Until, of course, a certain someone shows up with similar interests. Unlike most notable members of the secret society, Xai Bau deserted the White Lotus due to growing disillusionment. While evading the attacks of the sentries, he managed to provide the earthbender three pieces of earth, which Ghazan promptly used to lavabend and break out of his wooden holding. The Red Lotus was founded by former White Lotus member Xai Bau, who believed the organization had lost sight of its true path. Avatar: The Last Airbender: Legacy of the Fire Nation, The Legend of Korra Creators on the Show's Future - Comic Con 2014, https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Lotus?oldid=2839373. The world knew about the White Lotus and how they helped Avatar Aang defeat the Fire Nation. Chapter Text. When the deception was revealed, Ghazan and Ming-Hua left Mako, Bolin, Asami and Tenzin to die as lava slowly destroyed the Northern Air Temple. While Ghazan was sent toward the city's walls, the other three made their way to the capital's communications room in order for Zaheer to make a citywide announcement of the fall of Hou-Ting's regime. While Zaheer faced off with Zuko and Ghazan kept Tonraq busy, Ming-Hua quickly defeat Chiefs Desna and Eska and drilled her way down to P'Li's underground cell, where she incapacitated the two guards on duty and freed the firebender. He washed his hands of the incident, and maintained his innocence by covering up his involvement in the kidnapping, but began pursuing his own personal ambition to become the Dark Avatar, something that the Red Lotus had not planned to do. Eventually Ming-Hua managed to gain the upper hand against Mako, throwing him into a door and rendering him unconscious. The Red Lotus' agenda is to have the humans and spirits coexist again and usher in a new world order by dismantling the established nations and their leaders, which they originally planned to do by releasing Vaatu from his prison within the Tree of Time,[1] and later by assassinating world leaders and ending the Avatar Cycle. Misi mereka adalah menyatukan dunia roh dan dunia manusia dan menghapuskan batas-batas negara. Dragonking56. "Venom of the Red Lotus" (actual)"The Calling" (vision) The foursome was soon surrounded by members of the Metal Clan, who used their metalbending to box them in with metal plates. “The Red Lotus is dedicated to restoring freedom in … Unalaq. Reaching the Ba Sing Se, the Red Lotus directly went to the Royal Palace and meeting the Earth Queen. Usher in a new age between spirits and humans by overthrowing the Order of the White Lotus, the four nations' governments, and the Avatar General information Although Kya and Bumi each managed to get in some hits in, they eventually had to acknowledge the superiority of their opponents when they teamed up against them and managed to knock them off the balcony. Jan 19th 2018 at 7:18:44 PM . After suffering several bad falls, as well as the continued effects of the poison, Korra collapsed on a nearby plateau which allowed Zaheer to apply the asphyxiation technique he had previously used to kill the Earth Queen. History In 171 AG, Aiwei and Zaheer met at Xai Bau's Grove at sundown, where the latter demanded an explanation from the truth seer for the Red Lotus ' failed attempt to … Formerly a member of the White Lotus and the founder of the Red Lotus, Xai Bau had left the order after the Hundred Year War ended. The Red Lotus is a global militant anarchist organization, founded by Xai Bau as a splinter faction of the Order of the White Lotus after the Hundred Year War, in the series: The Legend of Korra. Unknown (Air) Zaheer: 100%. Image gallery (8) I’m going to focus on Zaheer, because the other three members of the Red Lotus are no more than cool-looking animated action figures with little if any depth whatsoever. Zaheer's prison was constructed out of metal on top of a remote mountain. Nominated. Fast and secure proxy for downloading torrents via TPB. Anxious over the situation, the driver wavered while questioned by the officers, who forced him out of the vehicle as a result. While P'Li remained behind to guard Zaheer's body, Ming-Hua and Ghazan traveled to the village to retrieve Korra. Ming-Hua escaped her prison using waterbending in 171 AG, with the help of Zaheer and Ghazan. Iroh was unable to … Although Aiwei assured the airbender that there was no evidence left linking back to the Red Lotus, Zaheer deemed Aiwei himself to be a loose end and subsequently threw his soul into the Fog of Lost Souls. As such, Zaheer, Ghazan, P'Li, and Ming-Hua launched their plan to kidnap Korra a year after her identification as the new Avatar, though were unsuccessful due to the intervention of Tonraq, Tenzin, Sokka, and Zuko. That's cute. The organization's lesser-known members, such as Aiwei remained undercover. Air Nomad caves (formerly) Once change has begun you cannot stop it. Eventually, Bolin managed to block P'Li's chi by striking her third eye with a pebble, while Lin and Suyin Beifong dropped in from above on cables and rescued Korra. The latter had been incarcerated for thirteen years following a failed attempt to kidnap Avatar Korra. Click here to take the quiz! When still a teenager, Zaheer met Chief Unalaq after they had both just joined the Red Lotus. While Zaheer faced off with Tonraq and Ghazan kept Zuko busy, Ming-Hua quickly defeated Chiefs Desna and Eska and drilled her way down to P'Li's underground cell, where she incapacitated the two guards on duty and freed the combustionbender. The Red Lotus is a global militant anarchist organization, founded by Xai Bau as a splinter faction of the Order of the White Lotus after the Hundred Year War. Zaheer (incarcerated) Before he could get to her, however, Earth Queen Hou-Ting's troops captured Asami and Korra to bring them back to Ba Sing Se. P'li said as she looked at Femke with a small smile, remembering the time Xai Bau had offered her to bring her to a nice loving family in exchange for P'li leaving the Red Lotus to him and zaheer. In The Legend of Korra, new airbender Zaheer leads the group, and she's joined by his three closest allies: P'Li, Ghazan, and Ming Hua, who can each bend one of … Zaheer and his mentor Xai Bau, the infamous founder of the Red Lotus, take down a power-hungry warlord and free a fourteen-year-old girl he had held captive to become his killing machine. Until 171 AG, the organization operated through sleeper cells, keeping their existence unknown to the world. The Red Lotus sought refuge in an apartment complex located in Republic City. While secretly alerting his friends back in the physical world that Korra was at an inn in the Misty Palms Oasis, he distracted her by telling her about the origins of the Red Lotus and how Unalaq had engineered their first attempt to kidnap her. Now sit back, relax, and have a cup of tea ready as you enjoy … THE JOURNALS OF XAI BAU . He is never shown in the show, but he is recognized as the founder of the Red Lotus. He promptly traveled to Ghazan's prison and used his disguise as a White Lotus sentry to come close enough to board the wooden ship. / Purpose: Usher in a new age between spirits and humans by overthrowing the Order of the White Lotus, … • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. Realizing their attempt to kidnap Korra had failed, Zaheer created an air dome to cover their escape.[6]. Although Aiwei assured the airbender that there was no evidence left linking back to the Red Lotus, Zaheer deemed Aiwei himself to be a liability and subsequently threw his soul into the Fog of Lost Souls. He runs away to Ba Sing Se in hopes of achieving an anonymous life, but his traveling partner is not so compliant. No comments yet Add comment. ... Xai Bau. Members of the Order of the Red Lotus. Members of the White Lotus and Chief Lin Beifong of Republic City spent the next thirteen years interrogating each member of the Red Lotus in order to determine the gang's motives, but were ultimately unsuccessful.[6]. In order to preserve the way how he believed the order should have been, he broke away and founded the Red Lotus to help free the world from the nations' influence. Before he could get to her, however, Earth Queen Hou-Ting's troops captured Asami and Korra to bring them back to Ba Sing Se. Master Xai Bau[1] would rally the Air Nomads together, reorganize the Air Nation and launch its retaliatory strike against the Fire Nation. Red Dot Award: Product Design. [5], The Red Lotus eventually fully broke away from the White Lotus, intending to help liberate the world from the nations' influence. * FallenHero: According to Zaheer, Xai Bau was once a member of the Red Lotus, but formed the Red White Lotus as a splinter faction out of growing disgust and dissatisfaction with the direction the White Lotus was heading. [1] According to Lord Zuko, Zaheer and his associates are dangerous as individuals and are capable of taking down the entire world as a unit. In light of the recent event, Ghazan inquired whether the group would continue with their plan to attack President Raiko, an operation which Zaheer decided to delay in order to focus on determining a method to leave the city. General Stats; Answer Stats; Score Distribution; Your Score History; General Stats. Meanwhile, Team Avatar had discovered the hideout with the help of Kai, and freed the captured airbenders before engaging the remaining members of The Red Lotus. Find your thing. The reddish-black color scheme of the logo of the Red Lotus is reminiscent of that of Vaatu, while the Order of the White Lotus' logo's color scheme matches that of Raava. Resurfacing, the two were immediately attacked by Druk, Zuko's dragon, though P'Li managed to redirect the flames and retaliate with a combustion beam of her own. While secretly alerting his friends back in the physical world that Korra was at an inn in the Misty Palms Oasis, he distracted her by telling her about the origins of the Red Lotus and how Unalaq had engineered their first attempt to kidnap her. Deeply traumatized and with nothing left, P'Li feels completely lost. Anyways currently I like to believe tha Xai Bau is Iroh. Their escape did not go unnoticed, however, as Pabu alerted Mako and Bolin, who subsequently attacked the Red Lotus and drew attention to the group's presence. However, the tables turned when P'Li landed an attack, bringing Tenzin down within striking range of Ming-Hua and Ghazan. Status [2] Cabbage Corp? The Order of the White Lotus had come out of secrecy after the Hundred Years War, and this sparked a schism that saw the birth of another, very different society. Zaheer's prison was constructed out of metal on top of a remote mountain. Korra pointed out. Zaheer answered Korra's questions about the Red Lotus as a way to distract her. Zaheer & The Red Lotus. No character so important to the ATLA universe could be this underdeveloped. The two promptly headed to free their third associate, Ming-Hua, who was detained in a volcanic facility devoid of moisture. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Red Lotus (Lotus Merah) merupakan suatu perkumpulan yang bertujuan untuk mengembalikan kebebasan utuh kepada seluruh umat manusia. Three years untethered, drifting. Or how its founder, Xai Bau, became one of the most feared men of all time? Water: Ming-Hua: 100%. In the Spirit World, Zaheer confronted Aiwei over what had happened at Zaofu, blaming the truth seer for the fiasco and accused him of having left loose ends. In order to achieve that goal, they wanted to truly unify the world by reopening the spirit portals so man and spirits would live together once more as one, as well as by doing away with the nation borders and their leaders.[1]. Instead of trying to convince the Avatar to join them in her adulthood, they decided to capture and eventually kill her while she was in the Avatar State, putting an end to the reincarnation cycle and further establish anarchy. As was the case with P'Li, the Order of the White Lotus imprisoned Ghazan and Ming-Hua in environments that would prevent them from using any bending, while Zaheer was imprisoned in a remote mountaintop cell constructed entirely out of metal. Attempt to kidnap Korra and incarceration. Zaheer used meditation to determine Korra's whereabouts. In order to halt the remaining officers, Ghazan turned a section of the road into lava, which allowed the four to successfully escape. The two promptly headed to free their third associate, Ming-Hua, who was detained in a volcanic facility devoid of moisture. Meanwhile, Bolin, Asami, and Mako were working to rescue the airbenders while Zaheer was distracted. As if they could ever imprison me. ru:Орден Красного Лотоса. Korra contacted Zaheer over the radio from the Metal Clan's airship explaining that she would surrender herself so long as Zaheer freed the airbenders. While holding the two brothers aloft, she told Ghazan to pursue Korra. In The Legend of Korra, they are the unseen overarching antagonistic faction of Book 2, the main antagonistic faction of Book 3, and the overarching antagonistic faction of Book 4. Zaheer and his mentor Xai Bau, the infamous founder of the Red Lotus, take down a power-hungry warlord and free a fourteen-year-old girl he had held captive to become his killing machine. In light of the recent event, Ghazan inquired whether the group would continue with their plan to attack President Raiko, an operation which Zaheer decided to delay in order to focus on determining a way out of the city. The four were pursued by five police cars, three of which were immediately blown up by P'Li's combustion beams. I met your uncle when I was a teenager, after we had joined the Red Lotus. The foursome was apprehended and detained in four maximum security prisons scattered around the globe. Have you ever wondered what the history of the Red Lotus is? Although it was now four against one, Tenzin refused to give up, stating he would never let the Red Lotus get to the Avatar as long as he was breathing, prompting the three members on the ground to relentlessly barrage him with their respective elements.[10]. After trading many blows, Ming-Hua eventually managed to subdue Mako and Bolin, enabling Ghazan to go after Korra. The truck driver attempted to drive out of the city via Kyoshi Bridge, though by the time they got there, the road had already been barricaded and every vehicle was being searched by the police. The Red Lotus is a global militant anarchist organization, founded by Xai Bau as a splinter faction of the Order of the White Lotus after the Hundred Year War, in the series: The Legend of Korra. The three members that Zaheer rescued died in reverse order from which he freed them from their prisons, the order of their death being from first to last: P'Li, Ming-Hua, and Ghazan. We believe in freedom. Nation Answer % Correct; Earth: Ghazan: 100%. Zaheer: A member of the Red Lotus Or how its founder, Xai Bau, became one of the most feared men of all time? After trading many blows, Ming-Hua eventually managed to subdue Mako and Bolin, enabling Ghazan to go after Korra. The sole freeman of the Red Lotus stumbles across a man of the past when Republic City's spirit portal opens up. Fanboy: Bolin runs into a pair of fans of his Nuktuk movers. Send a Message Reason: None. ️ CAM KẾT ĐỘC QUYỀN HÀNG CHÍNH HÃNG 100% ️ Hàng có sẵn tại # RedcookiesKorea----- # comment, # inbox Để được tư vấn cụ thể. He bended a large block of ice at Xai Bau. Whenever I want to watch an old TV show or play a game from my childhood, I first visit Amazon Video, Netflix, Stream, and so, but I usually end up on The Pirate Bay because that’s the only place where a lot of old and obscure content is available. They intended to use the Air Nation as leverage to get to Korra, though when Tenzin figured that out, the airbending master promptly attacked them, giving the airbenders a chance to escape. Xai Bau Can you name all the known members of the Order of the Red Lotus from The Legend of Korra and other works of the same universe? The Red Lotus sought refuge in an apartment complex located in Republic City. [1] Though the Red Lotus' existence was known within the White Lotus, the latter was unaware that Xai Bau's group had become extremely militant; Iroh in particular continued to hope for a reunification.[5]. This led to Xai Bau's creation of the Red Lotus society, a more militant version of the White Lotus. Zaheer shaved his head and infiltrated Air Temple Island under the guise of "Yorru" in an attempt to determine Korra's whereabouts, though his apparent knowledge of Air Nomad culture and desire to meet the Avatar aroused suspicion from Kya, who eventually discovered his true identity. Meanwhile, Zaheer had trouble keeping up with the airbending master, who managed to evade all his counter blows and land many of his own. Join Xai Bau as he chronicles the tragedy, betrayal, and loss that marked his ascension to the leader of one of the most feared organizations in the Avatar world. [2][3], The only Red Lotus members who were publicly revealed as such were all powerful, influential individuals: the former Chief Unalaq, the truth-seer Aiwei, and a group of terrorists led by Zaheer. As part of their plan to find the Avatar, the four criminals traveled to Republic City and sought refuge in an apartment complex overran by spirit vines. After returning to base, P'Li chastised Zaheer for exposing himself on Air Temple Island and compromising the group's whereabouts, stating that the incident prompted the police to begin looking for them. Notable members Dans le Monde spirituel, Korra trouve Aiwei et Zahir au Bosquet. IMAGE DETAILS. With the White Lotus successfully raising Korra, the Red Lotus shifted plans. After being alerted by their leader, Ghazan and Ming-Hua travel to the Misty Palms Inn to capture Korra. While evading the attacks of the sentries, he managed to provide the earthbender three pieces of earth, which Ghazan promptly used to lavabend and break out of his wooden holding. As it seemed like Korra had succumbed to the poison, Jinora revealed that the poison was metallic in nature, and thus, prompted Suyin to bend the poison out of Korra's body, saving her. Firstly, Zaheer states the Red Lotus was founded just after the 100 Year War. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Shortly after, Zaheer opened his eyes and announced that Korra was in Zaofu with the Metal Clan. Aiwei was Suyin Beifong's trusted second-in-command, and also an emissary and truth seer of Zaofu, however Aiwei was really a terrorist, affiliated with the radical anarchist organization known as the Order of the Red Lotus. Zaheer instructed Korra to meet him on top of Laghima's Peak. Black Refusing to be taken back to prison, the lavabender bent the cave down on himself in an effort to kill Mako and Bolin, but both brothers were able to escape.