Usually agonist supersetting is a combination of a compound movement with an isolation movement. With the barbell workout, you are pulling the weight to your body and with the bench press workout, you are pushing the weight away from your body. Just remember, if you want to build muscle, increase endurance, burn calories, and cut down on your workout time, the deadlift or squat superset is the way to go. Another reason to superset is to build up muscles that are opposing each other but use different exercises for the main muscle group. Join today and unleash the power of BodyFit! For example, you perform a push-up and a dumbbell bench press. Superset 1 – Flat Barbell Bench Press with Wide Grip Pull-Ups. At that point, you can rest before doing another superset. Or bench press for 10, followed by some seated rows. Getting in some bench press and cable work. Flat Bench Press. Give your chest a rest between supersets and burn some calories with some jumping jacks or jump squats. Bent Over Rows/Bench Press. Liam. Many of you know that there are three heads to the shoulder muscle area, front, side, and rear. A bench press is a great way to challenge your chest and shoulders, but what are some exercises that go with the bench press? On the deficit deadlifts, drop down to about 60% of your best deadlift and shoot for sets of 5 as well. Perform 3 rounds of this superset and perform 10, 8, 6 reps of each exercise. Compared to the superset, the traditional set method allowed for more reps to failure in the last set. 5 Superset Types With Training Examples. Using a weight heavy enough to fail at 8-10 reps of Bench Press, go straight into bodyweight Wide Grip Chins aiming for maximum reps to failure Lower down by drawing the elbows down until they are parallel with the bench (or until they touch the floor if you’re working on the floor). You can also try these supersets when you're really crunched for time. For the chest press, begin on the back with dumbbells up and stacked directly over the shoulders. We’ll be kicking off our chest and back superset workout with the biggest strength and size builder for the chest, the flat barbell bench press along with the king of all back exercises – the pull-up. An easy antagonist exercise to pair with your bench press is the bicep curl. Romanian deadlifts are a great exercise to pair with deadlifts. This type of superset is encouraged for beginners to moderate exercisers. Perform 8 … This is a great antagonistic exercise which is going to work two huge muscle groups in the body. You can challenge your pecs and accessory triceps and go right into the dips, where the tricep is the main mover. We break down what supersets are, what science says about them, and how to use them. Slowly lower to starting position. link to Which Exercise Is Best for Students? should be done before you give it a shot. The muscles used for bench press will change based on the angle of the bench (flat, decline, incline), grip on the bar (narrow or wide), and range of motion trained (bottom-end or top-end).. Now you’ve completed a 4 set superset of chest and back. One of the best exercises to superset with the bench press is the dips. You'll probably see a huge muscle pump from working some of the overlapping muscles at the same time, and you'll totally appreciate the way you've maximized your workout time. This will make it easier to set up your workouts, making sure you superset the correct exercises each day. There is no resting between each exercise within a superset, it’s meant to be performed back to back. Superset #1. It's traditionally performed with a barbell. Use these exercises to better your workout and compliment your bench press during your workout programming. Add an extra chest stressing element by squeezing the plate as you squat. 5 A good example of a superset would be a bench press supersetted with inverted rows. Brace your core and press your feet into the ground, then press the weights up until your arms are straight. People learned to bench a barbell off the floor before benches were even invented. link to The Best Time to Exercise for Students, Exercises to Pair with Deadlifts and Squats (Supersets). The first bench press combination exercise is a pairing with a Romanian deadlift. Some of these exercises can be switched out for others. 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA. Think: a push-up and a dumbbell bench press. Make it even harder by doing mountain climbers or in and out abs. The agonist superset will target one zone and get it burning. © 2020 Do the flyes so you can stretch at the bottom and get your pectoral muscles ready for when you do the presses. Then proceed to do your next favorite chest and back exercises. A bad example of a superset would be Back Squat and an Ab Wheel Rollout. It works – you get the heart rate up while promoting a little "balance" in your training. Then … When approaching the Superset Chest Annihilation workout, my only thought was to try and hit the chest from every angle – which meant using different angles on the bench and both dumbbells and barbells. The researchers found that the superset group was not only able to complete their sets in half the time, but they were also able to perform better during their sets. Incline Bench Press 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Wide Grip Pull-Up to Front 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Superset #2. Standing Calf Raises 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Already have a account with BodyFit? Push up Inverted row. For example, you can superset bench press with dumbbell flyes or squats with leg extensions. When you are deciding which exercises you should be pairing with your bench press, first set up your schedule and your goals for the week. Superset 2: Inverted Row and Bench Press Pairing pushes and pulls on the horizontal plane is more than balancing muscle groups. Triceps Overhead Extension. A superset tends to be when you perform an exercise, then immediately follow with another exercise without a rest. Avoid injury and keep your form in check Flat Bench Press s/w Flat Dumbbell Flyes s/w Flat Dumbbell Narrow Press. Workout 4. Doing this certain bench press superset allows you to work your entire upper body quickly, saving you loads of time over the course of your workout. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. While longer rest periods are often needed between sets of bench press lifting, the back and arm muscles are also slightly hit, so it makes sense to throw in … One of the easiest exercises to pair with a chest fly or dumbbell press is the reverse fly. Looks like shit, honestly. The barbell bench press. Do a set of biceps curls and then hit the triceps pressdown with no rest in between. Put, say, three or four supersets together using multijoint exercises (like squats, bench presses, rows, overhead presses, etc. The traditional superset is a series of two sets performed back to back for agonist/antagonistic muscle groups with little to no rest. If you are a student in need of a series of simple exercises you can do in the comfort of your dorm or apartment, pick the ones that use your own body weight or minimal equipment to complete the... Students should be working out at least 3 times a week. Sit on ground with upper back against bench, knees bent and right foot on ground Squeeze glutes and extend hips toward ceiling to form bridge, with right knee at … Take a pair of dumbbells and go to the bench. Hammer strength row machine Hammer strength chest press. A superset involves pairing two exercises together and … This could be the chest fly paired with the bench press. This move will targets the pectoral muscles in a way the bench press can’t, and it’s a great way to feel the muscle working. Another way to do a superset is with a compound or agonist superset.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'8minutefitness_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',124,'0','0'])); This is where you use the same muscle groups to do similar but different exercises. We’ll be kicking off our chest and back superset workout with the biggest strength and size builder for the chest, the flat barbell bench press along with the king of all back exercises – the pull-up. While many people would call, say, a pairing of squats and bench dips a superset, this is a major misconception, says Kennedy. Then do moves 3A and 3B as a superset, and the same again for moves 4A and 4B, to work your biceps hard. A deadlift superset with pullups or bench press might do the trick and save you tons of time trying to get your full body workout in. with in-depth instructional videos. Give yourself a little bit of extra rest between supersets on this one. With chest presses, bench presses and high volume chest exercise. Here’s the main advantage of supersets. August 26, 2014 at … 1 set bench press, followed by 1 set deadlift. The best bench press superset is going to help you build muscle, strength, endurance, burn fat, allowing you to workout quickly and efficiently. Supersets help you get the most out of your gym time. Many people will also superset chest and back exercises for both of the above reasons. 1B: Press up, raising barbell straight over chest until arms are straight. While longer rest periods are often needed between sets of bench press lifting, the back and arm muscles are also slightly hit, so it makes sense to throw in some pull-ups for a superset! Here's a two-week sample of superset exercises you can try adding to your workout routine, hitting the muscle groups of the back and chest. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from! Incline Barbell Press 45 degree bent over barbell row (aka “Yates row) Dumbbell bench press Two dumbbell bent over row. These two premier exercises are perfect for starting off the chest and back workout. A traditional example would be a set of flat bench press followed immediately with a set of bent-over barbell rows. Lower yourself to the floor and push up, ensuring that you keep your back straight and do full repetitions. Superset your bench press with a light chest flyes. For example if you do 4 sets of bench press usually on chest day, and 4 sets of deadlifts on back day. BodyFit is your solution to all things fitness. Wide Grip Pull-Up to Front 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Superset #2. Chest – Back supersets Barbell Bench Press Barbell Bent Over Rows. Quickly read through our step-by-step directions to ensure you're doing each Superset with. During these exercises, you might use the pecs more for the chest fly and the shoulders more for the bench press, both still using both of these muscle groups to complete the lift. Its effectiveness is largely based on the phenomenon of post-activation potentiation (PAP), which refers to the acute enhancement of muscular contractions due to heavy lifting's effect on the muscles and … Standing Biceps Curl. You can vary the angle of your body to hit your upper, middle or lower pecs and vary the angle of your reverse fly making it challenging at different levels. A superset push/pull bodybuilding sorta day at Fortis Fitness. You can mix in push up jacks, downward pushups, triangle push ups or wide push ups to give yourself an extra challenge. A chest and back superset workout would look like this. One of the agonist bench press supersets you should consider is the chest fly. The Bench Press can be one of the best ways to fix a weak chest and lats and, if done correctly, will carry over to your overhead lifts by creating a more stable shoulder. You increase training density, and can use the pairings to bring up weak areas. Let’s imagine that you’re pretty strong, and that you need a good 5 minutes of rest for your muscles to recover between sets of the bench press and barbell row. Superset 2 – Flat Dumbbell Fly and Flat Dumbbell Press: After the incline angles, we are now going to do some flat angle pairings. The end result is a monster-sized, double pump on some of the overlapping muscles! Here's how to do it. There are different types but the most common is Same Part Supersetting-for example, when youre working your pecs you could do a set of Bench presses then immediately go into a set of press ups. First, you’ll perform a heavier bench press, focusing on your strength. The bicep curls will give your chest a rest and vice-versa. Don't risk doing a workout improperly! Last, you can always do a superset with a completely unrelated muscle group. The exercises … Superset 1 – Flat Barbell Bench Press with Wide Grip Pull-Ups. You can challenge your pecs and accessory triceps and go right into the dips, where the tricep is the main mover. The inclined press works your chest, shoulders and triceps, with its main focus being the upper portion of your chest. Then they would perform a superset of squats with the bench press, allowing for 50 seconds of rest between squats. The behind-the-back deadlift, or hack lift, dials up the anterior chain requirements of the deadlift. is a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Many people will also superset chest and back exercises for both of the above reasons. They both heavily tax the core. And it has been Included in many workout programs like Tempo training. It's traditionally performed with a barbell. Here is a typical chest/back routine that I like to do as I get closer to hitting the stage, or if I feel that I need to throw in a little variety. Example Workout (Chest/Back Opposing Superset Workout) Exercise 1: Barbell Bench Press Superset with Wide Grip Chins. If you look like you are playing basketball, bouncing the barbell off your chest, having your spotter tweak his lower back peeling weight off you, or only lowering it a few inches each rep, it’s time to rethink your strategy … The Best Chest & Back Workout With Supersets Workout is a series of 4 supersets, each superset has 2 – 3 exercises. A superset involves pairing two exercises together and … Back-and-chest: When you do, say, a bench press or a pushup, you’re pushing something away from your torso. AWorkoutRoutine. For instance, when squatting heavy, you might normally take 2 minutes of rest before doing your next set, but in supersetting you might use that valuable 2 minutes of gym time to do another exercise, like bench pressing. For example, after performing a back workout such as the barbell row, you can perform a bench press workout without rest. Then, as your chest muscles get ready for the next bench press set, you can bang out a set of squats! That way, you can bang out a chest workout while your legs recover. Incline Bench Press 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Try experimenting with back-to-back upper-body and lower-body exercises, like deadlifts and push-ups to exhaustion, for insane energy expenditure and fat burning. Romanian deadlifts are great way to work the posterior as the bench press works the muscles in the front of the body. Cable crossovers Seated cable row. So, rather than doing a set of bench presses and then standing around for two minutes before the next set, you superset the bench presses with a variation of rows or a flexibility exercise, for instance. Hip Thrust. Crunch. Add chains or bands to each of these exercises to make them even more challenging. Once that exercise is complete, move into bodyweight push-ups to generate that high level of fatigue and finish the muscle off. Half Kneeling Pallof Press Paired With Lunge. Barbell presses go first because you’ll be able to handle more volume. Incline Flyes 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Close Reverse Grip Pull-ups 3 sets of 12-15 reps Calves: Superset #1 The Floor Press actually predates the Bench Press. It’s called the antagonist/protagonist superset or the push/pull superset. Chest Superset. You will perform the push-ups to exhaustion. This study shows a few things: One Arm Rows 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Dumbbell Bench Press and Wide Grip Pull-ups to Front 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Superset #3. It’s easy to roll off the bench and go right into your plank. 1 set of barbell rows followed by 1 set of bench press equals 1 superset. 1. The types of supersets you use depend on your current goals, whether you’re a beginner or advanced trainee, … Any purchase you make helps to keep this site afloat. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'8minutefitness_com-leader-1','ezslot_1',134,'0','0']));After pumping out a series of chest presses, head to the cables and add some chest flies to your workout. There were four reps in the first three sets, then the fourth was completed until failure. Seated chest press machine Seated row machine. Already have a Bodybuilding account with BodyFit? They work opposing muscle groups and doing the rows can lead to better performance in the bench press. In a third study, supersets consisting of bench press immediately followed by lat-pulldown and then resting for 180 seconds before the next superset, resulted in 10% more weight lifted than traditional training with 90 seconds of rest between each set: first three sets of bench press, then three sets of lat-pulldown. A bench press superset is going to save you time and allow you to shorten your workout. Superset 1 – Incline Barbell Press and Incline Dumbbell Fly: Start your workout with incline exercises paired in a superset. Thank you for your contribution!! "They're particularly useful for adding intensity and volume to a workout as well as focusing on particular muscle groups, and is the most demanding type of superset," says Tsakpoe. Or, try switching between three exercises, with your first exercise being front squats with either dumbbells or a barbell, your second exercise being overhead presses with dumbbells, and your third being a chest exercise like pec-focused dips. This will really work your chest, giving it one of the best workouts possible. Pairing two compound movements could be too intense the same way that pairing two isolation movements could lack the intensity provided by a combination of compound and isolation. Close-Grip Bench Press. The best way to do a superset is with antagonizing muscle groups.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'8minutefitness_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_13',123,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'8minutefitness_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_14',123,'0','1'])); Prime movers in the bench press include muscles that assist in pushing the bar forward such as the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, anterior deltoid, triceps and serratus anterior. + Start off the chest-back superset with the exercise combination of Barbell Bench Presses with Wide-Grip Chins. These two premier exercises are perfect for starting off the chest and back workout. Now we’re going with a flat angle pairing. When you complete the presses, take a pair of dumbbells and do the incline flyes. Superset with. Bench press is an amazing compound exercise that mainly works your pecs – a.k.a. Whether you’re a college, high school or middle school student, the best time for you to exercise will be the time that fits your schedule... 8 Minute Fitness wants to help you achieve your health and fitness goals!! They let you work all your muscle groups more completely while still getting enough recovery. Repeat 4 times. Superset is a broad term and can be a little confusing. Sets 1-3: Working sets. The RDL will work the hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae. One agonist pairing is the bench press superset with push ups. If you only have 30 minutes to hit the gym some days, supersetting is an awesome way to maximize that window.℠ and BodySpace® are trademarks of One of my favorite variations is to superset opposing muscle groups, particularly chest and back. It's great to superset when strength training body parts that require a lot of rest between sets. Superset with. The bench press should be immediately followed by push ups. Learn why here: A good combination superset is to pair the bench press with a sit up or plank. 2 – Back and Front Superset. workout correctly the first time, every time. Lie on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. A flat bench dumbbell fly or press is going to pair nicely with a reverse fly. While many people would call, say, a pairing of squats and bench dips a superset, this is a major misconception, says Kennedy. Most people think of the deadlift as a strictly posterior chain exercise. 1A: Lay down on a bench, elbows bent, holding a barbell just above the chest. Just remember, if you want to build muscle, increase endurance, burn calories, and cut down on your workout time, the deadlift or squat superset is the way to go. There are 2 common ways supersets are used: Supersetting an agonist with an antagonist muscle (such as supersetting a chest exercise with a back exercise, like bench press and barbell rows) Supersetting exercises for the same muscle group In these shoulder workouts, your focus will be on number 2 (no, not number 2 like taking a dump…lol! Stability in the core/trunk leads to mobility in the hips and shoulders. So, rather than doing a set of bench presses and then standing around for two minutes before the next set, you superset the bench presses with a variation of rows or a flexibility exercise, for instance. Check out my article: Exercises to Pair with Deadlifts and Squats (Supersets). Superset #1. Push ups are also great for weight loss. Superset the two lifts until everyone in the gym is staring at you. Dips. These babies are the ones that will target one zone and get it burning, stat. Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do, you can only add a few pounds here and there. Superset your bench press with a light chest flyes. Warm-up your chest muscles with a dumbbell in each hand do 10 dumbbell bench presses, then 10 barbell bench presses, and then 10 floor presses. May 26, 2014 at 11:37 am . Perform the exercises in order, resting as little as possible between movements. A good push/pull combination superset is the bench press paired with a pull up or lat pull down. 8 – superset with ; Bench Press: 5 x 5; Let me further explain. Push Ups. Classics include the old dumbbell bench press/flye double-whammy for the chest and the hamstring ... Deadlift and press-up. View our enormous library of workout photos and see exactly how each exercise I opt for a wide grip on the pull-up to really focus on building up the width and taper of the back. 1) Flat bench press: This exercise is done lying on a flat bench … While the larger muscles of the biceps and triceps are on opposing sides of the arm, the two muscle groups still have to work together. The Best Superset Involving an Inclined Press. Very simply, you perform two exercises for opposing muscles, with little to no rest between the two. 5 Superset Types With Training Examples The types of supersets you use depend on your current goals, whether you’re a beginner or advanced trainee, and on how much time you have to train.