"WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY FAMILY?! The question is, how did you? Lisa's also happy that Lincoln did the right thing by confessing to what he did instead of lying to her or just not telling her about it. The Loud House Season 1 Episode 11 - Butterfly Effect + The Green House. While overseeing the damage, Lori finds a signed photo of Bobby on Leni's side of the closet, which Leni claims was her "88-day-iversary" gift that she forgot to give to her. Room for Improvement with the Casagrandes, Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes, https://theloudhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Butterfly_Effect?oldid=1081969. "Lincoln: "Luan?! "[Flip, the owner of the station, opens a window and calls out to Lisa. Next ]Lincoln: "What the heck was that?! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Although all of Lincoln's sisters appear in this episode, Lisa is the only sister who "actually" appears (and possibly Lori at the end of the episode, if she isn't another one of Lincoln's hallucinations). A page for describing YMMV: Loud House S 1 E 11 Butterfly Effect The Green House. Lisa's potions cause an unexpected chain of events that leads to trouble for the Louds. "Lisa: [in the doorway] "Tell Lisa what?" S1:E13 | Jun 10, 2016 | 23m. "Lincoln: "Please don't be one of my sisters! 200px "Butterfly Effect" In Lincoln's fantasy of what would happen if he doesn't tell Lisa the truth after destroying her chemicals with his yo-yo, Lori breaks up with Bobby and dates Clyde. "Lucy: I was bitten by Lana's liberated vampire bat! ]Lola: "OH, MY TEETH!" 111a Follow. "[the roof is lifted up from outside by Lily, who has grown to gargantuan size; she looks down at Lincoln, and she giggles. perkygoth14, loud, house. ]Lincoln: "Don't you leave, too! Lincoln: "Watch in awe, as The Amazing Lincoln displays his unbelievable yo-yo skills! [The scene opens up on an exterior shot of the Loud House on a sunny day; Lincoln leaps out of his room to perform for the viewers. 4.3 out of 5 stars 177. You're a comedian!" You must cancel before the trial ends to avoid charges. 2.11 Ep 11.: "Butterfly Effect"/"The Green House" 2.12 Ep 12.: "Along Came a Sister"/"Chore and Peace" 2.13 Ep 13.: "For Bros About to Rock"/"It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House" 2.14 Ep 14.: "Toads and Tiaras"/"Two Boys and a Baby" 2.15 Ep 15.: "Cover Girls"/"Save the Date" 2.16 Ep 16.: "Attention Deficit"/"Out on a Limo" Luan enters Lincoln's room to announce that she's giving up comedy to become an activist, due to watching too much cable news following Luna's departure (since she no longer has anyone to try her jokes out on). May 29, 2016 May 29, 2016 May 30, 2016 June 8, 2016 June 8, 2016 June 9, 2016 June 9, 2016 June 15, 2016 June 16, 2016 June 30, 2016 July 1, 2016 July 2, 2016 September 9, 2016 September 20, 2016 October 20, 2017 December 23, 2017 May 2, 2018 June 1, 2018 August 17, 2020 Lana - Protects herself inside a plastic bubble to avoid any injuries. We still haven’t learned from that and that’s the biggest story of 2020. ]Lori: "'To my bodacious babe'? EloyQuind3461. Cartoons Loud House. 3 hours ago | 0 view. "Lana: "I saw what happened to Lola. Lincoln is practicing his yo-yo tricks, when his yo-yo flies off of his finger, and into Lisa's bedroom, breaking the beakers on her desk, and spilling their contents. ]Lincoln: "SWEET MOTHER OF...What are you doing with Lori?! See more ideas about loud house characters, lynn loud, lola loud. "[a monkey appears, spooking Lincoln, and it takes Mr. [puts his hand over the camera. Episode Guide The Loud House Season 1 Episode 11 - Butterfly Effect - The Green House. Come in! The Loud House Season 1 Episode 11 - Butterfly Effect + The Green House. Leni, why is this picture Bobby hidden on your side of the closet? "[Lincoln and Charles look into the room, and they see that the bottles on Lisa's desk have been broken, with their contents spilled. ]Lisa: "I don't understand what went wrong. The Butterfly Effect/The Green House. Regular or unleaded?Leni: [brandishes a certificate] "Oh, I don't need gas. A Code Green; Lori broke up with Bobby, and I'm the rebound guy! Watch The Loud House Episode 11 - Butterfly Effect : The Green House - SpongeBob Badour on Dailymotion Lucy appears, announcing to Lincoln that she is now a vampire from being bitten by Lana's liberated bat, and she turns into one herself. ], [Leni opens her eyes as she regains consciousness on Lisa's bed; Lincoln and Lisa are looking down on her. [gasps as she sees the damage. "Lincoln: "No, I mean, why are you doing any of this? Search. Lincoln tries to call Clyde to help him fix the insanity he caused, but he can't because now, since Lori broke up with Bobby, she's dating him for the rebound and they are skydiving together, much to Lincoln's disgust. 22 min 7/14/2018 $2.99. ]Lincoln: [nervous] "The Amazing Lincoln will now take a brief intermission. Do you know what's going on in the world? "[flashes into Lincoln's imagination, where Lisa observes the damage in a dark, stylized environment. "It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House" Lincoln kisses a quarter after finding it in the couch. The Butterfly Effect/The Green House. ]Lincoln: [fearful] "I was playing with my yo-yo, and it got out of control, and it wrecked your experiment, and I'm really, really sorry! 200px ", and removes the evidence from the scene. Airdate ]Lucy: "I was watching that. I better go tell Lisa. I shall now "walk the dog"!" In an effort to be more energy-efficient Lincoln rallies his family to stop using so much electricity. Alright, I'm on my way! I meant the yo-yo. After spilling an experiment of Lisa’s, Lincoln sets off a chain reaction that unravels the household. Lily - Becomes a giant after being exposed to Lisa's chemicals. ]Lincoln: "Not you, Charles. Hope you enjoy. "[Lynn enters the house, screams loudly, and pounds her fist against the wall; she hyperventilates as Lincoln walks up to her. 21 ]Lincoln: "Oh no, Lisa's chemicals! (Charles wimpers, and he walks out of the scene; Lincoln does his "walk the dog" trick) "Lincoln: "AAAAAHHH! ]Lincoln: "Yikes. Jun 11, 2016. ]Lola: [gasps] "I am a hideous...monster. "Katherine: "One has to wonder, where did it all go wrong for these girls? "Luan: "They're just Lana's pets. [holds Luna's hand]Luna: "Luna is IN! It's continues where giant Lily picked up Lincoln and was going to eat him. He just reminds me of all the trees being cut down in the rainforest. [The scene opens up on an exterior shot of the Loud House on a sunny day; Lincoln leaps out of his room to perform for the viewer]LINCOLN: "Watch in awe, as The Amazing Lincoln displays his unbelievable yo-yo skills! Wait, don't forget to come down to Flip's Food & Fuel, home of the Flippee! ]Lincoln: "DON'T EAT ME, LILY! Watch fullscreen. Log in. "[the screen splits in half to show Clyde's location. Lisa hugs Lincoln for proving her experiment. 11a TV-Y7 | Jun 8, 2016 | 23m. Read chapter 17: Butterfly Effect from the story Welcome to the Loud House by PerkyGoth14 with 496 reads. Butterfly Effect Rewritten [The scene opens up on an exterior shot of the Loud House on a sunny day; Lincoln leaps out of his room to perform for the viewer] Lincoln: "Watch in awe, as The Amazing Lincoln displays his unbelievable yo-yo skills! After spilling an experiment of Lisa's, Lincoln sets off a chain reaction that unravels the household. For Bros About to Rock; It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House . Now the interview's over." 12. I've seen you poop on the couch! Doesn't Lisa tutor you? Broadcast Information Overnight Success/Ties that Bind. "[Lincoln tries to run for her, but he bumps into a plastic bubble containing Lana. Greatest! They are my favorite type of show to watch. What have I done?! My third fanfiction. Credits "[the station's payphone rings; Lincoln answers it, and he hears barking on the other end. "Lincoln: [screams and jumps up in terror] "Lucy! Lisa tutors Lynn, so that she can stay competing on her sports teams. [Lana rolls past him] "Lana?! "[Charles enters the scene, carrying a suitcase. Former rising star Luna Loud was kicked off the Mick Swagger tour for destroying a hotel room. "Lincoln: "But you're the queen of risks! "Lisa: "A-HA! ], [the monkey and a big snake are in the living room; Lincoln chases Izzy, who hides under the couch. ", [Lincoln enters Lola's room, holding an ice pack. "Lynn: "UGH, WITHOUT SPORTS, MY LIFE IS MEANINGLESS!" Feeling that her world has been shattered, Lisa gives up on science and gets a job as a gas station attendant at Flip's Food & Fuel. Can you come over?! Overall But then when she was about to eat him, she stopped giving a yip of pain. Chris Savino The Loud House-The Butterfly Effect(Alternate Episode) Edit. Oct 1, 2019 - Explore Kaylee Alexis's board "Linka with her brothers", followed by 15479 people on Pinterest. The Loud House S01E12 The.Loud.House.S01E12b.The.Butterfly.Effect.1080p.NICK.WebRi file size 22.7 kb | format .SRT | English subtitles 9:57. Fearing how angry Lisa might be when she finds out what he did, Lincoln decides not to tell … "[Lola runs up the stairs, and she trips and falls on her face when she reaches the top. Lisa's experiment blew a hole in the wall." Lisa enters the room, causing Lincoln to confess that he ruined her experiment. At one point while watching a newscast about one of his sisters, another, Lucy, suddenly shows up out of the blue near … Written by The two are laughing. The order in which something negative happens to Lincoln's sisters within his fantasy: Lori - Disowns Leni, dumps Bobby, and falls in love with Clyde. This episode is available on the "Welcome to the Loud House" DVD. I meant the yo-yo. Lincoln is the deciding vote on going to the beach or the amusement park for their family vacation. HoloLens PC Mobile device Xbox 360 Description. ]Clyde: "Code Blue?! For Bros About to Rock/It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House . Report. "[Lola, who is trying to stuff a bunch of clothes into a suitcase, turns to Lincoln; she still has her swollen nose, and all but one of her teeth are gone. "Charles: [barks]Lincoln: "I totally agree! "[Izzy, the snake, and the monkey join him in viewing. Luan - Gives up comedy and becomes an activist after watching too much cable news. Previous It becomes so successful that Mick Swagger recruits her to join his tour. "In other words, one tiny action can have an outsized … Follow/Fav Loud House Alt endings. You gotta join my tour!" ]Lincoln: "Lana, you can't be serious!" Life is a fragile thing. Kevin Sullivan Ep 11A, The Butterfly Effect. The Loud House S01E12 The.Loud.House.S01E12b.The.Butterfly.Effect.1080p.NICK.WebRi file size 22.7 kb | format .SRT | English subtitles I didn't want you to work at a gas station, or Lynn and Lola to turn to a life of crime, or Lana to live in a bubble, or...or...or..."Lisa: [walking away] "Fascinating. I shall now "walk the dog"! 05 May 2016. The Loud House . Watch The Loud House - The Butterfly Effect/The Green House (s1 e11) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent The Loud House, Season 1 Episode 11, is available to watch and stream on NICKELODEON. S1 E11. Butterfly Effect is an alternative universe of The Loud Family WAAAYYY back in Season 1 four years ago back in 2016 when things are in completely reverse compare to the way it is right now. by Edward D. Melillo | Aug 25, 2020. The following is a transcript for the episode "Butterfly Effect". ]Lincoln: "Nine sisters lost, but there's still one I can save! ][Lincoln turns off the TV; Lucy suddenly appears next to him. Lincoln tries to talk with his sisters but that don't listen him. The Butterfly Effect/The Green House. ]Luna: [singing] "Things have gotten drastic / Now, my sister lives in plastic / Where did it all go wrong? "[Lisa smiles, and hugs Lincoln. You are no longer my sister! "Lori: "Ugh, it's not a window. "[Lincoln suddenly hears Luna singing. EVER!" ]Flip: "Interview over! Charles appears to be very intelligent due to the fact that he can use a phone and that Lincoln can understand what he said while it occurred in Lincoln's fantasy. According to Wikipedia, the butterfly effect is "the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. "[the snake hisses at him, and hides behind the couch. / Lincoln tries to get his sisters to save electricity. "Sleuth or Consequences" "[Lisa opens up the fuel tank, and squirts the box's contents into it. perkygoth14, loud, house. Available on. Toads and Tiaras; Two Boys and a Baby. Suddenly, everything cuts back to before Lincoln removed the evidence, revealing all the chaos was only Lincoln imagining a worst-case scenario for not telling Lisa. I just won the Nobel Prize for inventing a car that runs on apple juice. "[the helicopter flies away], [Lincoln goes into his room, and he decides to contact Clyde with his walkie-talkie. And now, I'm off to heal this ticking time bomb we call Earth. [speeds off]Lisa: "Dang it. "The Loud House" Butterfly Effect/The Green House (TV Episode 2016) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. ]Leni: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to disprove Newtonian physics. The Loud House (2016) Close. I can't believe this! Subtitles. "Lincoln: "I'm still confused. ]Lincoln "WHERE DID IT ALL GO WROOOONG?! Share your story using the free video editing app that transforms your photos and videos with the swipe of your finger. "[Flip takes hold of the camera. While trying to subdue the rampaging animals, Lincoln watches several reports on the news detailing the fates of his sisters; Luna has been kicked off the Mick Swagger tour after destroying her hotel room in a rage, Luan has chained herself to a giant redwood tree, and Lynn and Lola are on the lam after robbing the gas station Lisa works at. [Leni drives up in a purple convertible.] "Leni: "It also means "Goodbye"!" ]Lincoln: "Don't you have a couch to poop on? ]Lisa: [turning red with anger, with her teeth sharpened.] 17 Unbelievable "Butterfly Effect" Stories That Prove Every Decision We Make Matters ... "In high school I read House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski and, ... (very loud… Buh-bye! ]Reporter: "I'm being told we have breaking news. "[Charles enters the scene, carrying a leash in his mouth]LINCOLN: "Not you, Charles. Lincoln's relieved that things are normal in the house, only to see, to his horror, Lori and Clyde riding by on a tandem bike, apparently having gotten married. "[Charles wimpers, and he walks out of the scene; Lincoln does his "walk the dog" trick. "[Charles wimpers, and he walks out … "[Lori sees that the frame contains a signed photo of Bobby. I uploaded a song I wrote about our family going down the Highway to--HELLO! Project Loud House/In Tents Debate. And why is a four-year-old working at a gas station? ]Lincoln: "Watch in awe, as The Amazing Lincoln displays his unbelievable yo-yo skills! ]Lincoln: "So that's the worst thing that could happen. "Lynn: "I just got kicked off all my sports teams because I'm failing school! "Charles: [wimpers]Lincoln: "Oh, come on, Charles. Steve Skinner wishes you a happy New Year. "Lisa: "Of course you did. Ep 11A, The Butterfly Effect. Lincoln tries to convince Lisa to come back, but she refuses, especially when Leni shows up, arrogantly boasting that she won the Nobel Prize for inventing a car fueled by apple juice, and got accepted into Harvard, which she then drives off to. ]Lincoln: "And then we'll all get in Leni's juicemobile, go home, and forget all this nonsense. Or $0.00 with a NickHits trial on Prime Video Channels. ]Lincoln: "I'm confused. Leni - Becomes smarter than Lisa after being hit in the head with a coat rack, becoming extremely arrogant and uncaring in the process, and abandons her family to go to Harvard after winning a Nobel Prize. I DESPISE YOU, AND YOU NO LONGER EXIST TO ME! "Lincoln: "Affirmative! "[Lucy looks toward Lincoln, and smiles wide to reveal a pair of vampiric fangs as she hisses. "[a horde of wild animals stampedes past Lincoln. ], [transitions to Lisa, who is examining the damage on her desk. I won't tell you my real name, so you can associate me with my username for this site. 2 of 10. Lincoln agrees and the two siblings go to the kitchen. 23:58. ]Lincoln: "Charles, that was a rhetorical question! Butterfly Effect is an alternative universe of The Loud Family WAAAYYY back in Season 1 four years ago back in 2016 when things are in completely reverse compare to the way it is right now. But as she is leaving Lisa's room right before Lisa gave up her studies, the bandages are gone. By: Reciter5613. There they find Luna, and she wants to go with them, both agree, and start making their breakfast. 23min. 1 Sinopsis 2 Mga Karakter 3 Mga Lugar 4 Mga Bagay Pagkatapos ng hindi sinasadyang pagsira ni Lincoln sa eksperimento ni Lisa, ito ay nagdudulot ng hindi kanais-nais na kahihinatnan sa sambahayan. Meanwhile, Luna records a music video she wrote about her family falling apart. Butterfly Effect/The Green House (2016) 2 of 10. One of them is The Loud House. Lincoln coaches Lana to take Lola's place in a pageant. "Lisa: "Mad? "Lincoln: "Hey, I saw this in a movie once. Directed by Lincoln goes to his first concert; Lincoln finds a letter. Ang Butterfly Effect ay ang ikadalawampu't-isang episode ng The Loud House. After spilling an experiment of Lisa's, Lincoln sets off a chain reaction that unravels the household. Already subscribed? This episode marks the first appearance of. Butterfly Effect (2016) Season 1 Episode 111-A- The Loud House Cartoon Episode Guide by Dave Koch BCDB Rating: " Butterfly Effect " has not yet received enough votes to be rated. "What's this? "No, I don't get why you multiplied your "Z" polynomials before solving your non-negative integer exponents. ]Lincoln: "Yeah, I'm not telling Lisa. You can help The Loud House Encyclopedia by. The Loud House. Clyde attempts to kiss Lori but kisses a bird instead. "Clyde: "No, that's Code Orange. I can't stay where I'm constantly reminded of my former self!" I shall now "walk the dog"!" Season 1, Episode 11 TV-Y7 CC HD CC SD. The Loud House Season 3 Episode 11. the loud house season 3 the loud house season 3 dailymotion the loud house season 3 episode 3 cast the loud house season 3 episode 2 dailymotion the loud house season 3 gallery "Lisa: [collapses to the floor, crestfallen]" My world no longer makes sense. "The Green House", May 29, 2016 May 29, 2016 May 30, 2016 June 8, 2016 June 8, 2016 June 9, 2016 June 9, 2016 June 15, 2016 June 16, 2016 June 30, 2016 July 1, 2016 July 2, 2016 September 9, 2016 September 20, 2016 October 20, 2017 December 23, 2017 May 2, 2018 June 1, 2018 August 17, 2020. I used to know that. Jul 23, 2016. [looks up, sadly, at old photos of herself.] "Lisa: "I knew that. She has also liberated all of Lana's pets, who all run wild throughout the house. So, I've decided to become...AN ACTIVIST! "Leni: [walks over to Lisa's chalkboard, which contains a complex equation.] The Loud House Season 1. Butterfly Effect. Coconuts. NOT NORMAL! Lincoln starts to feel in a spooky movie, as no one notices the strings. "See? Butterfly Effect Lincoln spills one of Lisa's experiments, setting off a chain reaction throughout the house. ]Lana: "Careful, Lincoln! When the Louds and the Casagrandes come together for Thanksgiving, it’s a FEAST for the ears! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "Butterfly Effect" is the twenty-first episode of the first season of The Loud House. 3 hours ago | 0 view. "Speak of the Devil. Library. The Butterfly Effect is way more than a mediocre 2004 thriller starring Ashton Kutcher that spawned two sequels. She storms out of the room and slams the door behind her, causing the coat rack in the closet to fall on Leni's head, knocking her unconscious. History Talk (0) Comments Share. "Lisa: "Flip's the only guy who will hire four-year-olds with no experience. Afterward, a stray drop from one of Lisa's formulas causes an explosion that blows a hole that exposes Lori and Leni's closet. In an effort to be more energy-efficient Lincoln rallies his family to stop using so much electricity. "[Geo rolls by in his hamster ball. Butterfly Effect/The Green House (2016) 7 of 10. I shall now "walk the dog"! While overseeing the damage… I just got fifty more hits! Butterfly Effect Alt Ending. "Lincoln: "How could you fail? The Butterfly Effect/The Green House. I'm ecstatic! "[Lincoln sees a trail of Lisa's chemicals leading from her desk to the crib. ]Lincoln: "Sorry, still talking about the yo-yo. ]Leni: "What happened? I mean, you're looking better! Comments. Instead, Lisa's spilled chemicals have caused her to grow into a giant where she lifts up the roof so she can grab Lincoln and devour him. Available for Android and iOS. The butterfly effect - 14 subtitles results: The Butterfly Effect 2, The Butterfly Effect, Heroes Chapter Two The Butterfly Effect...Movie and TV Subtitles in multiple languages, thousands of translated subtitles uploaded daily. The Loud House S01E21 Butterfly Effect. 1.93 million Here, take Mr. Coconuts. "[Lincoln screams as Lily lifts him toward her mouth; his open mouth fills the camera, turning the screen black. S1 E13. You did something wrong and lied about it, and now everything is all messed up?! Thanks to his yo-yo tricks, Lincoln destroys Lisa's chemicals. Lincoln: Watch in awe, as The Amazing Lincoln displays his unbelievable yo-yo skills! You're literally seeing Bobby behind my back! "[the news cut to footage of Luna screaming amidst the wreckage of her hotel room. "[Clyde leans in for a kiss, but Lori deploys her parachute, causing Clyde to kiss a flying bird instead. "Mick: "Your singing is amazing! That was a surprise present from Bobby for your 88-day-iversary. Exposure to my chemicals seems to have damaged his cerebral cortex. [cries][Charles looks up at Lincoln, and he shakes his head in disapproval. "Luna: [from the helicopter] "SORRY, DUDE! "Lincoln: "Luna?Luna: [shows Lincoln a laptop] "Check it, bro. Same old Leni. Your recklessness was the one variable my ridgedly-controlled experiment sorely needed! Room for Improvement with the Casagrandes, Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes, https://theloudhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Butterfly_Effect/Script?oldid=967136. Viewers "Lola: "MY PAGEANT CAREER IS OVER! "Lincoln: "I didn't have a choice. "[cuts to an army of police cars chasing Lola's kiddie car through the desert; Lola, her face now covered in bandages, is driving, while Lynn is in the passenger seat, eating cotton candy. "Lincoln: "It's not that bad, Lola. The Loud House. From $14.99. I don't want to take any risks. "Clyde: "I've been trying to tell you! 7 of 10. https://www.cbs.com/.../the-loud-house-the-butterfly-effect-the-green-house [grabs the ice pack, puts it over her eyes, and walks out into the hallway. Lincoln accidentally breaks one of Lisa's chemistry set and thinks what would happen if he lies about it, leading to a series of events in which his sisters leave for one reason or another. Episode "Lana: "Was the queen of risks! I've got a Code Green! Lincoln spills one of Lisa's experiments, setting off a chain reaction throughout the house; Lincoln tries to encourage the family to stop using so much electricity. Lucy - Turns into a vampire after being bitten by Lana's liberated bat. "Lincoln: "You showed up to school in your underwear? The Loud House (2016) Titles The Loud House, Butterfly Effect/The Green House Hello, my name is BigMarioFan. [sips] "Their betrayal hurts more than this brain freeze. "Lynn: "She used to, until she dropped out and got a job as a gas station attendant at Flip's Food & Fuel. ]Lincoln: "Look who it is, Miss Soon-to-heal. A month has passed since Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and their mother moved away. Lincoln is practicing his yo-yo tricks, when his yo-yo flies off of his finger, and into Lisa's bedroom, breaking the beakers on her desk, and spilling their contents. The Loud House Season 1. [Charles enters the scene, carrying a leash in his mouth.] "You've completely DESTROYED MY LIFE'S WORK! Afterward, a stray drop from one of Lisa's formulas causes an explosion that blows a hole that exposes Lori and Leni'scloset. Season 1, Episode 11 TV-Y7 CC HD CC SD. "[Charles enters the scene, carrying a leash in his mouth. The Loud House: Butterfly Effect Created using Magisto. Login. Lola - Gets hit in the face with Lynn's soccer ball and runs away with Lynn into a life of crime after repeatedly injuring herself to the point where she believes she's a hideous monster. Start your 7-day free trial Learn more. And thanks for admitting what you did. "[the rope goes up though the hole in the ceiling, carrying both away. Butterfly Effect (2016) Season 1 Episode 111-A- The Loud House Cartoon Episode Guide by Dave Koch BCDB Rating: " Butterfly Effect " has not yet received enough … "Clyde: "Negative. Lincoln accidentally breaks one of Lisa's chemistry set and thinks what would happen if he lies about it, leading to a series of events in which his sisters leave for one reason or another. I won't tell you my real name, so you can associate me with my username for this site. If there’s one thing we can learn from Bossman COVID is that we are ALL connected, even if we don’t want to be. The Loud House Season 1 Episode 11 - Butterfly Effect + The Green House . ]Lincoln: "Clyde, this is Lincoln! Browse more videos. Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Just about every character in "The Green … She's WHAT?! "Lori: "That anniversary was eight days ago, and Bobby gave me socks! $1.99. Butterfly Effect Rewritten Butterfly Effect Rewritten is a episode rewrite by DEEcat98/Diancat98 of the Season 1 Loud House episode Butterfly Effect. Lynn needs you! In the Brazilian Portuguese dub, the Redwood tree Luan chained herself to was localized to a Brazilwood tree. I shall now "walk the dog"! My alternate endings or extended endings for a few Loud House episodes that need them. One of them is The Loud House. I meant the yo-yo. Script [The scene opens up on an exterior shot of the Loud House on a sunny day; Lincoln leaps out of his room to perform for the viewers.] My sister is talking in the back round and I'm showing you some parts of the move Fearing how angry Lisa might be when she finds out what he did, Lincoln decides not to tell her who did it, asking "What's the worst that can happen? ]Lincoln: "What are you so upset about? "Lincoln: "Who's there? The Loud House [Lucy's Vampire Reveal] Scene from The Loud House. ]Luan: "Knock-knock. The Loud House Season 1 Episode 11 - Butterfly Effect + The Green House. "Leni: "I don't get it. "[Lola struggles to pull her stuffed suitcase, and the handle breaks off, causing her to fall on her face and black both her eyes. This is what would happen if Lincolns thought of what would happen was actually real.