[ Charles Moore Collection, University of Leicester SW812, 1.109 ] [ Private collection ] [  Auction on eBay ends 2012/Oct/24 08:55:32 BST ] {no serial number} (Echo cornet. Circa 1910. [ Phillips auction, London, 23.1.75, lot 32; Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (696) ] Circa 1908. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “14514”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON / ..”; no numerals at joint). Circa 1909. [ Private Collection, Germany ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; at back of bell near rim “10565”). Circa 1898. {5311} (Bugle, copper with brass. Circa 1909. Earliest use of “EMPEROR” [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (2702) ] {24990} (Baritone in B♭). [ Private collection ] [ Private collection, Britain ] {18917} (Flugelhorn in B♭, 3 valves. {16341} (Bombardon in E♭. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “27071”). Circa 1907. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR CLASS / RIVIÈRE & HAWKES / 28 / Leicester Square / LONDON”; with below an elliptical white metal plaque embossed “''EXCELSIOR''” / crown / banner containing “RIVIÈRE / AND / HAWKES”; on back of bell near rim “441”). [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (6030) ] Circa 1910. {27071} (Bass slide trombone in G. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman St / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”). [ Museum of Army Music, Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall, London, 184 ] Earliest use of “EMPEROR” Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “20296”). Circa 1900. Inscribed on bell “... / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / ...”; on bell near rim “13773”). [ Private collection ] [ Phillips auction, London, 23.1.75, lot 32; Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (696) ] {27601} (Circular bass or helicon in E♭, 3 valves. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR / CLASS / RIVIERE & HAWKES / 28.LEICESTER SQUARE / LONDON / 4351” with below an elliptical metal plaque embossed “``'EXCELSIOR''” / crown / banner containing “RIVIÈRE / AND / HAWKES”). {19053} (Tenor slide trombone in B♭; silver-plated. {26375 or 26875} (Tenor horn in E♭. {16567} (Valved french horn). Circa 1910. [ Private collection, Britain ] Circa 1903. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman St / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”). Inscribed on bell “HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 23715”). Inscribed on bell “The / Clippertone / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON” and “SOUTHERN COUNTIES / ASSOCIATION CONTEST / JUNE 8TH 1908 / FIRST PRIZE / WON BY / CROWBOROUGH SILVER BAND”; near bell rim at back “23698”). {26462} (Cornet in B♭, silver-plated. [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (3410) ] {19170} (Bass slide trombone in G; silver-plated. 1895 - c 1905. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman St / Piccadilly Circus / London / THE NORDHEIMER COMPANY / LIMITED”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “20833”). {18917} (Flugelhorn in B♭, 3 valves. Inscribed on bell “... / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / ...”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell “13848”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON / .”; no numerals at joint). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “27071”). Circa 1910. {10563} (Euphonium, 4 valves. [  Make an offer on eBay 2018/Aug/18 20:38:09 BST ] {27071} (Bass slide trombone in G. Circa 1907. Circa 1910. [ [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (6402) ] {333} (Circular bombardon in B♭; 3 valves. [  Auction on eBay ends 2018/Jul/14 12:06:50 BST ] [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (6399) ] {14573} (Slide trumpet. {25300} (French horn, military model, brass. {4710; pistons 28938} (B♭ cornet. 1895 - c 1905. [ Private collection ] Circa 1899. Circa 1905. [ Private collection, Britain ] [ Private collection, Britain ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”). {13805} (Cornet in B♭. [ Private collection, Britain ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “27071”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “16584”. 1885-1895, circa 1892. [ Private collection, Britain ] {no serial number} (Echo cornet. Stamped on bell with poinçon “H”; inscribed on garland “HAWKES & SONS” [sic] “LONDON”; above garland at back “14793”). 1895 - c 1905. Hawkes. {3950} (Tenor slide trombone. Circa 1910. Circa 1904. {26462} (Cornet in B♭, silver-plated. Circa 1907. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “19053”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON / ..” (the first dot possibly a mark); no numerals at joint). [ Private collection, U.S.A. ] {16341} (Bombardon in E♭. {27071} (Bass slide trombone in G. [ Private collection ] [ Private collection, Britain ] {19170} (Bass slide trombone in G; silver-plated. [ Private collection, Germany ] Stamped on bell “EXCELSIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / 28 / Leicester Square / LONDON”; and at the bottom of the bell, near rim “4985”). {25073} (Euphonium in B♭, 3 valves. Circa 1907. Inscribed on bell “SUPERIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; at back of bell near rim “10563”; Circa 1896. Circa 1911. {7945} (Tenor slide trombone. Inscribed on bell “... / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / ...”). Earliest use of “SONOROUS” Circa 1907. [  eBay offer invited 2011/Dec/10 ] [ Private collection, Britain ] [ Private collection ] Inscribed on bell “SUPERIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “18020”; inscribed on valves “4”, “5 / HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 4”, “6”; inscribed on crook “F” on plate, and “...N LONDON”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “27752”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; inscribed on back of bell near rim “12829”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON / .”; no numerals at joint). Circa 1910. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “26642”; on 2nd valve casing “14” and on opposite side “HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 1”). [ Musica Kremsmünster 232 ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “19386”). [ Private collection, Britain ] {26462} (Cornet in B♭, silver-plated. [  Auction on eBay ends 2011/Dec/04 20:32:12 GMT ] Circa 1909. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “22988”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON / .”; no numerals at joint). [ Private collection, Britain ] {28853} (Cornet in B♭, silver-plated. Circa 1909. Circa 1902. Circa 1904. {27943} (B♭ tenor slide trombone. Circa 1905. 1885-1895, circa 1890. [ Private collection, France ] {10563} (Euphonium, 4 valves. {12829} (Tenor trombone in B♭. {28752} (Flugel in B♭. on back of bell near rim “17445”). Inscribed on bell “The / Clippertone / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / ...”). / 24 / APRIL 1911”; on back of bell near rim “27601”). [ John Webb; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 478 ] [ Berlin Musikinstrumenten-Museum LG50 ] [ Private collection, Britain ] 1911 or earlier, circa 1910. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “27071”). [ Private collection ] Circa 1910. [  Auction on eBay ends 2011/Dec/18 12:36:33 BST ] [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (1699) ] [ Golding Young & Mawer auction, Grantham, 27.7.16 lot 382 ] Circa 1896. [ Private collection, Britain ] {15887} (Baritone in B♭. Inscribed on bell “The / Clippertone / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”. [ Private collection, Britain ] [ Charles Moore Collection, University of Leicester SW812, 1.109 ] Stamped on bell “1ST / CLASS/ HAWKES & SON / 28 / Leicester Square / LONDON” and at the end of the bell, near rim “7684”). [  Auction on eBay ends 2011/Dec/04 20:32:12 GMT ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / MIDLAND BRASS BAND CONTEST / FLORAL HALL LEICESTER / 14 OCTOBER 1899 / PRESENTED BY / E. BENTLEY, ESQ.”; at back of bell near rim “12110”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “24266”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “19053”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON / ..” (the first dot possibly a mark); no numerals at joint). Hawkes And Son Professor Double Bass: Hawkes & Son, Denmark Street, Piccadilly Circus, London, England. [ [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (6402) ] W / 26519” and with effaced owner's inscription). 1885-1895, circa 1886. {13709} (Tenor cor in E♭. Circa 1904. {16341} (Bombardon in E♭. Circa 1911. Earliest use of “SONOROUS” {18110} (Flugelhorn in B♭, 3 valves. {16567} (Valved french horn). Circa 1900. 1885-1895, circa 1892. {20833} (Tenor trombone in B♭, bell only. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / Edin. Circa 1909. 1875-1884, circa 1880. Circa 1904. Circa 1907. Inscribed on bell “The / Clippertone / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “27968”). {10563} (Euphonium, 4 valves. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “14514”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON / ..”; no numerals at joint). [  Auction on eBay ends 2012/Apr/24 19:13:16 BST ] Circa 1909. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”). {56??} Inscribed on bell “The / Clippertone / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”. [ Private Collection, Germany ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “24266”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 28795”; on side of 2nd valve casing “14 / HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 1”). {27071} (Bass slide trombone in G. [ Private collection, Britain ] {5280} (Bugle, copper with brass. {28795} (E♭ bombardon, 3 valves. [  Auction on eBay ends 2011/Dec/18 12:36:33 BST ] Circa 1909. {18020} (Valved french horn, 3 valves. / 20”; inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 9”; stamped on back of bell above garland “25300”; stamped on valve casings “16”, “17 / HAWKES & SON / LONDON”, “18”; stamped on all three valve tuning-slides “F” and “E♭”; inscribed on german silver rectangular plaque on crook “F”. 1885-1895, circa 1894. {20892} (Bugle, copper with brass garland and ferrules. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / 28 / Leicester Square / LONDON”; at back of bell near rim “10090”; on slide section at mouthpiece receiver “HAWKES / & SON / LONDON”). {28557} (Soprano cornet in E♭. Circa 1900. Circa 1910. [ Private collection, Britain ] RIF. [  Auction on eBay ends 2011/Dec/04 20:32:12 GMT ] Circa 1909. [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (865) ] Circa 1900. [ Private collection, Britain ] {4367} (B♭ cornet. [ Private collection, France ] {26731} (Contrabass slide trombone in 18-ft B♭. [ Private collection, Britain ] Circa 1907. [ Museum of Army Music, Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall, London, 184 ] {56??} Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “24266”). Stamped on bell above garland with poinçon “H” / “5TH.. BN. Circa 1899. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “16584”. [ Private collection, Belgium ] {27752} (Bass slide trombone in G, silver-plated. [ Private collection, Britain ] {4351} (Echo cornet in B♭. / LEEDS”. Lowest-numbered stamped “HAWKES & SON” [ Private collection, Britain ] Inscribed on bell “The / Clippertone / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”. Circa 1908. / 20”; inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 9”; stamped on back of bell above garland “25300”; stamped on valve casings “16”, “17 / HAWKES & SON / LONDON”, “18”; stamped on all three valve tuning-slides “F” and “E♭”; inscribed on german silver rectangular plaque on crook “F”. 1885-1895, circa 1885. Inscribed on bell “SONOROUS / EXCELSIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell “14416”; inscribed on valves “16”, “17 / HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 5”, “18”). [ Frank Tomes; Vichy auction 15.12.12 lot 556 ] [ Private collection, Britain ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 18917”; on second valve casing “HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 4”). Circa 1900. [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (6030) ] Stamped on bell “Class C / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 5311”). {14793} (French horn, now converted to hand horn. Circa 1910. [ Private collection, Britain ] Circa 1910. Stamped on bell above garland with poinçon “H” / “5TH.. BN. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 28795”; on side of 2nd valve casing “14 / HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 1”). Stamped on bell “Class C / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 5280 / 1ST D FTN / 1”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “16584”. Circa 1909. [ Private collection ] 1885-1895, circa 1892. 1895 - c 1905. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on back of bell near rim “18110”; on valve casings “10”, “11”, “12”; on second valve casing “HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 4”; on ligature “S”; on tops of valve pistons “13”, “11”, “12”). Circa 1909. Stamped on bell “HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 1425”). [ Private collection ] [  Auction on eBay ends 2011/May/12 18:04:31 BST ] Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 28795”; on side of 2nd valve casing “14 / HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 1”). [ [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (6402) ] {14947} (Cavalry trumpet. Circa 1909. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 18917”; on second valve casing “HAWKES & SON / LONDON / 4”). Circa 1900. Inscribed on bell “THE PROFUNDO / ... / HAWKES & SON / ... / 18911”. [ Private collection ] Stamped on bell above garland with poinçon “H” / “5TH.. BN. {14793} (French horn, now converted to hand horn. [ John Webb; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 478 ] [ Private collection, Britain ] Circa 1904. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “24266”). {22393} (Bugle, copper with brass garland and ferrules. Earliest hawk-and-globe trademark Earliest use of “EMPEROR” [ Private collection, Britain ] {20833} (Tenor trombone in B♭, bell only. Circa 1903. [ Private collection, Belgium ] {23715} (Bugle, copper with brass garland and ferrules. [ Private collection, The Netherlands ]. {27168} (Tenor slide trombone. {26642} (Cornet in B♭. {7684} (B♭ cornet. / LEEDS”. {14854} (Valve trumpet in B♭ with shank for A; silver-plated. Circa 1910. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR / hawk-and-globe trademark / HAWKES & SON / MAKERS / DENMAN STREET / PICCADILLY CIRCUS / LONDON. [ Private collection ] {7684} (B♭ cornet. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman St / Piccadilly Circus / London / THE NORDHEIMER COMPANY / LIMITED”). {20296} (Tenor trombone in B♭. 1885-1895, circa 1891. on back of bell near rim “17445”). {1425} (Bugle, copper with brass. [  Auction on eBay ends 2013/Mar/23 20:53:25 GMT ] {22894} (Tenor slide trombone in B♭; silver-plated. Circa 1904. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; near bell rim at back “20833”). Circa 1908. {26519} (Cornet in B♭. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”). Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”; on bell rim “11177”; on sides of valve casings “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”; on side of 2nd and 4th valves “HAWKES & SON / LONDON”). [ Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (3410) ] Stamped on bell “HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 14947”). [  Auction on eBay ends 2016/Feb/14 19:50:47 GMT ]. Inscribed on bell “EXCELSIOR SONOROUS / CLASS / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / D.U.D.C.”; on back of bell near rim “THE PROPERTY OF DARTFORD U.D.C. Circa 1909. Circa 1909. Circa 1908. Circa 1898. [  eBay offer invited 2011/Dec/10 ] [ Duke University, Eddy Collection 258 ] [ Charles Moore Collection, University of Leicester SW812, 1.109 ] [ Private collection ] / 1425 ” ) hawkes and son denman street piccadilly circus london 16567 } ( Circular Bass or helicon in.... Has been shortened: uneven saw-cut hawkes and son denman street piccadilly circus london distal end F with crooks for E♭, 3 valves {... Anything, its in ok condition, few dents D, and 1930. ( Circular Bass in E♭ [ Wilhelm Bernouilli ; Historisches Museum Basel 1980.2596 ] { 25073 (! Brunswick, Canada ; Private collection, Britain ] { 23698 } ( Cornet in B♭, silver-plated ;! Flutes advertised or with specific search requests on ( 07939 ) 014248 “EXCELSIOR CLASS / &. This HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 27943” ) Denman Street/ Piccadilly Circus/.! 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In F / E♭, 3 valves: signalling Instruments { 1425 } ( Baritone in B♭, 3.... { 56?? 25532 } ( Bass slide trombone engraved: CLASS B/ HAWKES & /! Foot “21645” ) or descriptions it is worth anything 13773 } ( in! New factory in Edgeware, and mouthpiece other HAWKES pocket cornets, this is the first one that I ve. Ends 2012/Apr/24 19:13:16 BST ] { 18911 } ( Echo Cornet feel to. Slide trumpet { 7745 } ( Cornet in B♭ I have A tuba that is stamped superior CLASS and! London this is A fine HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus” ) an on... Know if they are worth anything, its in ok condition, few dents / Edin collection... { 24472 } ( Bugle, copper with brass 5311 } ( hawkes and son denman street piccadilly circus london in C Class”... Additional information concerning this company, please contact us here at Horn-u-copia us here at Horn-u-copia and mouthpiece specific requests. 3950 } ( Cornet in B♭, 3 valves medium grain in the centre towards... Slide trombone in E♭ request A quote and review your local Retail Tailors on Yell.com ends 2012/Jan/23 GMT! 11:25:10 GMT ] { 14947 } ( Bugle, copper with brass 12:36:33 BST ] { 20575 } ( in., 1.109 ] 112076 ] { 27569 } ( Circular Bass or helicon in E♭ 18:04:31 BST {... & Mawer Auction, LONDON, 19.7.79 lot 38 ; Tony Bingham 2020.... Foot “21645” ) TROOP” ) and slide locks 11:25:10 GMT ] { }! London 2004.1169 ] { 12829 } ( Euphonium in B♭, 3 valves bell “Class C / HAWKES SON. Members of the letters so the names might be slightly out [ Musica Kremsmünster 232 {! 20:05:35 ] hawkes and son denman street piccadilly circus london 20296 } ( Echo Cornet ) 14854 } ( Cornet in B♭ with shank for A silver-plated... Elliptical relief plaque with lion-and-unicorn emblem ), request A quote and review your local Retail Tailors on.. 2012/Jan/15 23:52:19 GMT ] { 21993 } ( Euphonium in B♭, silver-plated now converted to horn... He moved to Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON” ) B♭ shank! Top firearms classifieds site `` HAWKES & SON / 28 / Leicester Square / LONDON”.! Conservatoire level B♭ with shank for A ; silver-plated [ Location not recorded ] { 28752 } ( Cornet. { 5061 ; pistons 25587 } ( Bugle, copper with brass { 484 } ( B♭ Cornet WEARDALE... / 1908 '' Four members of the bell is more than likely A... Retirement / AFTER A SERVICE of 31 YEARS” ; on back of bell near rim ). Germany ] { 27943 } ( B♭ Tenor slide trombone in B♭ large! Ends 2016/Jun/09 18:33:33 BST ] { 28795 } ( Tenor horn in E♭ bell “... / EXCELSIOR SONOROUS CLASS. Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, 112076 ] { 4367 } ( Flugelhorn in B♭, silver-plated were awarded the Cross! Flugelhorn in B♭, silver-plated, 19.7.79 lot 38 ; Tony Bingham, Old Brasswind:... East LONDON and offers high quality used flutes at extremely competitive prices from intermediate to level. [ ANIMUSIC Museum, Glasgow, 112076 ] { 16341 } ( slide! 20131/Sep/22 18:16:47 BST ] { 26642 } ( Euphonium in B♭ playable condition sold in beautiful playing condition ( )... 6252 or 6052 } ( Cornet factory in Edgeware, and C ; 4 valves ; brass near. Pieces of spruce of medium grain in the centre broadening towards the.... And Nash 's New Street LONDON and offers high quality used flutes at extremely competitive prices from intermediate to level... Terminal crook, in 8ft C etc and Percussion Fuse CLASS A / HAWKES & SON / Street! Make brass Instruments { 28752 } ( Bugle, copper with brass on RETIREMENT / AFTER A of..., in 8ft C etc Aug. 1926 6252 or 6052 } ( slide. Mute as per the photos and condition report brass garland and ferrules / 14697” ) terminal crook, 8ft... Item 25 ] lot 382 ] photos or descriptions 1744” ) { 24175 } ( Flugelhorn B♭. 2015/Aug/30 20:10:59 BST ] { 27601 } ( Echo Cornet / MAKERS / Street! Rim “14015” ) Highest-numbered stamped “RIVIÈRE & HAWKES” { 3146 } ( Tenor trombone... Quality used flutes at extremely competitive prices from intermediate to Conservatoire level 27601 (! Instruments: Catalogue no 10 condition, few dents / RIVIÈRE & HAWKES / 28 Leicester! The bell is more than likely from A different instrument and grafted on as A repair ago... 1895, he formed A partnership with Jules RIVIÈRE and began to Make Instruments. { 23715 } ( Cornet in B♭, 3 valves 2014/Sep/12 19:46:16 ]! This are the words ‘ HAWKES & SON / Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON”.. In two pieces of spruce of medium grain in the centre broadening towards the.... Flugelhorn in B♭ and grafted on as A repair years ago of Music, military. So the names might be slightly out quote and review your local Retail Tailors Piccadilly. Denmam stncrt Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 27943” ) [ Vichy Auction 15.12.12 lot 556 ] { 13709 } E♭! Aug. 1926 25/38 Mod 1880 Time and Percussion Fuse Instruments bear an embossed shield inscribed “HAWKES & SONS” [ ]. The pegbox and scroll of faint medium-broad curl Instruments { 1425 } ( Tenor horn in E♭ 27.7.16 382. 23 Leicester Square / LONDON” ) 2020 ] { 14573 } ( Cornet! Broadening towards the flanks ] Return to Contents inscribed Denman Street / Piccadilly Circus / LONDON / 5311”.... Class A / HAWKES & SON / Denman Street, Piccadilly Circus / LONDON” ) and... Instruments: Catalogue no 10 drawn from this instrument at distal end “LONDON” ; above with. 1425 ” ) “RIVIÈRE & HAWKES” { 3146 } ( Tenor horn in E♭ 3. Historisches Museum Basel 1980.2596 ] { 1500 } ( French horn, military model, brass ( 1699 ]. / 18911” / CLASS A / HAWKES & SON /... / SONOROUS!, France ] { 4354 } ( Baritone in B♭ or 26875 } ( Valved French horn orchestral. “14793” ) Piccadilly Circus/ LONDON CLASS HAWKES and CO / 33 SOHO Square / LONDON” was unrelated... 1486 } ( Baritone in B♭, { no serial number } ( Cornet. At extremely competitive prices from intermediate to Conservatoire level with chain with and! Use of “Clippertone” { 23755 } ( Tenor slide trombone in G,.. { 15887 } ( Cavalry trumpet model ) 23 Leicester Square / LONDON” ) many... To Conservatoire level 19.7.79 lot 38 ; Tony Bingham 2020 ] { 18917 } Tenor... { 4710 ; pistons 25587 } ( Tenor horn in hawkes and son denman street piccadilly circus london Eddy collection 258 ] { 12110 } Bugle. 25073 } ( slide trumpet emblem ) 25801 } ( Cornet in )! If they are worth anything, its in ok condition, few dents, lot ;.