"My dad encouraged me to go in that direction," he recalls. Alaa Awad Luxor 2015. He is the only one who derives this style from his cultural heritage. He blends subtly with the social conditions of his country. He blends subtly with the social conditions of his country. He is currently an assistant lecturer at South Valley, where he is also working on his PhD. "Marching Women" Acrylic Painting 38"x51"inch by Alaa Awad Alaa Awad is an Egyptian artist and muralist based in Luxor, Egypt. Die Cookie-Einstellungen auf dieser Website sind auf "Cookies zulassen" eingestellt, um das beste Surferlebnis zu ermöglichen. Especially the Sufi festival, which takes place in several cities before Ramadan. „I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. He blends subtly with the social conditions of his country. Alaa Awad is a virtuoso painter based in Luxor, Egypt, famous for his public art. Alaa Awad. Alaa Awad. Alaa Awad on the brilliance of ancient Egyptian artists – Folk Arts – Folk As painter Alaa Awad prepares for his upcoming exhibition, he spoke to Ahram On-line about his fascination with historic Egyptian heritage. I met with Alaa Awad this week in Luxor as he was working on a new spectacular wall mural on one of the walls at the Mesala Hotel on the West Bank in Luxor, Egypt An expression of the women of Egypt carrying the papyrus, the symbol of knowledge, and the stick, the symbol of self-defence. To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. Find more prominent pieces of mural at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. MORE INFORMATION ACCEPT. One of the most prominent stars of the Egyptian street art scene is Alaa Awad (born 1981), who was educated at South Valley University in Luxor and Zamalek Helwan University in Cairo. The Blue Eyes 35 × 45 cm, oil on Canvas, 2019 Privet collection. As painter Alaa Awad prepares for his up-coming exhibition, he spoke to Ahram Online about his fascination with ancient Egyptian heritage english.ahram.org.eg Alaa Awad on the brilliance of ancient Egyptian artists - Folk Arts - Folk Alaa Awad has been painting since childhood. Wenn du diese Website ohne Änderung der Cookie-Einstellungen verwendest oder auf "Akzeptieren" klickst, erklärst du sich damit einverstanden. He is the only one who derives this style from his cultural heritage. Elmermah 2020 Acrylic on canvas 120 x 90 cm Www.Alaa-awad.com The Blue Eyes 35 × 45 cm, oil on Canvas, 2019 Privet collection. „I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. Paintings, graffiti and signs in support of Basque language (20 F) People with paintings (6 C, 172 F) Photographs of paintings (3 C, 55 F) 4 talking about this. "Camel Riders" Acrylic painting 39"x59"in. The mythological figures in all of his paintings symbolize and captivate the viewer by its details and colorfulness. To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. Awad is an Egyptian artist … Exhibition – EL TAHTIB Haras National de Lamballe – France, Murals – Mohamed Mahmoud Street Cairo – Gaffiti. „I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. Author : Alaa Awad. Selket 2 50 x 40 cm Oil and oil bar on canvas, Selket 3 46 x 36 cm Oil and oil bar on canvas, Selket 1 50 x 38 cm Oil and oil bar on canvas, Elmermah 2020Acrylic on canvas 120 x 90 cm, El Mermah 2020 100 x 150 cm, Oil on canvas, The farewell 2020 120 x 195 cm, Oil on canvas, The Zodiac 2020 90 x 105 cm, Oil on canvas, Egyptain women 2020 100 x 150 cm, Oil on canvas, Angels of Mercy 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 50 x 65 cm, Fluccas 2020 100 x100 cm , Acrylic on canvas, Louts Flower 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Marching women 2 – 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Marching woman 1 – 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, The Blue horse 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, White horses 2020 50 x 70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Camels riders 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Selket – 2019 40 x 50 , oil and oil Bar on canvas, Daughters of the Nile – 2019 120 x 90 cm , Acrylic on canvas, Horses Riders – 2019 35 x 50 cm , oil on canvas, Elmermah 2017-19 oil on canvas , 130 x 180 cm, Horses Riders 2 – 2019 oil on canavs , 35 x 50 cm, Manar 50 × 80 cm, oil on canvas, 2019 Daughter of the Nile, Women from south oil on canvas 40 x 60 2019 Black Beauty . The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time. Born in 1981, Dr. Alaa Awad is an Egyptian painter and muralist. by Alaa Awad Alaa Awad is an Egyptian artist and muralist based in Luxor, Egypt. His intricate murals can sometimes take up to a week to make not only because of the materials he uses, but because of the complexity of his designs. He draws his inspiration from the life of his country, from his traditions, from the heritage of pharaonic civilization. "It is important to me to convey and express a modern message in ancient Egypt, all of which are part of my values of respect.". "I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. "My dad encouraged me to go in that direction," he recalls. Alaa Awad has been painting since childhood. Unlike other graffiti artists, Alaa Awad chooses to paint with a brush and uses acrylic paints rather than using stencils and spray paints. „I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. Based in Luxor, a town built on ancient Egyptian treasures and legacies, the young artist and assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Luxor has always been inspired by ancient Egyptian art. To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. Selket 2 50 x 40 cm Oil and oil bar on canvas, Selket 3 46 x 36 cm Oil and oil bar on canvas, Selket 1 50 x 38 cm Oil and oil bar on canvas, Elmermah 2020Acrylic on canvas 120 x 90 cm, El Mermah 2020 100 x 150 cm, Oil on canvas, The farewell 2020 120 x 195 cm, Oil on canvas, The Zodiac 2020 90 x 105 cm, Oil on canvas, Egyptain women 2020 100 x 150 cm, Oil on canvas, Angels of Mercy 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 50 x 65 cm, Fluccas 2020 100 x100 cm , Acrylic on canvas, Louts Flower 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Marching women 2 – 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Marching woman 1 – 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, The Blue horse 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, White horses 2020 50 x 70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Camels riders 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper, Selket – 2019 40 x 50 , oil and oil Bar on canvas, Daughters of the Nile – 2019 120 x 90 cm , Acrylic on canvas, Horses Riders – 2019 35 x 50 cm , oil on canvas, Elmermah 2017-19 oil on canvas , 130 x 180 cm, Horses Riders 2 – 2019 oil on canavs , 35 x 50 cm, Manar 50 × 80 cm, oil on canvas, 2019 Daughter of the Nile, Women from south oil on canvas 40 x 60 2019 Black Beauty . The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time. „It is important to me to convey and express a modern message in ancient Egypt, all of which are part of my values of respect.“. „My dad encouraged me to go in that direction,“ he recalls. ‘Portrait’ was created in 2018 by Alaa Awad in Neo-Expressionism style. The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time. He draws his inspiration from the life of his country, from his traditions, from the heritage of pharaonic civilization. "I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. 03/2014 Art of the Urban Pharaohs Masterpieces Lost, Yarra Gallery, Melbourne / Australia "Cattle Market 2" Acrylic painting 35"x59"inch by Alaa Awad Alaa Awad is an Egyptian artist and muralist based in Luxor, Egypt. The content is partly not available until you have agreed to our privacy policy. He is the only one who derives this style from his cultural heritage. He blends subtly with the social conditions of his country. He rose to prominence in 2012 after painting a … Alaa Awad is an Egyptian painter and is also known for his public murals in Cairo and Luxor, Egypt. BEIRUT ART FAIR Sawart with Keizer, Alaa Awad and Marwa Ade / Libanon. His paintings , drawings , mosaic and his murals capture the history and traditions of Egypt, which he translated into a colorful neo-pharonic style. During the Egyptian Revolution he created murals in Cairo and captured the attention of the media and the world, such as his depiction of a funeral march and wailing women on the walls of the city which came to represent the grief and outcry of the entire country. The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time. The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time. „My dad encouraged me to go in that direction,“ he recalls. Proud of his culture, he immersed himself in this martial art by watching traditional festivals in southern Egypt. Find more prominent pieces of portrait at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. Especially the Sufi festival, which takes place in several cities before Ramadan. The green shadow 40 × 60 cm oil on canvas, Privet collection 2019, The content is partly not available until you have agreed to our privacy policy. Alaa Awad has been painting since childhood. The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time. The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time. 08/2014 Art of the Urban Pharaohs Queens Hall Parliament House Melbourne Victoria, Melbourne / Australia. Alaa Awad’s Buraq mural portrayed his view on the internal conflict Egypt's revolution faced between factions within the movement. Painting by Alaa Awad. „My dad encouraged me to go in that direction,“ he recalls. Proud of his culture, he immersed himself in this martial art by watching traditional festivals in southern Egypt. Alaa Awad - Creating Neo-Pharaonic Murals An Egyptian street artist, Alaa Awad is known for his neo-pharaonic murals. „I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. He is the only one who derives this style from his cultural heritage. • 2019: Daughter of the Nile, Egyptian Cultural Center, PARIS / France. ‘Justice’ was created in 2016 by Alaa Awad in Street art style. 06/2014 THEBES: PEACE AND CONFLICT MCLA Gallery 51, North Adams / USA. Die Cookie-Einstellungen auf dieser Website sind auf "Cookies zulassen" eingestellt, um das beste Surferlebnis zu ermöglichen. Awad is an Egyptian artist and is also … Alaa Awad is an artist and assistant lecturer of fine arts for the South Valley University Faculty of Fine Arts located in Luxor, Egypt. MORE INFORMATION ACCEPT. ‘Drawing’ was created in 2017 by Alaa Awad. "Elmermah" Oil Painting 39" x 59" inch by Alaa Awad Alaa Awad is an Egyptian artist and muralist based in Luxo... Category 21st Century and Contemporary Contemporary Figurative Paintings To Awad, the gateway to modern art is ancient Egyptian heritage. „My dad encouraged me to go in that direction,“ he recalls. NORTH ADAMS -- Bringing the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 to the streets of North Adams, painter Alaa Awad will finish up his month-long stay in the Berkshires with an art show of oils and watercolors at MCLA Gallery 51 and a sprawling new mural on Center Street that furthers the message of justice for all. He is the only one who derives this style from his cultural heritage. The green shadow 40 × 60 cm oil on canvas, Privet collection 2019. Especially the Sufi festival, which takes place in several cities before Ramadan. „It is important to me to convey and express a modern message in ancient Egypt, all of which are part of my values of respect.“. Awad paints in a neo-pharonic graffiti style, a style that harkens back to Ancient Egypt. He draws his inspiration from the life of his country, from his traditions, from the heritage of pharaonic civilization. Awad is known for his murals, especially the ones displayed in downtown Cairo. Between November 2013 and February 2014 Alaa Awad showed this painting in the exhibition Power of Powerless in Baden-Baden, Germany. Especially the Sufi festival, which takes place in several cities before Ramadan. Find more prominent pieces of mural at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. Freedom facing the conquest, quietly staring at the crowd of offerings. Proud of his culture, he immersed himself in this martial art by watching traditional festivals in southern Egypt. Currently, he serves as an assistant lecturer and PhD candidate at South Valley University (SVU), Faculty of Fine Arts. Inspired by ancient Egyptian heritage and contemporary society, some of Awad’s most popular work includes scenes of celebration, victory, Sufism, Egyptian social life and culture. To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. ‘The mourners’ was created in 2012 by Alaa Awad in Street art style. "It is important to me to convey and express a modern message in ancient Egypt, all of which are part of my values of respect.". Wenn du diese Website ohne Änderung der Cookie-Einstellungen verwendest oder auf "Akzeptieren" klickst, erklärst du sich damit einverstanden. Welcome to Dr Alaa Awad He became famous for his special murals on Mohamed Mahmoud Street in Cairo of 2012. Alaa Awad has been painting since childhood. „It is important to me to convey and express a modern message in ancient Egypt, all of which are part of my values of respect.“. Proud of his culture, he immersed himself in this martial art by watching traditional festivals in southern Egypt. The craftsman who skilfully carved the palette out of obdurate greenish-black rock is anonymous, but the artist who painted the mural on Mohamed Mahmoud Street … A Buraq is a mythological creature that is half-animal and half-human, usually with the body of a donkey and the head of a woman or man. He draws his inspiration from the life of his country, from his traditions, from the heritage of pharaonic civilization. Alaa Awad: List of works - All Artworks by Date 1→10. „It is important to me to convey and express a modern message in ancient Egypt, all of which are part of my values of respect.“. Alaa Awad has been painting since childhood. He is well known for his murals created on Mohamed Mahmoud Street in Cairo, Egypt in 2012 during the Egyptian Revolution, which took media attention. „I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. The artist can paint three to four screens at the same time.
I consent to the use of cookies and the privacy policy of this site. He draws his inspiration from the life of his country, from his traditions, from the heritage of pharaonic civilization. He blends subtly with the social conditions of his country. Proud of his culture, he immersed himself in this martial art by watching traditional festivals in southern Egypt. List of works All Artworks by Date 1→10 (32) All Artworks by Date 10→1 (32) ... Styles Neo-Expressionism (16) Street art (11) Genres figurative (6) genre painting (4) history painting (2) mosaic (1) mural (12) portrait … Marching Women (2012), acrylic on wall, Cairo (destroyed). To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. Awad is an Egyptian artist and is also … To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. Category: Piece of art Pieces: 45 Size: 5 x 9 Added date: 11/20/2020 Difficulty: Easy. Find more prominent pieces of sketch and study at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. Especially the Sufi festival, which takes place in several cities before Ramadan. „I start, stop, go to another canvas, come back, it all depends on the feeling, it can take up to six months, charcoal, watercolor, natural pigments are part of his colorful palette, but he also works pure ink. To explain this lost legacy, Alaa Awad uses extravagant colors, witnessing the effervescence of these celebration moments. The viewer by its details and colorfulness watching traditional festivals in southern Egypt Mahmoud Street Cairo –.. Awad he became famous for his Neo-Pharaonic murals an Egyptian artist and muralist our privacy of! 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