When the mutant Scarlet Witch reality-warped Earth into a mutant-dominated society, Monica worked alongside the Scorpion II and the Hulk to overthrow Governor Exodus' fascist mutant government in Australia. Read our review to find out. Wendi McLendon-Covey est Monica Rappaccini, une brillante scientifique folle chez AIM et la rivale de MODOK au travail. 's new robot the Ultra-Adaptoid (which was impersonating the Chameleon). Waker agents that granted them total immunity to all biological, chemical and radiological weapons; memetic antibodies, synthetic microbes that attack the human psyche and trigger pre-coded memories and impulses; hallucinogenic drugs that deliver programmed hallucinations before being absorbed into the system; and many innovative weapons of mass destruction, from gas attacks to nanobacterial bombs. Noté /5. He was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, to Nathaniel Hathorne and the former Elizabeth Clarke Manning.His ancestors include John Hathorne, the only judge from the Salem witch trials who never repented his involvement. In the end, MODOK gained the Hypernova and Monica gave him $1 billion dollars in exchange for it - which, unknown to her, had been MODOK's plan all along, as he had already worked out that the Hypernova would grow unstable and explode anyway. She met him in New Mexico and struck up a relationship which she used to steal as many secrets from him as she could. Captain America (Steve Rogers) is a playable character in Marvel's Avengers. Mais, quand l’AIM s’allia à Osborn et son organisation, le HAMMER, Monica Rappaccini, directrice de l’organisation, promit à son allié de restaurer Ragnarok pour qu’il rejoindre sa nouvelle équipe d’Avengers. Marvel’s Avengers: Guide to Defeat Monica Rappaccini Boss Brillante étudiante en biochimie, Monica Rappaccini entendit parler des travaux de Bruce Banner. D . agents.[4]. She then escaped from prison and fought the new Wasp. Monica's first invention was an electric knife to help her mother slice ham; she never got over losing the science fair to a tomato sauce-spouting volcano model. 2 #7 (2005), created by Fred Van Lente and Leonard Kirk.The character is depicted as a genius-level biochemist and the Scientist Supreme of the supervillain organization A.I.M. She keeps many different devices at hand, varying upon her situation and opponent; when facing a captured Hank Pym, she admitted that she kept 157 methods of containing him on hand.[1]. 2 Appearances of Monica Rappaccini (Earth-6216) Minor Appearances of Monica Rappaccini (Earth-6216) Media Monica Rappaccini (Earth-6216) was Mentioned in; 1 Images featuring Monica Rappaccini (Earth-6216) Quotations by or about Monica Rappaccini (Earth-6216) agent George Tarleton, and is the mother of Carmilla Black. 2 #7 (2005), created by Fred Van Lente and Leonard Kirk. She first appeared in Amazing Fantasy vol. Le Britannique et l'Américain ont déjà convenu d'un rematch. Evading the Scorpion II's attempt to arrest her, Monica returned to A.I.M. Gorgone et Mme Hydra décidèrent quelques temps après de former une alliance avec l’AIM de Monica Rappaccini et le nouveau HAMMER d’un Norman Osborn qui venait de s’évader. The character is depicted as a genius-level biochemist and the Scientist Supreme of the supervillain organization A.I.M. base where Monica Rappaccini and the A.I.M. end up retreating. uniform belt contains a phasing device that allows her to teleport short distances. [1], Monica and A.I.M. biohaven when their antibodies activated at age 16. headquarters. members that were present at the time.[14]. Upon attaining her doctorate, Monica quickly became a world-renowned innovator of antitoxins and antidotes for various environmental poisons and nearly won the Nobel Prize. Her inventions include the enhanced lymphatic system of the A.I.M. She implanted her own daughter and several other newborn children of A.I.M. Launch of the pages Amazing Fantasy, Captain Universe Event kicks into high gear right here! When she led an A.I.M. 's leader, Monica rarely did field work, preferring to act through agents and proxies. Does it live up to the movies and comics? 's Scientist Supreme appears in, Monica Rappaccini appears as one of A.I.M. later sided with Norman Osborn after he escaped from prison and reformed H.A.M.M.E.R. Alternate Reality Versions ~100 years in the future . Wait for a discount, and free content addition, as well as patches to fix the game before you dip your toes into Crytal Dynamics’ Marvel universe. explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://www.marvel.com/articles/tv-shows/animated-series-marvels-modok-cast-hulu, "Voice of Scientist Supreme - Marvel Powers United VR (Game) | Behind The Voice Actors", "First Look: 'Marvel's Avengers' is super, but I'm worried about the end game", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Monica_Rappaccini&oldid=998163317, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Monica Rappaccini makes her animated debut in the 2017, Monica Rappaccini will appear in the upcoming, Monica Rappaccini as A.I.M.