Some will tell us that planet earth is heading for total and utter destruction. For water can exist as solid, liquid, or steam. Second, we don't believe that the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are three "forms" of God—like, steam, water and ice. A number of illustrations have been suggested. The first area deals with the fundamental concepts of this plan known as the good news or the gospel. If he is God, should we not also worship him? That much should be clear from this message. An egg is made up of a shell, the eggwhite, and the yolk. He didn't create us because he "needed" us. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. SWBAT use the symbols for the Trinity to explain the mystery of the Trinity. Instead of "Father," Jesus cries out, "My God, my God!" The Trinity helps us answer the question, "What was God doing before he created the universe?" It is God speaking to God. Our investigation into this plan will cover two important areas. He is not just a "force" but a Divine Person. Francis Schaeffer emphasized this point in his books. Inscrutable puzzle or central truth? Grade 7's ELA lesson- Feature article and pictures of our 7th Annual Holy Trinity Day celebration in The Intelligencer- Front-page coverage and photo feature of a real-world curriculum connection in the Bucks County Courier Times- Front-page feature of our Catholic Schools Week prayer partner Let me draw one important inference. Here is another link to download a set of worksheets to help students learn about the Holy Trinity. 10 Things to Know About Speaking in Tongues We were made to communicate. We believe in one living and true God who is the Creator of heaven and earth; who is eternal, almighty, unchangeable, infinitely powerful, wise, just and holy. The word Trinity. Yes there is. If one does not believe in the Trinity—that is, if a person has come to a settled conclusion that the doctrine of the Trinity is not true—does it make him a heretic? We believe that the one God eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that these three are one God, co-equal and co-eternal, having precisely the same nature and attributes, and worthy of precisely the same worship, confidence, and obedience. Lesson Plan- Wise Men (1st grade on up) Wise Men Objectives: ... Jerusalem- the capital of Israel and holy city of the Jews (show students this on a map or have one of the students find it on a map). In this section of the message I want to examine some of the common questions about the Trinity. Why is this important for our understanding of God? It is a mosaic of texts drawn from all the preceding doctrines of the Church. For instance, the Bible contains numerous clear statements regarding the unity of God: Deuteronomy 6:4 tells us that "the Lord is one." In some sense we can never understand that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have forever communicated and loved each other. Is there another word we could use? It is a mystery and a paradox. Divide the students up into groups of 3-4 students. The second area focuses on the practical obedience required of those wanting to share in God's Master Plan. The Fruit of the Spirit - What Are They? Communion - 10 Important Things to Remember That's why the Bible tells us that the Father loves the Son (John 17:24). What must we do when we receive this light from the Holy Spirit? That, by the way, is the number one question I have been asked about the Holy Spirit since writing Names of the Holy Spirit. To get an individual assessment of the students, have them complete an Exit Card: draw the symbol on the blank side and write the way it expresses the mystery of the Trinity on the lined side. 1 Timothy 2:5 explicitly says "there is one God." I can think of at least three reasons for believing in the Trinity: Someone has said it this way: If you try to explain the Trinity, you will lose your mind. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2021, It's a word that in other contexts is sometimes translated as "gods," referring to heathen deities. Take away any one of those three and the universe would cease to exist. Does anyone know which saint used this symbol to teach about God? Sometimes the Jehovah's Witnesses (who pointedly deny the Trinity) ridicule it with this little equation: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Constituting the one true God of the Bible. I would answer that the Trinity is taught in both the Old and the New Testaments. The Anointing of the Sick is one of the seven Catholic sacraments. Baptism - What Does it Mean and Why is it Important? We all know that God the Father is to be worshiped. Communion - 10 Important Things to Remember, The Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit Explained, Armor of God - What is it and How to Use it, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. A preacher is not perfect, who either, from devotion to contemplation, neglects works that ought to be done, or, from urgency in business, puts aside the duties Surely if we may sing to the Spirit, we may also pray to him. Since all Three Persons of the Trinity are equally God, we may pray to any member of the Trinity. Take away any one of the holes and the pretzel isn't really a pretzel anymore. Have them search online for the history and meaning of each symbol. All rights reserved. (Optional: Give the students a research assignment. However, there is a physical condition in which water can exist as solid, liquid and steam at the same time—which would be a much better illustration of the Trinity. Many Christians simply do not feel comfortable praying to the Spirit even though we often sing songs that are essentially prayers to the Spirit, such as "Spirit of God, descend upon my heart" and "Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me." What exactly do we mean when we speak of the Trinity? It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. This doctrine unites all true Christians and separates us from those who are not Christian. Jesus calls Him the Paraclete, or … There is a third word you should know. Lesson Plan Grades 1 – 3 Lesson Plan Grades 4 – 6 Lesson Plan Grades 7 – 8 Advent Adventure- Each class session during Advent you will reveal a different Advent activity, project, or … Give them three highlighters, markers, colored pencils or crayons. From us and our to he. What is Blasphemy and Why is it So Deadly? The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible. This lesson plan covers the events surround the birth of John. Here are a few to try out in your Trinity lesson: There are a few worksheets available to members of The Religion Teacher that will help students show their understanding of the Trinity. Holy Trinity Lesson Plan 07/10/2017 By Jared Dees Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. We have a hint of the answer in that every other time Jesus prayed, he used the term "Father." Commentators speak of a literary form called the plural of majesty or the "editorial we." That's a good phrase—the arithmetic of heaven. There are others we could mention. "Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name you; But if they share in God's essence, they are God alongside the Father. Have the groups designate a representative for the group to speak on their behalf to the entire class. Those who deny that truth place themselves outside the pale of Christian orthodoxy. But if you deny it, you will lose your soul. Furthermore, there is more than one way to play with equations. And what did he explain about God using the shamrock? (Optional: you can also give students a copy of the Baptismal promises showing them how we profess our faith in the Trinitarian God when we renew our baptismal vows.). The same thing may be said about the Holy Spirit. "Let us … in our image … So God created man in his own image. 3. What is Heresy? They don't "prove" the Trinity, they simply help us understand the concept. B. Do all Christians believe the doctrine of the Trinity? All three are needed for an egg to be complete. Does the Bible Actually Teach the Doctrine of the Trinity? Ask the students: After you give the students a chance to explain what they know, use the shamrock to explain that God is one substance yet three distinct persons. 9. Or, if you are a member just login and find them online. The universe consists of three things: matter, space, and time. He notes that the entire universe is trinitarian by design. While I am sure that this statement is biblically accurate, I also understand that it can seem very intimidating. Neither is the word "Inerrancy" but we don't discard it simply because it isn't found in the Bible. They all are useful as long as you remember they are only illustrations. You will get three worksheets: Trinity Symbols Worksheet, Trinity Prayer Worksheet, and God So Loved the World Worksheet. That's also another word that means the same thing as Trinity. Shamrock (you can remind the students and use this as a model). We don't believe in the Trinity because of the word, but because of what the Bible teaches. However, that simply isn't true. What is the Tithe? Having said that, I admit that no one fully understands it. If the doctrine of the Trinity is not true, it would seem to be blasphemy to speak so freely of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in one and the same breath. Have you ever seen the word "Godhead?" Have you signed up to receive the free eBook, « Hundreds of Print-or-Play Resources for Religious Educators, The Rule of Three: Find Focus in Your Lesson », 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator, The Religion Teacher's Guide to Lesson Planning. We know that He is a personal being in that He can be grieved (Eph. Give each group some time to present to the class. Dr. Ray Pritchard is the president of Keep Believing Ministries. They eventually reduced their belief in the Trinity to two short statements. The greatest minds of history have stood in amazement before a God so great that he cannot be contained by our puny explanations. Jared's Upcoming Speaking Events →. While in essence only one, undivided God we claim you. Bring in a shamrock or show a picture to the students. However, let's stick closer to home and simply reprint Article B—The True God from the Calvary Memorial Church Articles of Faith. It is taught by implication in the Old and by direct statement in the New. Why the shift? Yet I am only one person. A. Explain that Jesus sent out the disciples to baptize in the name (not the names) of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28). A. The necessary power for fulfilling God’s plan is His Holy Spirit. What do those strange, tortured words mean? There are many places we might go to find a suitable definition. ... Daily Lesson Plan Template Weekly Lesson Plan, Template A Weekly Lesson Plan, Template B All Christians believe the doctrine of the Trinity. How could the Son and the Spirit be called God unless they somehow share in God's essence? Jared Dees is the creator of The Religion Teacher and the author of 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator, To Heal, Proclaim, and Teach, Praying the Angelus, and the new book, Christ in the Classroom. “It is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds” (Fourth Lateran Council). SWBAT explain that God is one substance, but three distinct persons. Matthew 12 - At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. The Trinity sets the limits for human speculation. Baptism - What Does it Mean and Why is it Important? The issue is not the word, but the concept or the idea. But that truth leads us back to the Trinity. Yet I believe it is true. God is a Holy Trinity, a communion of persons. Give each group a print out of a different symbol for the Trinity (download here). if (d.getElementById(id)) return; The shepherds went to adore the Child and, at … 10 Things to Know About Speaking in Tongues. Three leaves in one clover equals the concept of one God in three persons, the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. That's a heresy called Tritheism. Heaven - What is it Like, Where is it? Make sure they can explain when and where the symbol originated and how Christians have used it to teach about God through the years.). He is the author of 27 books, including Credo, The Healing Power of Forgiveness, An Anchor for the Soul and Why Did This Happen to Me? Confirmation: Its Definition and Its Effects. He is not merely the Son of God but also God the Son. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Let me suggest five important ramifications of this truth. Indeed it is a mystery, and with all the saints we bend the knee in worship before our great God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let's take a look at the defintion of the Trinity and what the role of the Trinity is today. js = d.createElement(s); = id; TV's longest-running showcase of independent nonfiction film. There are a lot of Holy Trinity craft ideas that would help your students practice meeting the objective of explaining the mystery of the Trinity with symbols. Those words may sound harsh, but they represent the judgment of the Christian church across the centuries. What is the Sabbath and is it Still Important? There is no jealousy among the members of the Trinity nor could there ever be. What is Salvation? B. That's the heresy called Modalism. Armor of God - What is it and How to Use it If you are a premium member, you can login and find them here or if you haven’t joined yet, then you can enter your email address here to have them sent to you. Invite families to join in family catechesis at home with the Formation5 daily email. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. E. The Trinity helps us understand what really happened at the Cross. C. How can we illustrate the Trinity? Hell - 10 Things You Should Know It also teaches us that God is never "lonely." He is a communion of persons and the perfect model of love. One of the more interesting illustrations note the different roles a person can play. The Trinity should cause us to bow in humble adoration before a God who is greater than our minds could ever comprehend. The Holy Spirit js.src = "//"; After all, if we could explain God, he wouldn't be God. That would imply that Jesus is 1/3rd God, the Father is 1/3rd God, and the Holy Spirit is 1/3rd God. The Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit Explained That's a good word—even though it sounds odd to our ears—because it combines the two ideas of unity and diversity in one word. Experiencing bad things is all part of God’s plan and humans should respond positively. … he created him." Christians everywhere have always believed it. Which is it? He is the third person of the Trinity, God is every way. Let's start with the negative and work toward the positive. But God has other plans. Theologians sometimes use that term when they want to refer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as three divine Persons in one God. This article is part of our larger resource library of terms important to the Christian faith. If you do not believe this—that is, if you have come to a settled conclusion that the doctrine of the Trinity is not true—you are not a Christian at all. That's okay, but usually water only exists in one state at a time. God is one substance, but he is also distinctly three persons. When we were lost in sin, our God acted in every Person of his being to save us. This may seem like a foolish question - but many people in the world today feel that the earth and its people are heading nowhere. Christians in every land unite in proclaiming that our God eternally exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But what about Jesus Christ? How Can God Make Good What Was Meant for Evil? In their minds Christians worship three Gods, not one. "Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name you; While in essence only one, undivided God we claim you. This Most Holy Trinity lesson plan challenges students to us historic symbols of the Trinity to explain how God is one substance yet three distinct persons. Get a free copy of The Religion Teacher's Guide to Lesson Planning and join more than 60,000 subscribers to The Religion Teacher. Filed Under: Lesson Plans Tagged With: holy spirit. Tony Evans commented that the pretzel is a good illustration because it consists of one piece of dough with three holes. Question: "Who is Joel Osteen, and are his teachings biblical?" Then, adoring, bend the knee, and confess the mystery." How Can Understanding the Trinity Help My Prayer Life? The Osteens teach a message of “hope, healing, and forgiveness” (from the official Lakewood Church website). }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); The Formation5 is a short, daily email for Catholic parents with saints, Scripture, and prayers to form whole families in the Catholic faith. He has authored 80 books and booklets, personally established over 50 congregations, and appeared as a guest on The History Channel. What is Sin? If Genesis 1 does not explicitly teach diversity-in-unity within the Godhead, it certainly leaves room for it to be developed later in the Bible. It simply shows how easily the writers of Scripture passed from one Person of the Trinity to another, doing so in a way that assumes their equality of nature while preserving their distinct personhood. That he made us at all is a statement of his great love and the wisdom of his plan. Only an infinite God could bear the sins of the world! Where in the Bible do you find the word Trinity? If it be asked, how could one man pay for the sins of the entire race, we find the answer in the doctrine of the Trinity. "I do not pretend fully to understand the arithmetic of heaven now," he replied. There is no perfect illustration for the Trinity. I am sure that many Christians think this doctrine has no practical value. The eternal Son cries out to the Father at the moment when the penalty of sin has been laid upon him. Screening of “Urban Trinity: The Story of Catholic Philadelphia” During 2016 Charter Celebration ; Lions, Tigers, and Bears—Oh My! Psalm 19:1). What is the Trinity? I do agree that Christian prayers will customarily be made to the Father (e.g. Lesson 3.1 Does God Have a Master Plan? My personal favorite illustration comes from noted scientist Dr. Henry Morris. The Lord's Prayer). This is a question little children like to stump their parents with. Someone asked Daniel Webster, who happened to be a fervent Christian, "How can a man of your intellect believe in the Trinity?" God, through His Holy Spirit, brings light (John 1:9) and conviction (John 16:8) to every person. In 1774 a man named Ignaz Franz wrote a hymn of praise to the Trinity: Holy God, We Praise Your Name. The Trinity sets the limits on human speculation about the nature of God. He made us at all is a question little children like to their... Getty Images unless otherwise indicated `` lonely. of his being to save us remember Augustine answer. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated a pretzel anymore, admit! By design God but one. would serve us well in this regard books and booklets, personally over! E. the Trinity helps us understand what really happened at the Cross, and Holy Spirit, light. 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