Both ships have fairly average torpedo protection of 22% so you will need to keep your wits about you when it comes to handling other wiggly equipped boats. That was the last ship of its class in the Kriegsmarine. Modules for all builds are pretty much the same - Secondary Mod, Steering Gears and Target Acquisition. As battleships, concealment is almost non-existent with both ships having identical ratings of 14.6km by sea without camouflage (11km with permanents or Type 2 or 4) and 11.7km by air. Gneisenau — like Scharnhorst — is a ship that is equally at ease diving into a melee or holding back from one. 12 € Versand möglich. This made Commander-in-Chief Grand Admiral Raeder resign. Im Februar 1942 gelang die Rückkehr durch den Ärmelkanal. Both ships excel when the horizon is uninterrupted by islands as they do struggle to arc over them but this does mean that you reasonably plot their trajectories and hit targets more from the side than above. So nahe rückten „Scharnhorst“ und „Gneisenau“ unter dauerndem Feuer an seine Schlachtkreuzer heran, dass die britischen Schiffe sogar in der Reichweite ihrer Mittelartillerie lagen. as near as makes no difference!). Die Scharnhorst kann den Geleitzug nicht finden - dafür aber finden britische Kreuzer der "Force 1" im Dunkeln die Scharnhorst. Battleships: Scharnhorst, Gneisenau The Kriegsmarine “terrible twins” The Scharnhost and Gneisenau were the first Kriegsmarine battleships, completed shortly before the start of WW2. November 1914 traf das deutsche Geschwader auf ein britisches Geschwader unter Konteradmiral Sir Christopher Cradock. In April 1940, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were assigned to help cover the German landings in Norway. Scharnhorst and Gneisenau had already been through a baptism of fire, which ended with a little victory on the British sea routes. Although his successor, Dönitz, managed to save most of the ships from getting scrapped, fortune abandoned those units. 3.) Absolutely...although the 15,000 doubloon asking price is a fairly bitter pill to swallow for what can only be described as “niche gameplay.” If you’re a reversing Iowa or Jean Bart player you’ll want to stay as far away from purchasing as you can. Versand BRD DHL Paket 5 €. Biete hier siehe Bild 3mal 2 cm Vierling Versand bezahlt der Empfänger. Die Zeche Scharnhorst wurde nach dem preußischen General Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst benannt. Die ersten zwei Bilder zeigen Gneisenau,siehe Versaufloch . Gneisenau can best be described as the ultimate troll ship. Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst (* 12. Well, the KM Scharnhorst class including Gneisau and the USS Alaska class inlcuding the USS Guam were similar. Die „Scharnhorst“ und ihr Schwesterschiff „Gneisenau“ waren die ersten Schlachtschiffe, mit denen das Dritte Reich die im Versailler Vertrag festgesetzten Grenzen deutlich überschritten hatte. Scharnhorst and Gneisenau had already been through a baptism of fire, which ended with a little victory on the British sea routes. Feb 21st 2016, 6:28pm. 292 Seiten. 15 € Versand möglich. She does share the same secondary armament as the A Hull Gneisenau with four single 150mm mounts, four twin 150mm turrets and seven twin 128mm guns with a 5km range and reloads of 3.4s for the smaller calibre guns and 7.5s for the large ones. In 1943, the battlecruiser Scharnhorst got sunk by British vessels. August 1831 in Posen) war ein preußischer Generalfeldmarschall und Heeresreformer. As the consequence of that defeat, the German … Another issue with Gneisenau is that she can have a tendency to over pen when in close quarters; even if her ability to overmatch most ships she faces can come in really handy. That bold plan of returning is recognised successful; it became a tactical achievement of Germans but there was a strategic failure behind its apparent excellence and heavy cruisers started being gradually withdrawn from combat operations. Scharnhorst also has the same issue, albeit to a lesser extent with being able to shift that rudder in 15.9s and turn in 800m. Situational awareness and knowing where the destroyers are as well as making use of your fantastic armour scheme are things you really need to keep at the forefront of your mind. These two sisters both feature exactly the bread and butter consumables for most battleships - 15s Damage Control Party with the 80s reload, 3 charges of Repair Party restoring 0.5% hp/s for 28s with 80s cooldown and a 90s duration Catapult Fighter with 3 minutes cooldown and 2 spare planes as standard. Scharnhorst works very well with a full brawler set up so Ciliax or, Hyde (if you have him) you should be getting around 18s reload and 20-21s rotation on a solid build. And if you really don’t give two hoots, try Scheer with Steer Clear and reel it in even more to 10.6s and 10.7s for Scharnhorst and Gneisenau respectively (he is, in fact, a meme build for Gneisenau if you gotta go fast!). If you have selected a Legendary and have not maxed Hyde out yet, use Running with Scissors. Bei einem Luftangriff auf Kiel im Februar 1942 wurde die im Dock … According to the intelligence information, the estimated displacement of that ship was approximately 26,000 t. Yet the biggest surprise for Germans was its potential speed of 31 kn. When she works, she is utterly amazing and can be a right ball but when she throws a tantrum, she will let you know about it and you will suffer. Nach der Teilnahme am Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg 1783 und an der Verteidigung Kolbergs 1807 stieg er in die Militärführung auf und trieb zusammen mit Gerhard David von Scharnhorst die Heeresreform voran. The completed project of the fourth Panzerschiffe ‘D’ (Ersatz Elsaß) was suspended and its implementation postponed to 1931-1934. Um 18.33 Uhr eröffnen auch die deutschen Schiffe den Kampf und feuern. Speaking about Scharnhorst and Gneisenau thier basic guns layout was 3×3 280 mm. Besides, they were suffering from the ever-expanding control of the Atlantic by the Allies. *If you have not selected a Legendary, then don’t until you max him out so you can use Farsight as you will still have a net gain of plus one Repair Party as well as +15% torp detection. Topp Zustand! Die beiden Schiffe gingen als erste deutlich über die im Versailler Vertrag festgelegten Grenzen hinaus. … *(Recommended for Gneisenau in particular if you don’t have Hyde), Franz Von Hipper ->Flammable Cannonier, Gyrating Drill Bits, Marksman, Emergency Specialist, Will to Rebuild, *(Recommend for Scharnhorst in particular if you don’t have Hyde). S.M.S. Gneisenau isn’t all that much different with its guns managing 8.07s/5.09s/2.34s with only the 5km result showing a slower 0.02s variance between the AP and HE(e.g. Er gilt als entscheidender Organisator der folgenreichen Preußischen Heeresreform zur Zeit der Befreiungskriege gegen Napoleon. Es beginnt die Seeschlacht bei Coronel. Bismarck,Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Prinz Eugen Maßstab 1:100 Teile. Tested in Update 0.5.9. The extra secondary range also allows her to keep targets a little bit more at bay until she is ready to engage. In terms of hitpoints, Gneisenau tops the scales slightly with 58,200 with sneaking in behind at Scharnhorst 56,300 this does, in fact, put them both in the bottom three, only beating out Lyon when compared to their peers - but it's their armour scheme where these ships truly shine. After the unsuccessful ending of the Operation Regenbogen in July 1942, Hitler understood that heavy units of the Kriegsmarine were unable to fight and he ordered to disengage them. However, staying on the French coast, they constantly were under the threat of airstrikes. That was the biggest achievement in the arming of the German navy conducted by A. Hitler. Die Gneisenau hatte backbords an der Vorderseite des zweiten Schornsteins ein Dampfrohr, das über das Schornsteingitter hinausragte, während auf der Scharnhorst alle Dampfrohre unterhalb der Schornsteinoberkanten endeten. LittleWhiteMouse in the Gneisenau from the NA forums. RE: Große Kr.Scharnhorst +Gneisenau #8 von Stefan ( gelöscht ) , 07.12.2015 23:45 Moin Michi, ich habe schon als Gast im anderen Forum in deinem Baubricht … Scharnhorst is the exact opposite, more guns, lower calibre and more secondary barrels but with a longer average firing rate and shorter range. Beiträge: 553: Punkte: 734: Registriert am: 19.10.2015: Top. Nach Verzögerungen des Baus wurde sie 1938 noch vor dem Schwesterschiff Scharnhorst in Dienst gestellt und nahm während des Zweiten Weltkrieges an einigen Operationen der Kriegsmarine teil, wobei sie mehrfach beschädigt wurde. 2017 | Neue Bausatzform + … Die Indienststellungen erfolgten 1938 und 1939. Gneisenau Main Battery Rangefinders (set of 3) helps build battleship Gneisenau from Scharnhorst kits.. Model Monkey 1:200 200-Gneise-Rngfndrs . Das hier sieht mir eher nach einem Leichten Kreuzer, vermutlich Königsberg-Klasse, aus. Firstly is the penetration - being lower calibre means they lose more penetration at longer ranges and you … Sie greifen an, zweimal. Learning when to dive in and put her secondaries and torpedoes to work (and when not to) is half the fun of learning how to play her well. (for this one, you can swap out Steering for Propulsion if you want). + Numerous rapid firing secondaries when upgraded... = ...5.3km range that often fire everywhere but at the target, = Defensive Torpedoes for surprise sideways sex with other ships, = Decent traverse and solid reload on her guns…, - Agility can be summed up as “could do better”. Nur, dass bei der Scharnhorst es richtig gemacht wurde und bei der Gneisenau nicht. Suddenly, there was a bad situation for Germans as their ship could be weaker and slower that its prospective adversary. The beginning of the end of their military performance was stationing them on the Norwegian waters. Auf dem Bild ist die Konfiguration genau umgekehrt. 2017 | Neue Bausatzform + Aktionen Stash. Mit weiteren Offizieren war er mit der Aufklärung … Das Unternehmen Cerberus (auch einfach der Kanaldurchbruch genannt) war der erfolgreiche Durchbruch der deutschen Kriegsschiffe Scharnhorst, Gneisenau und Prinz Eugen durch den Ärmelkanal im Februar 1942. + Almost non-existent citadel and great armour scheme. The lower calibre shells will not be able to overmatch the bows of many ships you come across, but in those situations, you can simply take aim at the superstructure - and then by the time you are in position at close range, aim your guns at the citadels of Cruisers and upper belts of Battleships and watch their hit points vanish. Sie bestand aus zwei Schiffen der Scharnhorst und der Gneisenau. Ostensibly, both ships have the same playstyle with some subtle difference. I have an equal amount of fun with both ships due to enjoying Henry Hide as my Commander which means I am able to min-max effectively and if you have him as a Commander he should absolutely be your go-to German Battleship commander. The Action off Lofoten was a naval battle fought between the German Kriegsmarine and the British Royal Navy off the southern coast of the Lofoten Islands, Norway during World War II. Siehe auch hier: With Hipper as your Gneisenau, you can mitigate the infamous “German Accuracy” and still maintain a decent secondary range - here you will need to play her at midrange, accuracy is too much of a troll at long range and your turret traverse will bite you in the arse at point-blank range. Beide Schlachtschiffe hatten zwei Triple-28-cm-Geschütztürme am Bug und einen am Heck. The career of Bismarck ended with her sinking though she had successfully attacked British convoys before. For lovers of close-in battleships that enjoy getting stuck into the battle wanting to get in close enough to you enemies to whack them over the head with a sword? Band 1. Beide Schiffe kamen bei verschiedenen Operationen de… 44388 Lütgendortmund. Altlateiner. However, minor difficulties occurred when this ambitious plan was being realised. I, History of the Turán Medium and Heavy Tanks in World War II, Martin B-26 Marauder & Douglas A-26 Invader in Combat over Europe, P-47 Thunderbolt with the USAAF – European Theatre of Operations, The German Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin, Heavy Cruisers of the Admiral Hipper and the Prinz Eugen class, SMS Viribus Unitis Austro-Hungarian Battleship, The Japanese Aircraft Carriers Sōryū and Hiryū, KAGA 1920–1942. respectively, Gneisenau and Scharnhorst, can leg it fairly quickly when they lift up their dirndls and form two of the three fastest Tier VI Battleships, narrowly beating Poltava to the podium. If you don’t have him, then use Hipper for Gneisenau to maximise your accuracy and Ciliaxfor Scharnhorst to maximise gun handling! Scharnhorst and Gneisenau could make 32 knots, superior to most of the ships of the Royal Navy, not to mention their own destroyer escort! … They were fast battleships, with an true emphasis on speed over protection. Englischer Text, 200 Fotos, 309 farbige Illustrationen mit genauen Detail- und Gesamtansichten des Schiffs, maßstabsgetreue Skizzen im Buch, 2 großformatige Pläne mit maßstabsgetreuen Skizzen (1:200) als Beilage, Großformat. Can swap out Steering for Propulsion if you have selected a Legendary and have maxed... 9 11 '' guns, left over from cancelled pocket battleships the biggest achievement in meantime!, gneisenau vs scharnhorst Gears and Target Acquisition we calculate, it lasted from to. Can easily run 5 charges of the war had successfully attacked British convoys before within the period no longer a... 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