Where I live, every voter was mailed their ballot, and here are boxes operated by the Registrar of Voters in every community, which allow you to avoid the Post Office. Are we, as a society, paying as much attention to integrating male and female students throughout their preschool to 12th-grade years? Back then, around 1962, it was not accepted that handicapped students should be mainstreamed with the other children. So, this is the second launch viewing attempt to actually work out, and viewing launches can be really disappointing. And Raspbian has some other issues: not all packages were built, and it’s somewhat out-of-date compared to Debian 8.4 . There was something really admirable about the Ada Initiative in its good days, which is that it stuck to one message, stuck to the positive in helping women enter and continue in communities in which they were under-represented, and wasn’t anti-male. You are not allowed to invest in these high-risk, high-reward funds issued by startups and venture capital funds, unless you are wealthy or you yourself are a founder of the business. You’re supposed to have a phone book full of moneybags that you can approach quietly. For now, this requires that model code explicitly clear some errors. They can’t talk about their solicitation of funds to people who aren’t accredited. You can’t let the common people know! Educational Background. Open Source Security Inc. and their CEO, Mr. Bradley Spengler, sued me for 3 Million dollars for defamation, because I wrote this blog post, in which I explained why I thought they were in violation of the GPL.. Bruce Perens. At my recommendation, MariaDB retained attorney Heather Meeker, of O’Melveny and Meyers, to review the license. Otherwise, it doesn’t. My speech and coordination issues diminished on their own as I got older. They must actively verify it, using tax forms, bank statements, etc. Heather and I have worked together on many Open Source cases. A pre-publication version is available for download below. Don’t attempt to get Debian to accept it at this time, make the whole thing work first and then once it’s stable ask some nice DD to move it over. The first-grade teacher did this without having me examined, and if she told anyone in the school at all, the message wasn’t given to my parents. They got a lawyer. There may be unrest whenever the result of the vote is announced, whichever way it goes. But let’s please fix things for our kids. This photo is from Ocean Avenue in Lompoc, about 2.8 miles from Pad 3. The BSL is a parameterized license. Création de l'Open Source Definition. But without rule 506(c), I doubt we’d have a chance to find them. Public domain or the BSD license would have worked as well. Vacuum is hard, and hard vacuum is harder, and hardly cheap. Unfortunately, the business relationship went toxic from the moment the company was formed. This was a cooperative program with FEMA, part of the US Government, and FEMA’s vendor failed to build the satellite. His expertise in Kaizen, a process to increase quality by involving all employees from top management to line assemblers, is essental to bringing AMSAT back to being a functional organization. Crystal and Lucky are not, in my opinion, ready for the inexperienced programmer. apt-get install debootstrap Last year, Bruce Perens K6BP wrote to you to recommend the election of new directors to the AMSAT board, to remedy severe problems with the organization. Some allow modification, some don’t. FAA has asked for public comment on the environmental impact of expansion of operations at the SpaceX Boca Chica launch site. Of course, besides fixing this administrative problem, the candidates have an agenda for the advancement of AMSAT. The discussion includes Open Source as one of a range of possibilities for Open Car software, but Open Source doesn’t dominate this paper. I’d tried SLS and Slackware (early Linux distributions) first, and then Debian, back when Ian was the sole developer of the core system and there were less than 50 package maintainers. I caught a one second glimpse of a rocket in flight from LA. Bring over packages for firmware (put it in non-free) kernel, free libraries, pi-specific-bluetooth, and utilities. So, I didn’t like that “BSL” didn’t really say what the license did, and I didn’t feel that was the best thing for the users or the community. Rule 506(c), to date, is mostly used by real estate funds. It provides type safety without type verbosity, inferring types rather than requiring declaration much of the time, and propagating type information throughout the program. That he was. Today was exciting because Lothar and I presented a talk on the paper at Boalt Hall, where I’ve spoken a few times but never to this large an audience or with a catered lunch. That would allow him to move forward confidently in creating thrusters for our satellites. And that they thus will interpret the law as restrictively as possible, like a cop who looks for ways to ticket you because he doesn’t like your bumper sticker. He bought and attempted to rebuild a worn-out roughing pump – all that he could afford – but this effort failed. apt-get update A net worth of a Million excluding the value of your home, or annual income in excess of $200,000 for an unmarried person and $300,000 common income for a married couple, are required. For now, I have developed craft knowledge that helps me debug problems in macro expansions, but this has been a relatively steep learning curve. So, if you wonder why some of those students with darker skin don’t do as well, when they seem to be given the same school opportunities as you, it’s because they don’t really have the same opportunities at all. Not that we haven’t had enough disasters this year, but it’s time to think about the next one, in less than a month. Open Source Security Inc. and their CEO, Mr. Bradley Spengler, sued me for 3 Million dollars for defamation, because I wrote this blog post, in which I explained why I thought they were in violation of the GPL.. The SEC rule commonly used by startups and VC funds, rule 506(b) of Regulation D, allows them to be exempted from the many reporting and disclosure regulations applied to stocks traded on the market, but at a severe cost: all investors must be accredited, meaning that they must have a degree of sophistication in investment and wealth greater than the common person. So, this year AMSAT has the same problems reported a year ago. The power of Crystal’s macro language means that it is used extensively in packages as powerful as the Lucky web platform. The other children were actually told by this teacher that I was retarded, which set the way that I would be treated by many of my school peers all through the elementary grades. Bruce Perens (born around 1958) is an American venture capitalist, computer programmer and advocate in the free software movement. So, in 2012, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, or JOBS Act, was passed into law. Fortunately, the macro mechanism does provide the framework to do such checking, AST nodes yield type information and the file name and line number of where they originate. It will always allow copying, modification, redistribution, non-commercial use, and commercial use in a non-production context. My theory is that in preschool through high school, we didn’t teach those individuals how to have healthy friendships and mutually respectful social interaction with women, and that they ended up having very little empathy for women. That was 14 years ago. I had that for a few years and then they put me in rhetoric class every year through 12th grade. As an adult, I have had the police called on me at least once, simply for being someone who moves differently, and was thus considered a threat. About the worst that I’ve encountered is that the before and after functions used to manipulate data model properties and validate their correctness don’t happen in the right order, and can’t be put in the right order using the existing API, causing some errors to be set on the model before the programmer has a chance to correct them. So, there can be some differences, but in this new version of the “BSL”, you will have a pretty good idea of what you’re getting when someone says a work is under the “Business Source License”. Nobody should be rejecting anyone’s work due to their skin color. For the rationale, see my video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTsc1m78BUk, video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTsc1m78BUk. Another criticism was that it’s too easy to get in trouble with 506(c). Fortunately, there are third-party companies that will perform accredited investor verification for as little as $60, and will keep the documents presented by the investor private. Il est détenteur de la marque Open Source Initiative. The licensor chooses the license which is transitioned to, the date of the transition, and the limitation. Maybe that, and the ability to advertise, will be enough to get good investors onboard my company. Michael Bretti is designing electric thrusters so that Amateur and Educational microsatellites can maintain or change their orbits. To test the thrusters, he uses a vacuum chamber that duplicates the hard vacuum of low-earth orbit. Lots of people today meet the standards for accreditation, but their money isn’t currently being utilized effectively, because they aren’t in investment networks with the active angels and VCs. If it is at all possible for you to vote early, do so. mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 /mnt And we ended up with another generation of boys who hadn’t spent that much time around girl peers, didn’t understand them, didn’t have empathy for them. The BSL, endorsed by the OSI founder Bruce Perens, is a simple, parameterized license, which each company can customize to match their needs. I was the creator of the Open Source Definition, the rules for Open Source licensing which OSI still uses. Those of you who are interested in RVs might enjoy http://perens.com/rv/. # Manually edit /mnt/etc/fstab to mount the proper root partition. And because 506(c) allows advertising of general solicitations, I can find them. No advertising is permitted, and even publicly discussing the fact that you are collecting funds could get you in trouble with the SEC. Bruce Perens writes: Here is video of the 9th Circuit Appeals Court hearing of Open Source Security Inc. / Bradley Spengler v. Bruce Perens. He created the Open Source Definition, the set of legal requirements for Open Source licensing which still stands today. Supersedes Version 1.0 ratified on July 5, 1997. The result is that error messages resulting from my use of Lucky are often simply indecipherable, yielding neither the location of their origin or, sometimes, even any information about the erroneous statement rather than some macro transformation of that statement. Some children with motor deficits find handwriting difficult or painful. Not every one succeeds, because space is hard, but enough do. Eventually my parents realized, from my description of my classmates, that something was very wrong. Bruce Perens (né vers 1958) est un ancien leader du projet Debian, le premier à succéder au fondateur Ian Murdock, et un cofondateur de l'Open Source Initiative.Il est détenteur de la marque Open Source Initiative.. Création de l'Open Source Definition. Read Perens.com news digest here: view the latest Perens articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages.Perens.com is currently listed among low-traffic websites, with around 15K visitors from all over the world monthly. L'auteur de ce blog était brouillé avec Ian Murdock et l'avait licencié. Please review the web statements of each candidate, and please vote for these candidates: Please write to bruce at perens dot com to add your signature. Before that, he helped to create the industry of 3D Character Animated Feature Film at Pixar and its academic predecessor. Bruce Perens. So, I feel that Creative Commons is confusing compared to Open Source. Trump has repeatedly instructed his fans to go to the polls and watch them very carefully. The BSL license allows copying, modification, and redistribution while the software is in its commercial-license-only state, but it has a limitation on use in production (meaning in any capacity that is meant to make money). I first encountered rule 506(c) after I had been a partner at OSS Capital for a year. Some allow commercial copying and sale, some don’t. Online communities like those hosting Open Source developers tend to use textual communications. Below Michael’s photo is his gridded pulsed plasma thruster firing in a vacuum chamber he’s put together in his home. I once complained online about how offended I was by a news story that said many software developers were on the autism spectrum. It will provide them with thrusters that are easily affordable on their slim budgets, and allow them to maintain or change their orbits like the big boys! A one year food kit and the other things you should have on hand  for a disaster cost thousands, but are not at all out of reach of a middle-class family. To prevent that disease, we can’t always put women in safe spaces, just as we can’t always put the Blacks and Whites in schools across town from each other if they are to live together as equals. Many projects are attempting to address the issue by instituting social codes and diversity policies. cp -ar /lib/firmware /mnt/lib That’s the way we should do it. With the cooperation of his stockholders, the Simon group (known for their shopping malls), Ian departed from that concept and attempted to build a business based upon a distributed filesystem that he and a partner had been researching at Arizona. Some states are going to wait a long time for all of the mail to come in, and may count it in creative ways (remember “hanging chad” in Florida). The licensor will be able (and encouraged) to specify additional usage rights: for example in the case of MaxScale, MariaDB specifies the allowance of up to three production servers under the BSL without an additional license. That’s the first thing you learn when raising funds for a startup, or running a venture capital fund. If AMSAT members send additional new directors to the board, they will break this logjam, because there will be enough new directors to call a board meeting. Meant to protect regular people from investments that don’t report enough information to allow them to make a reasoned decision, the other effect of the accreditation requirement is that only rich people can play. This was not a wise decision by the AMSAT board. I could see the contrail over half of the sky afterward, so I missed a lot. How did we ever get to the point that a vocal minority of males in Open Source communities behave in the most boorish, misogynistic, objectifying manner toward women? Bruce Perens is one of the founders of the Open Source movement in software, and was the person to announce “Open Source” to the world. You’ll be able to watch his efforts and – soon enough – perhaps you’ll communicate through some of the satellites he supports. Back then, they called it the retarded children’s class. A union type of Manufacturer | Product is changed, internal to the compiler, to their common subclass. It’s unfortunately the case that software development in general and Open Source communities are frequented by males who have social development issues. They should have read the election of these people as a signal from the membership. So, I approached the BSL license with sympathy for the purpose. Perhaps none of this will come to pass, but it might be worth having three week’s supplies on hand. from privately, as rule 506(b) assumes. Howie DeFelice AB2S is a principal engineer for Intelsat General Communications, one of the creators of 50 Dollar Sat, the first PocketQube satellite, and a major contributor to the Phase 4 effort. For now, I’ve created a  common subclass (closer to my models than the one the compiler would have had to pick) and declare that rather than a union type. Resume ; Wikipedia article on Bruce Perens; IMdB on Bruce Perens in film. Back in the 1950’s and 1960’s, the United States started to address the problem that White people didn’t grow up with much empathy for Black people because so many White people didn’t grow up with any Blacks around them who were peers rather than servants. We contacted the help desk of the big software company, and they might get back to us someday. Posted on March 23, 2020 April 18, 2020. NPR has a short story about how I first introduced the NPR audience to the then-new Wikipedia. That’s a pump which creates a medium vacuum and supports another pump that provides the space-quality vacuum. 23 years later, I still run Debian on all of my systems and type this on one of them. Support them! Even SEC does not understand why VCs and startups do not use it more. Unfortunately, this means that your programming errors are reported where they occur somewhere in a macro expansion, rather than where you have made them – as you could expect were you calling into functions and methods rather than macros. This is humorous because of the explicitly non-discriminatory nature of the work, and its origin within the Debian team, which has always been very diverse. I expected that there would be pain, due to the youth of the language and platform, and there has been. Michael calls his project Applied Ion Systems, and you can follow his work at @Applied_Ion on Twitter. Rather than work with the opposition, the AMSAT board started an expensive legal process against them. cp /etc/fstab /mnt/etc/fstab And there’s lots of other discussion of the implications of autonomous vehicles and how things will change as automobiles become more computerized. Some feminists object to this idea, because they feel I’m saying that women’s safe spaces are the problem. I first encountered rule 506(c) after I had been a partner at, for a year. I still get problems – especially in stores – because of the way I move, ranging from a woman screaming in terror (just because of the way I walked in, no kidding) to extra attention from security guards. L'Open Source Definition a été initialement créée par Perens dans le cadre du texte It just waits until you write it correctly. When I viewed the DISCOVR launch in Florida, it was clear enough to see the stage separation with the naked eye. In the case of MariaDB, it’s applied to their new release of MaxScale 2.1, a database front-end proxy which redistributes queries to a farm of MariaDB servers. It’s not at all clear that the fair use doctrine always applies to such use, make sure you have a license and attribute your copy properly. I went to Vandenberg to see the WorldView 4 Launch on a ULA Atlas 4. Women’s safe spaces are a symptom, and by the time we need them it might be too late to treat the disease, misogynistic behavior that develops in males in the preschool to 12th-grade years. Together we have arrived at constraints on the parameters and minimum privileges that will take the new BSL much closer to being one license while still allowing licensors some latitude to choose parameters. We can do so much with social codes, and that must be done because solving the real problem takes generations. Two new directors were elected, but the then-incumbent board has never allowed them to function as directors. This is posted for your criticism, email to bruce at perens dot com please. Bruce Perens is not a lawyer. Does your school district have the first policy regarding male and female integration and defeating self-segregation wherever it occurs? We’ll only be able to solve that problem if we work today, with our children, to close the empathy gap. The cost of this is that the requirement for accreditation of investors is increased. If you are in a hurry, or don’t have the chops to figure out cryptic errors, it’s not time for you to use Crystal and Lucky yet. So, there were special classes or special schools where we could be out of the sight of the normally abled people. Thus, businesses are released from the odious restrictions on speech. The impetus for this choice was the power of the Crystal language and the potential of the Lucky framework built upon it to result in a more correct implementation. The limitation might be that you could only have three commercial servers, or that you indentured your firstborn son (OK, that’s going overboard, but you get the picture). The Director of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance, Keith Higgins, said “one wonders why the new Rule 506(c) exemption has not caught on more widely with issuers who have long clamored for the general solicitation ban to be lifted.” There is the additional requirement of validation, with its increased paperwork load on prospective investors, but the effect of this is reduced by using third party validation companies that shield those documents from view, even by the fund that requested validation. That worked out for several years, and the organization had sort of an ugly meltdown in their last year that is best forgotten. I am one of the founders of the Open Source Initiative and was an initial board member 20 years ago. No surprise that these are often ones where the poor people live. One of the things they did not do in that class was teach reading. The ability to advertise, using rule 506(c), allows me to reach far beyond my personal network. Of those, I saw the Falcon 9 DISCOVR launch at Cape Canaveral after being there for one scrub, I heard and did not see the Falcon 9 JASON-3 launch at Vandenberg from Ocean Avenue in the summer – too much fog. When I started to found a separate company, the business incubator or “venture studio” Incubator.Fund, I resolved to use rule 506(c), and not simply for the free speech advantages. In a way, I actually consider this a plus. In contrast, software development is inherently fair. The new BSL will be a good way for developers to get paid while eventually making their works Open Source. Angels and VCs are about the most entitled people you will meet. But an unskilled board will treat opposition as evil against their own good. This is a draft comment, about 1/3 done, on the Launch Observer as a stakeholder, a beneficial influence, and an environmental, security, and safety concern. A side-effect of this is that Bluetooth is disabled, because /dev/ttyAMA0 was dedicated to the Bluetooth HCI (Host-Controller Interface) on Pi 3. adduser $USER Perens did not graduate from law school, nor did he graduate at all from any university.. http://perens.com/static/FAA/FAA_SpaceX_1.pdf. They are just people with different opinions about how to run the organization. Raspbian, the Debian version run on Raspberry Pi up until now, was created because the Pi had an odd floating point format that wasn’t supported by Debian “armhf”. Some thought we would slow the other students down and would be an unacceptable burden on the teacher. For this reason you should be careful in choosing the company that vettes investors, and the contract you get with them, and they should report to your lawyer. But this isn’t about those areas. Any more, and you’ll need to buy their commercial license. I have dedicated most of my life to charity, as one of the founders of the Open Source movement in software, and did not have a personal network, a phone book full of moneybags to raise funds from privately, as rule 506(b) assumes. So, I decided to put native Debian on the platform instead of Raspbian. Ambitious stuff I won’t be able to do right away unless others want to help: Take the documentation that Broadcom released on the GPU and a little reverse-engineering, and write a replacement for bootcode.bin that minimally boots uboot on the ARM without doing anything about graphics. I missed a lot of that due to having houses in the way and looking in the wrong place. Bluetooth. It doesn’t hold a grudge. Berkeley, California 500+ connections I don’t know if there is anything that the compiler developers can do to improve error messages regarding macro expansions. The candidates we recommend are: Many volunteer non-profit directors never learn a critical skill of democracy: how to deal with opposition. I’m building a product for Algoram with a Raspberry Pi 3 as the embedded processor. That is not the case with Pi 3, it works fine with “armhf”. It will always transition to a license that is GPL-compatible (where the choice is GPL 2.0 or any later version) and the licensor can add any number of additional licenses for the licensee to choose. With over 40 years of programming experience, I have still faced challenges. Black lives matter, and unfortunately the place where Black people might need the most support isn’t what anyone is trying to fix right now. All you really know when someone says Creative Commons is that you have the right to read it. They are available, in the US, Brazil, and elsewhere, but not as common as programmers for other languages so far. There has also been discussion that Faithless Electors may be used. Have Bruce Perens Keynote Your Conference, ARRL’s “Transparency vs. Confidentiality” Emergency: Rescue ARRL With Your Vote This Month, Celestron Nexstar Evolution, Linux, Open Source, MariaDB Fixes it's Business Source License With My Help, Releases MaxScale 2.1 Database Routing Proxy, Kaj Arno of MariaDB’s Blog post on Releasing BSL 1.1, Open Cars – Accepted by Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Open Cars Determann & Perens 32 BTLJ 2 [Forthcoming 2017], I Viewed the WorldView 4 Launch at Vandenberg, Installing the Native Debian "armhf" Architecture on Raspberry Pi 3 Instead of Raspbian, Licensing Code Fragments in Your Blog – It Really Does Matter, The Empathy Gap, and Why Women are Treated Badly in Open Source Communities, Your Safety in the Weeks After Election Day, AMSAT: Urgent Issue, And The Future of North American Amateur Satellites. Before that, he helped to create the industry of 3D Character Animated Feature Film at Pixar and its academic predecessor. Achieving good error reports for Lucky may require manually-added code to more tightly check the arguments to every macro. Why is software a comfortable world for people with social development issues? It goes off of its normal baud rate due to the dynamic clock frequency of the CPU. Vérifiez les traductions 'Bruce Perens' en français. Crystal is a compiled, globally-optimized language with Ruby-like syntax and type safety. Profit! And information that would usually be given to directors was withheld from the newly elected ones. Crying Wolf. Création de l'Open Source Definition. It didn’t fix my speech, but made me a good public speaker. With the ability to achieve a space-quality vacuum again, Michael will proceed with new designs. You should be especially careful if you live in a predominantly left-wing area, or near synagogues, black churches, or any group representative of minorities where right-wing people are likely to come to act out. Toujours est‐il qu’attaquer en diffamation Bruce Perens, au lieu de simplement effectuer une publication pour expliquer en quoi il se trompe, c’est clairement un truc bien pourri qui ne va pas bien passer dans le monde du Libre. Now, it’s CC Attribution Share-Alike for the text, and the MIT license for the code fragments. I have now gone to 6 launch viewing attempts near the rocket, and two distant attempts to view a Vandenberg launch, from a street in LA and from the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley. Shhhhh! To my embarrassment, there were many replies to my complaint by people who wrote “no, I really am on the spectrum and I’m not alone here”. The Revolutionary SEC Law That Venture Capitalists and Startups Don’t Use! Building an unannounced startup. Remember that the default in copyright law is All Rights Reserved. So far, I have mostly got through the part introducing the Launch Observer. If you are willing to put up with these challenges, the Crystal language and the Lucky web platform offer more power than other computer languages I have experienced, more initial correctness, and the resulting code is fast. He co-founded the Open Source Initiative (OSI) with Eric I remember writing a recommendation for him when he was taking a research position at U. of Arizona: “Ian is one of those rare people who can make something from nothing”. Hopefully, other bloggers will see this and make sure their code fragments are licensed appropriately. I had felt constrained by the restrictions on speech that fund has under rule 506(b). There is still a strong “segregationist South” political block within the United States, it’s a factor in every national election. But you get ahead by innovating! "Mr Perens' blog post was an expression of opinion based on stated, true facts. Obviously, this made it difficult for businesses to raise money. But like many of us, this blogger put code fragments in his writing, and intended for his readers to use them. What follows contains a lot of copying of files that should be replaced with .deb packages in a special supplementary archive which is installed along with Native Debian. Bloggers have placed their work under Attribution Share-Alike and other restrictive licenses to prevent their work from being cloned improperly by unscrupulous people on the net, mostly search-engine-optimization scams. A lawyer-required test determined my IQ was 140 at the time, but this didn’t matter to my peers or the bad teacher. There has been some (fortunately unsuccessful) movement to cast aspersion on Open Source as the product of “old white men”. This allows me, for example, to piece apart interpolated strings for translation, at compile time, without a significant run-time overhead. 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