They discover Hux delivering his speech, but as they continue to sneak past the stormtroopers, Kaz stops to hear the final part. Xiono's father and mother tried to contact him for days.[11]. [12] However, due to this, the First Order was able to learn the location of the Resistance base. The capital of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime is a cosmopolitan world on the outskirts of the galaxy’s Core Worlds region. The First Order decided that to test the power of their solar-charged superweapon, they would use it on the Hosnian System, which was home to Hosnian Prime, the capital of the New Republic. The Hosnian Cataclysm, also known as the destruction of Hosnian Prime, the destruction of the Hosnian system, the Hosnian Calamity or the Starkiller Incident, was the destruction of the Hosnian system at the hands of the First Order in 34 ABY—thirty years after the Battle of Endor. The Battle of Starkiller Base ensued, resulting in the base's destruction moments before the Starkiller was ready to fire on D'Qar, the location of the Resistance base. Tracing the route of the phantom energy beam, the Resistance located the Starkiller, and Organa ordered Black Squadron to develop a way to launch a reconnaissance mission on the base. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Concurrent 34 ABY[7] Outcome Series. Hosnian system[1] The latest episode of Star Wars: Resistance, "No Escape Part 1", has just significantly improved the destruction of Hosnian Prime in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.When J.J. Abrams launched the Star Wars sequel trilogy with The Force Awakens, he decided to launch a plot that was heavily inspired by the classic Star Wars saga. The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder. Starkiller Base had the potential to destroy entire star systems including the Hosnian Prime, and it could cause far greater damage than the first two Death Stars, which can only destroy one planet at a time. Hosnian Prime was a planet in the Hosnian system of the Core Worlds and was a member world of the New Republic, it served as the tempory headquarters of the New Galactic Senate and the capital of the New Republic, until it was destroyed by the First Order's Starkiller Base along with the other four planets in the system killing a total of seventy nine billion citizens. The First Order uses Starkiller Base to destroy the Hosnian system[1]End of the cold war; beginning of First Order–Resistance war[1] However, the extermination of the Galactic Senate and a large part of the Republic fleet, as well as the massive loss of life, left both the New Republic and the Resistance vulnerable while the armed forces of the First Order moved to take control of the galaxy. The New Republic is a fictional government in the Star Wars universe. Republic City: … [10], In the Resistance's estimate, the First Order would seize the entire galaxy in a matter of weeks. This was the first use of Starkiller Base's superweapon. [We see Starkiller Base] [We then see a large gathering of Nightmare Troopers and Grievous giving a speech] General Grievous: Today is the end of the Republic! Chandrila was the capital 30 years before, but the NR capital now switches around based on a … Under orders from Snoke, Hux prepared the Starkiller weapon to fire against the Hosnian system[1] in the Core Worlds, the capital of the New Republic. Hosnian Prime was a planet in the Hosnian system of the Core Worlds and was a member world of the New Republic, it served as the tempory headquarters of the New Galactic Senate and the capital of the New Republic, until it was destroyed by the First Order's Starkiller Base along with the other four planets in the system killing a total of seventy nine billion citizens. Let’s take a look: Here is a picture of Hosnian Prime: Looks a little like Coruscant, doesn’t it? Now, with its political structure decimated and its important fleet in ruins, the First Order had established itself as the primary power in the galaxy, with sufficient resources to conquer it. The destruction of Hosnian Prime By 28 ABY, Hosnian Prime had been voted the capital of the New Republic, and hosted individuals from many species including humans, Wookiees, and Gungans. We shall destroy the Federation." [We then cut to the Starkiller Base as Ora gives a speech] Far from here, the New Republic lies in the galaxy while secretly supporting the treachery of the loathsome Resistance. The destruction of the Hosnian system was depicted in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, the first installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The Empire officially signed a treaty, the Galactic Concordance, with the Republic,[8] keeping the remnants of the Imperial confined to their territories in the Core Worlds and the Inner Rim. [15] Abrams initially filmed a scene in which Leia Organa tasked Sella with going to the Galactic Senate and warning them about the First Order, but deleted it from the final cut as he agreed with writer Michael Arndt that Leia's reintroduction would be more powerful through Han Solo's eyes later on Takodana. From a serious perspective, similar to how the galaxy reacted to the destruction of Alderaan 34 years prior, but on a FAR more outraged scale. Oversee preparations." After the destruction of the Hosnian System, the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance escalated into full open warfare. Among the Clouds Jedi Grand Master. The Starkiller had to be destroyed. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. At least the half in the dark, that is. Attack on Castilon[6]Battle of Kestro[2]Battle of Takodana[1] Lulu Mars, Dec 28, 2015 #13. Kylo, Hux, and the First Order wiped out an entire Star System with Starkiller Base, without remorse, without empathy, just out of evil and a craving for power. [9] What remained of the Imperial Starfleet, however, retreated into the Unknown Regions and ultimately formed the First Order, a successor force with the goal of destroying the New Republic and bringing order to the galaxy. The destruction of the Hosnian system. "Yes, Supreme Leader." Its destruction was carried out by Starkiller Base, a superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems. Hosnian system destruction aftermath; Mentions of execution; Violence; Summary. It would seem to me that the best retcon to fix this plot hole would be to have "Hosnian Prime" and its satellites lie within the same star system as Takodana. The destruction of the Hosnian system caused a massive disturbance in the Force that was immediately felt by Organa on D'Qar, almost causing her to buckle from the sheer volume of deaths.[source? The government is a restoration of the Galactic Republic, a democratic state that governed the galaxy for a thousand years until being reorganized into the Galactic Empire by Palpatine.It is first portrayed onscreen in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), where it is depicted as the ruling government of the … 1/ Planets. Following the destruction of the Hosnian system, the Resistance had began to mobilize their forces and prepare for further conflict knowing that their base was soon to be the next target. At the end of the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire was defeated by the New Republic, the government formed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic after the death of the Emperor during the Battle of Endor. [1], The Hosnian Cataclysm led to a complete shift in the galactic status quo. 111 votes, 15 comments. In the aftermath of the event, General Leia Organa of the Resistance organized a counterattack to destroy the First Order superweapon. This is a rough intercut showing a clever melding of film and television media done by Star Wars: Resistance. [1] Ex-Imperial and member of Inferno Squad Iden Versio also witnessed it from her home planet of Vardos. Hosnian Prime is the current capital of the NR. Coruscant was not destroyed The planets that were destroyed were Hosnian Prime and four other unnamed planets in the Hosnian system. [1], Director J.J. Abrams felt that if he hadn't cut the scenes of Maisie Richardson-Sellers's Korr Sella, the sequence could have turned out better and provoked a more emotional reaction. Reaction to Hosnian massacre As for the reaction to the destruction of Hosnian Prime and the other Hosnian planets, I feel it is necessary to point out that The Force Awakens takes place over the course of only a few days, and that the Resistance is very preoccupied during that time — especially after the destruction of the Hosnian system. The fictional universe of the Star Wars franchise features multiple planets and moons.While only the feature films and selected other works are considered canon to the franchise since the 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company, some canon planets were first named or explored in works from the non-canon Star Wars expanded universe, now rebranded Star Wars Legends. The Destruction of the Hosnian System was an event that happened immediately prior to the Battle on Takodana and approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor. However, Starkiller Base is later destroyed by the Resistance , a splinter of the Republic's military and protagonists of the film, during a battle shortly after the destruction of the Hosnian system. During the Battle of Endor [9] an Imperial armada attacked the Hosnian System in an attempted surprise attack against the Core Worlds. Hux promised that this day would be the end of the New Republic and ultimately, the Resistance, the culmination of everything the troops had worked towards. You can take any video, trim the best part, combine with other videos, add soundtrack. Snoke agreed and gave his permission to fire the weapon.[1]. Here's how Destruction of the Hosnian system goes in [We see the Starkiller Base and Grievous giving a speech] General Grievous: Today is the end of the Republic. Table of Contents. The destruction of the Hosnian system As Kaz and Torra sneak around, they discover Starkiller Base is fully operational, but they have no idea what this means. The weapon is successful, and destroys a portion of the Republic's defense fleet and Senate, the ruling legislative body of the Republic, as well as the system itself, killing billions of citizens. Hosnian Prime appears to be an ecumenopolis - covered by a planet-wide city or cities. The two had just been married and wished to spend as much time together as possible in the event that the Resistance was wiped out shortly thereafter. Right after Snoke proposes the destruction of the entire system. The Resistance forces successfully destroyed the weapon but at the cost of a number of Resistance lives, including Solo and many starfighter pilots. For as much as I dug Force Awakens, the destruction of Hosnian Prime and the surrounding planets was one of the undersold moments of the movie that the books really help deliver. A fan rewrite of The Last Jedi. Starkiller Base fires its planet-shattering beam. It is ready. The Hosnian Cataclysm, or the destruction of Hosnian Prime, was the destruction of the Hosnian system at the hands of the First Order in 34 ABY. The construction of the Starkiller weapon marked the culmination of efforts by the Old Empire to research dark energy translations and hyperspace tunneling,[8] and it was a successor to the Death Star and the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station superweapons that came before it. Kylo Ren, apprentice to Supreme Leader Snoke, attempted to find the last piece of a map that they needed to locate Skywalker, but his efforts at first proved unsuccessful. The famed smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca, along with stormtrooper defector Finn, witnessed the system's destruction from Takodana, in the Mid Rim. Kylo's face was masked when Starkiller Base was fired, but I believe he felt remorse and sadness (like the music). It took place at the end of the Cold War and marked the start of the Resistance-First Order war. [10] The casualties on Hosnian Prime included Chancellor Lanever Villecham and Korr Sella, an envoy from the Resistance sent by General Leia Organa to warn the Senate about the threat of the First Order—a warning that came too late. Skirmish aboard the Eravana[1]Mission to Athulla[2]Mission to contact the Resistance[3] ], After the destruction of the Hosnian system, the war raged on, and the Resistance mounted a reconnaissance run on Starkiller Base to learn more about the First Order base that destroyed the Republic. It might be a funny scene, movie quote, animation, meme … Finn, Solo, and Chewbacca went on a solo mission to infiltrate the shut down the shields protecting Starkiller Base and save Rey from First Order captivity. Conflict Part 1 of Star Wars Rewrites; Language: English Words: 19,679 Chapters: 22/22 Comments: 53 Kudos: 83 Bookmarks: 15 Hits: 4405 The end of a regime and accusatives of disorder. "Go. [12], Jessika Pava designed a minimal stealth recon pod that would be towed into the Starkiller Base system by a T-70 X-wing starfighter, passively skim above the base's atmosphere while taking measurements, and then be picked up again by the X-wing. By that stage, two major factions had emerged in the Senate: the Populists, who wanted worlds to maintain considerable autonomy; and the Centrists, who favored a stronger central government. The First Order constructed Starkiller Base, and with it intended to destroy the New Republic. [16], Pablo Hidalgo, creative executive of the Lucasfilm Story Group, suggested that the reason the blast from Starkiller Base could be immediately seen from Takodana was a "sub-hyperspace rip side-effect" of the Starkiller.[17]. This fierce machine which you have … The latest episode of Star Wars: Resistance, "No Escape Part 1", has just significantly improved the destruction of Hosnian Prime in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.When J.J. Abrams launched the Star Wars sequel trilogy with The Force Awakens, he decided to launch a plot that was heavily inspired by the classic Star Wars saga. Series. [2], On Castilon, Kazuda Xiono and Torra Doza witnessed a First Order broadcast of the event. The Hosnian Cataclysm, also known as the destruction of Hosnian Prime or the destruction of the Hosnian system, was the destruction of the Hosnian system at the hands of the Der'kal Empire in 2387. After Hux's speech, it destroys the Hosnian Prime system and the seat of the New Republic. While reminiscent to the destruction of Alderaan sequence from the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the destruction of the Hosnian system didn't felt too emotional. [13] A few senators, such as Hosnian Prime's Hamato Xiono, survived the destruction of the Senate, as had several units of the military. The end of a regime that acquiesces to disorder. Here's how Destruction of the Hosnian system goes in [We see the Starkiller Base and Grievous giving a speech] General Grievous: Today is the end of the Republic. Coub is YouTube for video loops. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This was the first use of Starkiller Base's superweapon. Hux then commanded that the weapon be fired, and massive beams of energy were fired across the galaxy towards the Hosnian system. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Date Participants Source. Hosnian Prime is an urbanized Core World that looks similar to Coruscant, but is in a different system (thanks to the new canon map). Far from here, the New Republic lies in the galaxy while secretly supporting the treachery of the loathsome Resistance. Place When I heard Poe say that the attack had been on the Hosnian System, I was SO relieved . The destruction of the Hosnian System was a sacrifice to help resurrect Palpatine. It destroyed every planet in the Hosnian system… The Hosnian system was destroyed by Starkiller base during the Hosnian Cataclysm starting a war between the First Order and the Resistance. The fact that many people thought it was Coruscant should be indication enough that it looked quite a bit like it. 2/ Stations Snoke believed that if Skywalker, the last of the Jedi, returned from the exile he imposed on himself after the destruction of his new generation of Jedi and aided the Resistance, a new Jedi Order could arise to threaten him. As a result, his story included … [1], During the conflict that had only just begun to spark between the First Order and the Resistance, Supreme Leader Snoke, the leader of the First Order, considered Luke Skywalker an existential threat to the designs of the First Order. While Pava planned to pilot the pod, Temmin Wexley volunteered with his wife Karé Kun piloting the X-wing. Finn, Solo, and Chewbacca were sent to the weapon first to disable its shields, while Commander Poe Dameron led a starfighter assault against the base's thermal oscillator, which contained the energy that it drained from stars in order to power its weapon. From the Alan Dean Foster novelization: "General, the Republic Command — the entire Hosnian system — it's all...gone." The Resistance launches an attack against Starkiller Base, leading to the weapon's destruction. [Source]. At the planet D'Qar, Finn revealed to the Resistance the base's critical weak point: the base's thermal oscillator. Atterra campaign[4]Occupation of the Colossus[5] This is how Destruction of the Hosnian System goes in My Little Pony Transformers: The Force Awakens. Registered: May 18, 2001. The massive sub-hyperspace ripple created by the destruction of the system made the event visible in real time around the galaxy, including the planets of Takodana and Vardos. When they arrived, the astronomical bodies of the system were destroyed, including Hosnian Prime. The destruction of the Hosnian System was a sacrifice to help resurrect Palpatine. In SWTOR, Tenebrae (a ye olde Emperor) sacrificed Ziost to be brought back to life. The outcome was successful for the First Order, with all the planets in the Hosnian System being destroyed, and the New Republic being obliterated. Abrams initially fil… Hux's Speech & the Destruction of Hosnian Prime. Systems and planets across the galaxy, that had been tempted by the First Order's promises of security, instantly capitulated, while several others were taken by conquest. As a native of Hosnian Prime, Xiono was devastated and feared that he had lost his family and friends,[6] although his family were actually off-planet and survived the attack. Hosnian Prime was a cosmopolitan ecumenopolis located in the Hosnian system, on the edge of the galaxy's Core Worlds. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. In retrospective, director J.J. Abrams felt that if he hadn't cut the scenes of Maisie Richardson-Sellers's Korr Sella, the sequence could have turned out better. Today is the end of the Republic. Hosnian system destruction aftermath; Mentions of execution; Violence; Summary. Next However, she was able to recover his damaged pod by clamping it between the S-foils of her X-wing, bringing them back to D'Qar. New Republic†[1]First Order[1] Part 1 of Star Wars Rewrites; Language: English Words: 19,679 Chapters: 22/22 Comments: 53 Kudos: 83 Bookmarks: 15 Hits: 4405 As Kaz and Torra sneak around, they discover Starkiller Base is fully operational, but they have no idea what this means. After their mission was a success, Commander Poe Dameron lead an assault against the base and eventually was able to destroy the planet and end the threat of planetary a… In SWTOR, Tenebrae (a ye olde Emperor) sacrificed Ziost to be brought back to life. When Starkiller Base destroys the Hosnian System Han, Chewie and Finn looks up and sees the destruction of the Hosnian … Starkiller Base destroys the Hosnian System. Chancellor Lanever Villecham†[1][8]Commander Korr Sella†[1][8]Supreme Leader Snoke (via hologram)[1]General Armitage Hux[1]Captain Phasma[1]Kylo Ren[1] See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. I was like "Man, TROS should have had that so we could SEE how he could be brought back to life instead of a dumb throwaway line quoting ROTS" then I realized that in VII they destroyed the entirety of the Hosnian System. [1][8] With the destruction of Hosnian Prime, the capital planet of the Republic,[8] came the destruction of the Galactic Senate and the home fleet of the New Republic Defense Fleet. However, the remaining task forces had been dissolved by the senators, who redirected the last forces of the Republic fleet to protect their homeworlds from the First Order. General Armitage Hux, commander of the Starkiller, argued in favor of using the weapon to destroy the Republic and eliminate the government he believed was illegitimate and ill-equipped to lead the galaxy. Affiliations involved Previous This is how Destruction of the Hosnian System goes in The Lion Guard: The Force Awakens. I believe the time has come to use it. No copyright infringement intended. [14][13], The destruction of the Hosnian system was depicted in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, the first installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The Starkiller Base attack on the Hosnian system was a genocide the scale of which it's hard to wrap your head around. [1], With the location identified, the Resistance put a plan in motion to destroy the Starkiller before it could destroy D'Qar. It was positioned at the coordinates M-12 of the Standard Galactic Grid and was located along the Corellian Trade Spine. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, remnants of the Imperial confined to their territories, destruction of his new generation of Jedi, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel, The Force Awakens Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Graphic Novel Adaptation, Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base, Star Wars: The Last Jedi – DJ – Most Wanted 1, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Choose Your Destiny: A Finn & Poe Adventure, Black Spire: Return to a Shattered Planet, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer (Official), Star Wars: The Force Awakens "All the Way" TV Spot, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: X-Wing Deluxe Book and Model Set, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Ultimate Sticker Collection, Highlights of the Saga: Assault on Starkiller Base, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, The Last Jedi: Rose Tico: Resistance Fighter, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, The Death Star | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, The writer and director on the challenge of ending the saga, fan criticism, and respecting George Lucas’ vision,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, End of the cold war; beginning of First Order–Resistance war. 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