he has identified the problem and that she has a common issue of having cervical incompetence, a condition which results in a baby becoming too heavy for the womb to support after about three months, but also tells her that the condition is easily treatable with cervical cerclage, a stitch inserted into the womb after a woman has been pregnant for about 12 weeks; however, it does not always work. In series six she married Mr Carson. [13], Thomas was originally meant to be written out of the show at the end of the first series once he had had his "comeuppance". In the third series, Thomas and O'Brien's alliance begins to fall apart with the appointment of her nephew Alfred as footman. The neighbour also stated that she had seen Vera walking down the street when the gas lights had come on (she said they made a sort of "halo" around Vera's head), which would have been when Bates was already on his way back home. But Edith, Mary, Matthew and Isobel defend Tom, and Mary settles the matter once and for all by revealing Sybil did not object to her child being a Catholic. He also reveals that Bates is no longer a suspect, as the person seen talking to Green appeared to be shorter than him. Andy helps Mr Mason move into Yew Tree Farm with Mrs Patmore and Daisy. Richard Carlisle (played by Iain Glen) is the fiancé of Lady Mary Crawley in series 2. Amused instead of scandalised at the revelation, Grantham gently declines Carson's offer, ending the matter as a non-issue. After being informed that this story was untrue by Isobel Crawley, the doctor corrected the report to the War Department, and William is drafted shortly thereafter. He hasn’t an unkind bone in his body. In the film, she is seven years old and continues to play with her first cousins George and Marigold at the estate. The Archbishop of York and future Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Cosmo Gordon Lang (Michael Culkin) marries Lady Mary Crawley and Matthew Crawley in the spring of 1920. She is the daughter of a farm-hand. After Lady Edith has a letter published in a newspaper proclaiming support for women's rights, Michael writes to her at least twice offering her a column in his magazine. Bates then leaves Downton, writing in a letter to Carson that he is going to confess to murdering Green in order for Anna to be freed. Elsie May Carson (née Hughes) (played by Phyllis Logan) is the housekeeper at Downton Abbey. 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