When we follow Jesus we are like lights, because we can show others the way to see Your Support, even the smallest amount, helps keep resources like this available. 17. Close by singing the song and praying. 94. Before you read, turn the lights on again. And we know that the souls of people and their eternal destiny is infinitely important to God, because Christ died for all (2 Cor. In her spare time she loves to read, watch movies, and of course spend time with her sweet kitty, Lucy. ), This Little Light of Mine – Scientific Object Lesson. “WOW!” This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. What are some ways we can show kindness to others? “It is not eternal.” Neatly gather bag up and put on display table. in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” The loss of the flame (heat) creates a void that is filled by the rising water. “So, how can we keep our lights shining brightly?” Wait for a response. when it shows up. “Eventually your friend accepts Jesus and becomes baptized.” 79. What You Do: Dip the sponges into blue and then green paint to paint the candle and holder (as shown in the picture above). “Let’s see it again.” Again, extend your arm straight out and drop the ball onto the display table, grabbing it after the first bounce. The song is also widely used in A lit candle that sits is a pool of water is extinguished when a vase is placed over it. 83. 56. Just Us Little Guys Sunday School Center Life of Jesus Series – Lesson #11 www.SundaySchoolCenter.com ©2012, Sharon Kay Chatwell Page 4 Suggested Activities: (Choose a few activities for your class!) 69. “For one, we can help teach about Jesus Christ to others.” Who can we show kindness to today? I'm going to light this candle and I ask you to join me in singing that song. 35. Materials: printer, paper, glue or tape; pencil or pen. 13. “Are you ready?” . “Well, there are the missionaries to actually go to the site, the fundraisers to get the money, the donators who give money, and the people who pray for the mission.” If we let it extinguish, we become more susceptible to worldly things coming in to fill the void. 100. 28. “The first experiment will teach you about the light that God gives each of us.” “What if one of these balls has to hit the ceiling using gravity alone with no help from me?” 99. 49. ‘This little light of mine, I’m gonna let is shine'”, 15. The same is true in science. Wind bagTM (available at www.stevespanglerscience.com) 14. “Will a new bike help?” Add food coloring to the water. “You remember the song, don’t you? Continue to move the light (or allow the child to) as you point out that the light works best when it is out for all to see. “If we are not too careful, we may loss this light entirely.” “It will be synergism at its best.” 29. Food coloring Once complete, children can light the candles and watch the decorative candle design light up! “What if I were to tell you that this audience could inflate this bag in one breath, if we work together; would you believe me?” Place the dish on the display table in front of the audience. 60. Deflate. The world is a dark, sad place full of sin and those following Christ need to stand out as a light in the world. 121. “Now we all know that rubber balls bounce.” “Now we know that each ball alone cannot go as high as my hand, right?” !” . 110. “Wow, we hit the ceiling.” sarah@SundaySchoolNetwork.com  A fun and creative lesson to help preschoolers shine the light on Halloween in your preschool Sunday school classes. “Now let’s see what one light can do.” Light the candle. Pretty self-explanatory. 107. 65. “I will see you again soon.” Read Matthew 5:14-16 from a child-friendly Bible. “1 John 1:5 says ‘God is Light; in Him there is no darkness. 39. Luxury This Little Light Of Mine … 52. “Ok, when I count to ‘three’ we all blow.” “Ok, well let’s practice first.” “For God said in 2 Corinthians 4:6 ‘let light shine out of darkness’ . We do this when we show kindness to others, by sharing and “Go ahead, I know it is big but you have a pretty big light.” Wait a few moments. 27. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. 78. “Do you feel full?” “So, what have we learned?” Wait for a response. 75. “That is, each is working toward a common goal that neither can do alone, but when working together the goal is easily met.”, 86. “Ok, now what can we do with this light?” “How many breaths do you think it will take?” People also love these ideas And if you didn’t, I’m sure you know the words and the tune. Extend your arm straight out and drop the GREEN (third smallest) ball onto the display table, grabbing it after the first bounce. How do lights help us? 64. This Little Light of Mine is a beautiful spiritual song with roots in African-American culture. “Now, I need my volunteer to hold the other end of the bag.” Direct the volunteer to hold the other end of the Wind bagTM by the knot at the end, keeping the bag suspended in the air between you and the volunteer (to aid air entering the bag). I'm sure all of you know the song, "This Little Light of Mine." This may be one of the first verses you learned in Sunday school. “Let’s see.” Cover the lit candle with the vase. Learning The Song As A Child. Copyright 2004 Sarah Keith Have children press their thumbs into red-orange paint to paint the flames. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. These four verses teach an incredibly simple, yet very important lesson about living in the world as a follower of God. VERSE 1. How can we share the good news of Jesus? Thanks to Kathleen for sharing this song with us, to Tracy for sharing the fourth last verse and to Vickie for sharing the fifth verse! Talk about ways that we can show Christ’s light to others. '” “You are the light of the world. 108. “But, notice that it did not bounce as high as the point in which I dropped it.” Begin by singing " This Little Light of Mine ." Let it shine all the time, let it shine, oh yeah. This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. They will love it! Then leave the room for a few moments. '”, 55. – (A MUST READ! Light the candle and use drops of wax to adhere candle to center of dish. Color as necessary (if using the B&W version). It’s based on Matthew 5:15-16 where Jesus says, “Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but … Let it shine, let it shine, let it shiiiiine. Extinguish the candle. “Well, let’s explore this a bit.” The same is true for science. www.madaboutjesus.net. “So, it would have taken one of us many breaths and lots of time to blow up this bag, but by working together we were able to blow it up in one breath.”, 105. 85. Sing “This Little Light of Mine” – the children will learn a new song This is a wonderful song to do with little children, especially with the hand motions. A demonstration of the effect of the light of Jesus experiment and more detailed instructions can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPbMvchZb6A Baking dish or plate with low sides (clear is preferred) 88. happens? For Ages: 2-5 SUMMARY : We all need to let the light of Jesus shine. 104. "This Little Light of Mine" is one of the most beloved Sunday School songs of all time. Enrichment Idea: You might decide to darken the room and use a tiny flashlight or light a small candle during your discussion. 81. 24. Enrichment Idea: You might decide to darken the room and use a tiny flashlight or light a small candle during your discussion. 9. To help take the “spooky” out of Halloween, use these Bible lessons for preschoolers for your Sunday school class. Humm.” Extend your arm straight out and drop the RED (smallest) ball onto the display table, grabbing it after the first bounce. “Only when we remove the covers can we ignite the light, spread the word, and REALLY feel full again.” Remove the jar and relight the candle. Unroll one Wind bagTM or cut an 8-12 foot length of a Diaper GenieTM refill. “We can do some amazing things now.” 93. 2. Light one person's candle and pass the light along. 73. 45. 101. Container full of water (pitcher) Add food coloring to the water. 12. “There is a classic saying in science; ‘nature abhors a vacuum’.” Also could use Diaper GenieTM refills. Your Support, even the smallest amount, helps keep resources like this available. “We are filled with all sorts of chemicals, gases, and other substances.”, 11. difference! This Little Light Of Mine I M Gonna Let It Shine Coloring Page. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. “How about reading the Bible, obeying our parents, going to church, helping others, and simply praying.”. “Maybe the power of one ball can push another ball.” 26. 54. Unpack the AstroblasterTM toy. ... June 2013 Sunday School Lessons Of Plenty. It’s often used in general school classrooms as a way to affirm each child’s individuality and value, how they can stand up for who they are and “let their light shine”. By Daniel A. Briere 114. But when we show love, kindness, If you are starting up a program with small children, the God Loves Me series is the PERFECT place to start! 25. You might decide to outline the lamp and flame with the marker. “Well, what if we get several balls to work together.” “It does not last.”, 30. If I cover my light what “So, keep you light strong and work as a group, for only as one can God’s plan comes together.”, 116. Place water onto dish surrounding the candle (practice a few times to know the amount if water to add). “Well, I better get back to the lab.” We sang "This little light of mine" and waved these little candlesticks that we made! Tell the students that they can pick a snack from the basket, but not the candy. 22. Clear glass vase (preferably one with a narrow neck and larger base) “What do we call it when we go places and teach others about Jesus?” Wait for a response. 97. 89. Preschool Sunday school lessons: Can a Band-Aid Fix That? being friendly. “In science we call this effect ‘synergism’.” (It gets dark and it might make some of us scared or upset.) “You see, I think I discovered a mysterious seed that grows instantly when you add water.” “The same is true with us.” 8. “I just need to work the kinks out.” 90. 2. 62. So may we respond to God’s Word by faith and let this little light of mine… shine! These verses present a great lesson that children of all different ages can understand. “But, what if I start to lose my connection with God by not praying, going to church, or reading my Bible.” “Well, it might get less bright by not going to church, hanging around the wrong kinds of friends, not obeying your parents, not praying, or just not reading your Bible.” What is light? “This Little Light of Mine” is one of the best known and most loved Bible songs for preschoolers. 63. 102. Be sure to sing “This Little Light of Mine” and act out ‘hiding it under a bushel’ with the kids. God wants us to be lights for Jesus in this dark world. This particular lesson focuses on the meaning important task that Jesus gave to his disciples. A YEAR of Preschool Sunday School Lessons... Just Us Little Guys is a year's worth of free Preschool Bible Lessons, which is divided into 7 series.. SERIES 1: God Loves Me, consists of 8 lessons which explore wonderful truths about God's Love for Us!. 77. "This Little Light of Mine" is a simple song you can sing to reinforce this activity. “He is surrounded by LIGHT” Close out by singing “This Little Light of Mine.” 3. What happens if we decide not to show love and kindness to others? Carefully pull apart the balls, keeping the stick attached to the largest ball. “It pierces the darkness so that even one little candle light can fill the room with light.” Just cut to an 8-12 foot length. Return to the Christian Crafts page. The Mad Scientist Presents: MAD ABOUT JESUS: Scientific Object Lessons to Teach Biblical Truths By Daniel A. Briere, Object Lesson 4: “This Little Light of Mine”. Your purchases sing a song: this little light of mine; jesus wants me for a sunbeam; the light of the world is jesus SHARE A SNACK: Let the children frost and decorate a cupcake and add a candle and continue with the "candle lighting" listed above, and sing THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE together. “Now all their lights are working together to give maximal power!!! 48. “The next thing you know your friend comes to church another week, then another, then another.” Create the This Little Light of Mine Luminary craft to accompany the popular "This Little Light of Mine" song. This Little Light of Mine Lessons and Meaning. Hide it under a bushel, no! Here is another preschool Bible song demonstrated by Cullen. The Bible tells us that we should let our light shine so that people will see our good works and praise our heavenly Father. 19. I’m gonna let it shine ... She has a Master of Divinity from McAfee School of Theology and a BBA from Mercer University. Lyrics: This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 3 times). Ask, "Have you ever been afraid of the dark?" “But those of us who know Christ are filled with something special, something that fills us completely, all the crevices, cracks, and holes.” 53. God's love and how to follow him. “Ready?” When the paint is dry use the marker to write child's name as shown in the picture. and donations to the site help to distribute To remember our lesson, we will create a special painting. 18. “However, if we are not careful our light can become diminished, less bright.” This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. “I will hold the bag like this so I will be able to catch all your breaths at once.” Grab the opening in the Wind bagTM and hold it open as wide as possible using both hands. As soon as the bag appears full, grab the opening and pinch it shut. 10. “That simply means that everything in God’s universe needs to be filled.” Article by Catholic Icing (Lacy) 2. The disciples were not only responsible for receiving God’s Word, allowing it to take root in their hearts, but sharing this Word with others and thus producing fruit. It may take some effort if it became wet. Children can clap, stomp their feet, and wiggle to this song. This passage is sometimes called the parable of the lamp. For Ages: 2-5. Light the candle and use drops of wax to adhere candle to center of dish. “Well, maybe for a short time, but it passes.” 16. “So, why involve so many people when one light seems pretty bright? 120. Place water onto dish surrounding the candle (practice a few times to know the amount if water to add). Sunday School Lesson Activity: resisting temptation Place a basket of healthy snacks on the table with some candy choices as well. “Ok, let’s turn the light back on” Have volunteer turn on the light. Hide it under a bushel, no! “Hey kids, today I will do 3 amazing science experiments.” We all need to let the light of Jesus shine to show others how Jesus has transformed our lives, for only together can we fulfill God’s plan. “Yes, we call it a mission.” 38. 84. “He is the LIGHT for others to see.”, 113. “You talk to your friend about Jesus, showing him YOUR light.” “Even outer space is actually filled with tiny molecules of gas.” How is Jesus like a light inside us? Copyright © 1995 - 2021 Children's Ministry Inspiration Vault by Children's Ministry Today, Your Ideas Inspiring Leaders Across the Globe, Getting the Most from CMIV! How to Choose the Best Sunday School Curriculum Place the dish on the display table in front of the audience. Show of hands, y’all, how many of us grew up singing this song in Sunday School? and friendship to others we honor God in our lives! 106. Grab Bag Ideas for the Letter L : (be sure to check out the Classroom Script fordirections on using the grab bag.) 5. “Bye.”, 1. 21. 111. This Little Light of Mine: Preschool Lesson Plans. See http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/1892 and http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/1479, Please send comments, suggestions, and questions to the ‘mad scientist’ at madaboutjesuslaboratories@yahoo.com, Copyright 2008 November 12, 2009. by Tony Kummer. “Once this light is gone we start to feel empty.”, 20. Mine." 103. 92. This Little Light Of Mine. Once complete, children can light the candles and watch the decorative candle design light up! 74. We darken our world and that's a sad thing! 43. “Ok, let’s get started.”, 6. 118. “But, what happens when you lose your light, when you lose your connection to God by not going to church, not praying, or not reading your Bible?” LESSON: We all need to let the light of Jesus shine to show others how Jesus has transformed our lives, for only together can we fulfill God’s plan. This Little Light of Mine. Don't let Satan (blow) it… Concept for AstroblasterTM and WindbagTM obtained from Steve Spangler Science. 44. I decided that we would sing a song and recite our Bible verse for them (I teach at a private school). Place all balls on display table. 109. “Eventually, your friend agrees to come with you to church, where he hears our senior minister, our youth minister, our children’s director talk about God and meets more friends, seeing their LIGHT.” sermon series. 80. “So, even with this power of bounce given to the ball from gravity, or for us, the power of our light given to us from God, we are limited.”, 72. “Let’s see what happens.” Extend your arm straight out and drop the assembled AstroblasterTM onto the display table, grabbing the small ball as soon as possible to avoid hysteria. Laura October 21, 2008 All Posts (Photo by Vivienne) Q: What do Halloween and the upcoming Election have in common?? Once we finished our singing debut, we recited Matthew 5:14a- "You are the light of the… “I let go of it here and it bounces, but it only gets to here. (Allow for discussion)  there will be a delay between when you post your comment and Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV) A traditional light bulb with a happy face drawn on it, and various 96. “The second and third experiments will show you the power that can come from using this light together to change the world.” 87. 47. Complete with the scripture verse Matthew 5:16, this bright craft is a perfect reminder to children to shine for Jesus! “Yes, do not let your light go out.” “What do we need for our mission?” Wait for a response. 58. Knot off one end creating only one opening. This Little Light of Mine (Preschool Song) June 30, 2020. Humm.” Show ‘here’ and ‘there’ Lesson 4: "This Little Light of Mine". “Ok, let’s briefly turn down the shades and turn off the light.” Assign one volunteer to turn off the light, briefly. “In fact, when I hold it out in front of me and drop it on the table it bounces.” Extend your arm straight out and drop the YELLOW ball onto the display table, grabbing it after the first bounce. 34. Help us to be a light so others may see you through us. Before you read, turn the lights on again. 37. “Let’s do it again.” Again, extend your arm straight out and drop the assembled AstroblasterTM onto the display table, grabbing the small ball as soon as possible to avoid hysteria. This is showing how they share their “lights.” Explain that when the flame flickers, the wax melts, the smoke rises, and the area is illuminated – this represents us. “Yes, by going to church, reading the Bible, and praying.”, 51. 3. A complete Sunday School lesson on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. “But it is not the same, is it?” “Now, maybe it is hard to see what this means for us, so let’s try one more effect.” “Ok, one, two, three, BLOW.” Making sure the bag opening is still facing the audience, and keeping the bag opening about 6″ from your mouth, take one deep breath and blow as long and hard as you can. “How can the ball do that?” 91. “Here I have a giant bag that is tied at one end.” 4. Most toys will have a blue (largest connected to the stick), green (second largest), yellow (second smallest), and red (smallest) ball. Prayer: Dear God, thank you for giving us light. 46. 115. “How much time?” Here is my version of this song that I hope your kids will love. 119. 42. “Sure.” 32. 71. Create the This Little Light of Mine Luminary craft to accompany the popular "This Little Light of Mine" song. Lighter or matches Mad About Jesus Laboratories This Little Light of Mine Craft. “Ok, you.” Pick a volunteer. “Then your friend is the one going out and inviting his friends to church.” 4. 76. We all need to let the light of Jesus shine. Fire extinguisher (for safety), AstroblasterTM (available at www.stevespanglerscience.com). “Now I need a volunteer.” “Isn’t that just like we try to do to fill the void ourselves?” (Allow for discussion) We are like the light that is covered up. This is called synergism and can be demonstrated using both a rubber ball and a bag experiment. 7. 57. 1. “So, we become an overflowing geyser of the Lord, filled with a ‘light’ so powerful that all we want to do is to spread his word to those around us.” Explain that just like the light needs to be seen, Christians need to live so that all can see the light of Christ in them. 41. You can make a “I have lots to do to prepare for my next experiment.” Begin by singing "This Little Light of “For God, Who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, made His Light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6, “God is Light; in Him there is no darkness.” 1 John 1:5, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16, Candle (birthday candles work well) “Now imagine how this would work out in the real world.” 67. Please note: Comment moderation is currently enabled so “Do you think that it I dropped a bigger ball it would bounce as high as I dropped it from? Check out all these Halloween ideas! I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 3 times). This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. If you missed church on Sunday, watch Pastor Andy Ross's sermon, "Light it UP!," part of our "This Little Light of Mine!" Thank you for being light to everyone. “What is going to happen to my light?” “We are now in darkness.” “But when many lights come together, truly great things can happen.” (Even lyric losers like me know those lyrics! “Ok, so it is going to take a lot of time and effort for you to do this.” This Little Light of Mine: Preschool Lesson Plans. If I had to guess, I’d say a majority of us did. 40. What You Need: T-shirt or another item to paint on, sponges cut to approximately 1" x 4", acrylic paint (yellow, red-orange, green and blue), permanent black marker, napkins. I m gonna let it shine song that most children learn at preschool age from their Sunday school teacher. “Does it make you feel better if you get a new bike for your birthday?” Complete with the scripture verse Matthew 5:16, this bright craft is a perfect reminder to children to shine for Jesus! Craft and Lesson: Spreading the Light and Love of Jesus. 82. Now press children's palms into the yellow paint to paint the glow of the flame (their handprints). 31. “How can our light start to go out?” Show the inflated bag to the audience. 112. “Here I have a small rubber ball.” Show the YELLOW (second smallest) ball of the AstroblasterTM. Being a light to the world "You are the light of the world...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Turn away from the audience so the opening now faces them. “So, are we ready to go on a mission?” Wait for a response. Ask if it lights up the room.