Carrots give chemo a boost. So can we lessen the effects of chemo fog/ chemo brain? The blame lays almost completely with one thing… chronic INFLAMMATION! Cell studies suggest that the symptoms are likely due to drug-induced neurotoxicity. Beets are high in fiber as well as being terrific blood cleansers. So can we treat chemo-brain by eating certain foods? Marie, I work in the cancer center at LSU med center in shrevport and do a newsletter for out pts I wonder if I could use this article in my small newsletter for my pt About 100 indingenti pts would get this I am the nurse advocate frt these pts. Coping with symptoms of chemobrain involves finding ways to help you remember things better and doing activities that keep your memory sharp. Acupuncture. Incorporating many of these foods into a healthy diet on a regular basis can improve the health of your brain, which could translate into better mental function. Eat more good fats - Extra virgin olive oil, EVOO, is very anti-inflammatory in the gut and will help calm you. We'd love to help you finish your However, while cocoa, the ingredient that carries “chocolate” flavor, is rich in beneficial compounds, it’s often combined with high-fat ingredients in chocolate bars and other desserts, so it’s best to keep chocolate treats to a healthy minimum. making sense of the breast cancer experience together, ". 0203 870 3874 and a member of our team will be happy to place your order Several studies have shown that eating flavonol-rich cocoa can improve blood vessel function, boosting circulation throughout the body and blood flow to the brain. Chemotherapy may cause side effects that affect your appetite, taste, and digestive system. A must read for everyone who wishes to boost their brain power! thank you so much Sue crow. 2. He or she may suggest that you read certain sections or follow some of the tips. Turmeric, the yellow spice found in many curries, contains curcumin, which also has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Chemo brain can also be called chemo fog, cancer-related cognitive impairment or cognitive dysfunction.Though chemo brain is a widely used term, the causes of concentration and memory problems aren't well-understood. Food sources and almost exclusively animal – chicken, beef, dairy. © 2021 Live Better With. The side effects of chemo differ from person to person and hence taking expert guidance on what the patients need is very important for the recovery process. I think I’ll go grab some berries right now and eat with my lunch! We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. You can try the above foods as well as snack on low acid juices (apple, grape, and fruit nectars), liquid yogurts, fruits such as bananas, and crackers. Limiting processed foods and red meats can help ward off cancer risk. Antioxidants can help to prevent cell damage. Avoid fried foods and especially processed meats. What chemo side effects does FWGE help with? Other foods that are high in pectin are plums, oranges and grapefruit. Here is a list of foods she believes may help us boost our brain power. Try simple, convenient designer recipes specifically conceived for their cancer-fighting Angio food ingredients. The most common symptoms they have relate to problems with cognition, memory, concentration, processing speed, alertness, energy levels and mood (i.e. After all, your life depends on it. Commonsense self-help strategies include exercise, getting plenty of rest, playing brain games, and eating well. However not all inflammation is bad. These recipes focus on antioxidant-rich foods to better protect you and your loved ones. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Results may vary from person to person. It's important to eat healthy foods during chemo, but this doesn't mean you should eat light foods. While various micronutrients found in fruits, vegetables and other foods have been shown to help protect against breast cancer development and metastasis, some of the same micronutrients might enable breast cancer cells to survive chemotherapy.Therefore, the strategy we recommend during chemotherapy and for the following month is to consume the foods that enhance the effectiveness of … Chemo Brain is not going to disappear overnight, but with a few brain hacks, your condition may improve. Choose foods that are cold or at room temperature. The herb gotu kola (also known as Centella asiatica) could be helpful for chemo brain because it can protect against oxidative damage to the brain. Meeting a food expert and knowing the foods that will help the patient is very important. During my chemotherapy months I definitely experienced what I called “chemo fog”. Bring a water bottle and fill it with your favorite beverage (avoid acidic foods … ( Log Out /  Exercise can help you feel more alert and improve mood. That said, certain foods in this overall scheme are particularly rich in healthful components like omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants, which are known to support brain health and often referred to as foods. Here is a list of foods she believes may help us boost our brain power. Chemo brain is a term used to describe the cognitive decline you may experience while undergoing cancer treatment. There is currently no consensus on any particular diet or nutrition strategy that has been proven to improve brain health. treatment to the brain, such as chemotherapy into the fluid around the spinal cord (intrathecal chemotherapy) or radiotherapy to the brain high-dose treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy side effects of cancer treatment, such as infection, low number of red blood cells ( anaemia ), extreme tiredness (fatigue), sleep problems, poor nutrition and menopause Accompanying extreme tiredness, patients complain of a lack of alertness and energy levels, trouble with multi-tasking and decision making, retrieving words and names and general processing speed. Neuroplasticity is the malleability of neural circuits, otherwise known as reorganizing of your brain. "We pick the best treatment plan and optimize it for the patient. Cancer itself will cause inflammation and this may result as inflammation in the brain also. Though not a food, water is still important to mention. Chemo brain or to give it it’s proper names ” Mild Cognitive Impairment – MCI ” or “Chemotherapy-induced Cognitive Dysfunction” is a real issue for some people. Snack throughout the day. A poor diet, high in sugars and processed foods will most definitely cause inflammation – as will a diet rich in meat, alcohol and dairy. 10 Foods That Improve Your Brain 1. Tell your doctor about the difficulties you are having. These treatments can cause short-term, long-term, or delayed mental changes or cognitive problems. £59.99 The beneficial compounds found in cocoa may even reduce the formation of damaging clots, which may cause heart attacks and strokes. “Chemo-brain” – a sense of reduced cognitive function that seems the unwanted after-effect of chemotherapy — plagues many cancer patients during and after treatment. Getting adequate amounts of choline, especially early in life—during fetal development and early childhood—may help us learn more readily and also help us retain what we learn. If berries made for brilliant minds, I would be Einstein. There are no tests to diagnose chemo brain. 1. Food & Nutrients for Brain Health. In a study, elderly people who ate curry often or very often did better on tests of mental performance than those who never or rarely ate curry. Thank you for your support, comments and feedback. Controlling your diet, however, may help to improve your quality of life and manage the side-effects of treatment. Loss of appetite is a common side effect of chemotherapy, but instead of forcing yourself to eat three big meals, eat five or six smaller meals throughout the day to stay properly nourished and energized, the ACS suggests. more to get free shipping, Take our FREE clinically validated personal assessment. the following: Please call us to purchase this product. Thanks for taking the time to comment Nancy . Always consult a healthcare professional about which products are suitable for you and your health condition. If you, or the person you are buying on behalf of, is eligible for VAT Supplements for chemo brain, such as Diatom Rx , have more benefits in dealing with chemotherapy effects, because of its natural effects, and successful trials. One such defence mechanism is the release of tiny proteins called cytokines that attack any ‘nasties’ in our body. DHA, an omega-3, is present right in the brain, so having those good-for-you omega-3s in your diet is thought to boost brain function. Amazing best book on how to improve memory course. What is cognitive rehabilitation and where can I get this help? Side effects and their severity vary from person to person and depend on the type and dose of chemotherapy. It boasts ample amounts of carbs, protein, and antioxidants, as well as more healthy fats than most grains. Our work and the information provided for each food allow you to make better-informed decisions. Symptoms are subtle and often go unnoticed by loved ones. The effects of cancer treatment can lead to dehydration, and when you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t function the way it should. Below is a list of tips for coping with chemobrain. Omega-3 Go easy on meat and egg yolks, which contain pro-inflammatory arachidonic fatty acids, and eat more … It may help in angina, arrhythmias, and may also help in blood vessel function especially the type linked to congenital heart failure. Let’s review what “eating well” means to combat chemo brain and improve brain health. Chemotherapy drugs have been shown to significantly increase the production of these cytokines which can cause detrimental effects across the entire body. However, for some it is quite debilitating. part of my soul goes with you and part of yours will stay ~ Lois Tschetter Hjelmstad.