What artist sold a balloon dog for $58.4 million? Somebody spent a lot of time making these historical figures look their best. What title was Henri Matisse’s “Harmony in Red” originally commissioned under? Looking to … Art History Trivia Quizzes and Games. Take up the quiz below and see if you are a pro when it comes to art. Sporcle High School Logic Puzzle. 15. Random Art Quiz. Cadaco. 431,768 PLAYS. If you didn’t already know, the arts can be defined as “the theory and physical expression of creativity found in human societies and cultures” and includes music, literature, filmmaking, drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, dance, theatre, architecture, and more. 16. How long did it take Leonardo da Vinci to paint the Mona Lisa’s lips? Over 365 trivia questions to answer. 20 Trivia Questions (Art) No. Click to rate this post! Some trivia games are more challenging than others, and some are made just for kids. Board Games. The Art of Science Advanced Trivia Game is the coolest and hardest trivia game we've ever found. 870 Summit Park Avenue Auburn Hills, MI 48057. 11. Click the Ancient Wonders. Why not test your trivia by taking this quiz? What art movement employs aspects of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books, and mundane cultural objects? Download high quality Trivia clip art from our collection of 41,940,205 clip art graphics. “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents” --Bob Ross. On our site you can get for free 20 of high-quality images. Quizzes Fact Box Photo Identification Famous Art Celebrities. Self-Portrait with Monkeys Nude Descending a Staircase, No. Artists by First Names. Report this user for behavior that violates our Community Guidelines. 2/10. Quizzes Fact Box Photo Identification Famous Art Celebrities. What artist was sentenced to death by the Pope after killing a man? What artist is best known for a painting of his mother? For your convenience, there is a search service on the main page of the site that would help you find images similar to trivia game … Pixelated Art. Fun Trivia. Difficult, 10 Qns, thejazzkickazz, Jun 05 03. : In which town was Leonardo da Vinci born? We've complied a nice list of questions and answers for you to choose from. Playing trivia is a great way to spend time with the whole family. A comprehensive database of more than 13 elements of art quizzes online, test your knowledge with elements of art quiz questions. How much do you know about art? Art History Through the Ages Home Quizzes Trivia Quizzes Art History Through the Ages Please read each question carefully and select the correct answer by … What art movement employs aspects of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural objects? What was the official diagnosis when van Gogh was hospitalized in 1888? We thoroughly check each answer to a question to provide you with the most correct answers. Most artists put their stories and experiences into their works of art be it music or a drawing. Vincent van Gogh painted The Starry Night while …? Put your art expertise to the test with these questions and prove that you're more than a novice. December 19, 2017 By. If trivia were an art form, we'd like to think that Sporclism would be on this list. Can you pick the painters that are often associated with the given art movements? What is the term for a painting executed entirely in shades of grey? Play our Matching Artist and Art quiz games now! Do any of them have the first name 'Art'? Have fun with these and get graded for your trivia knowledge Download high quality Trivia clip art from our collection of 41,940,205 clip art graphics. 2. Who is credited as the designer of the many statues which decorated the Parthenon? 19. What art critic was influential in popularizing the work of Jackson Pollock? This is EXACTLY like 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey' but instead of a tail it's a first name and instead of a donkey it's a last name. You know their work, but do you know what they look like? trivia game clipart. We thoroughly check each answer to a question to provide you with the most correct answers. What is the main visual element in Impressionist painting? This entry was posted in Android Games, iOS Games, Mobile Games, Walkthrough and tagged Trivia Crack, Trivia Crack Answer Category Art, Trivia Crack Answers, Trivia Crack Answers All Categories, Trivia Crack Questions, Trivia Crack Questions And Answers by Marvin. Rembrandt. Pictures are supposed to make it easier, not harder. The marble slab that eventually became Michelangelo’s David was originally intended as a statue of what famous character? Here are 250+ trivia questions for … Take a quiz to test your knowledge on most famous artists of all times! Matching Artist and Art trivia quizzes in the humanities category. What is the only work of art Michelangelo ever signed? Hieronymus Bosch. Play the best free art games, painting games, puzzles and the best fun quizzes on Tate Kids QuizStone® simply reinvents social & trivia gaming and adds whole new possibilities. 1.What was the official diagnosis when van Gogh was hospitalized in 1888? 1. How many versions of The Scream did Edvard Munch create? 18. Quizzma is a free online database of educational quizzes and test answers. AutoGraf. Art Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers is a collection of art quiz questions and answers providing some of the most interesting facts in fine art. Art & Photography Books ... Baby Trivia Game, Baby Shower Trivia, kraft rustic baby shower games printable, gender neutral Baby Shower Party activity game cards pdf B11 DamlaDigital. This app from QuizStone® turns your iPad, iPhone, and iPod into a social game with stimulating questions, educating explanations, entertaining knowledge and encouraging game plays. In order to be able to answer the daily trivia quiz, you need to have an account. From shop … Show Answer. Which Dutch artist painted in this style? In painting, what do you call the use of strong contrasts between light and dark? Pixelated Art. Eliminate a Choice - Art 10 questions. 849 Trivia clip art images on GoGraph. It's crazy to think that humans have been making art for thousands of years. Art of Tactic. b. This picture quiz is for people who are interested in Art … 8. Art is something that we all enjoy to look at, as it is one way to show the beauty of the world. Controversial and Scandalous Art 10 questions Tough, … Artist by Picture. Most Played Published Quizzes. … Play MakeQuestions Art trivia games with your friends and relatives and you will learn about several artistic disciplines. Here are two sample questions of what to expect: "Which artist painted 'The Birth of Venus'?" You got {{SCORE_CORRECT}} out of {{SCORE_TOTAL}}. Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com. 22. 13. How old is the earliest known human artwork? This is EXACTLY like 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey' but instead of a tail it's a first name and … Not everyone can call their paintings art. We've complied a nice list of questions and answers for you to choose from. Which of Picasso’s paintings was considered immoral when it was first exhibited in 1916? Miscellaneous quizzes about painters and their paintings, art movements, living years, nationalities, self-portraits and photos. a. Louis Le Vau. These are more or less the 100 people that did the most to shape our world, somehow I feel I should know more of them. We offer you for free download top of trivia game clipart pictures. For your convenience, there is a search service on the main page of the site that would help you find images similar to trivia game clipart with nescessary type and size. Rembrandt. Forget all about your old board games. What group rebelled against the limitations of Impressionism? Finally, something you know you can trust Wikipedia on. My Fridge. How many paintings did Vincent Van Gogh sell during his lifetime? Unplayed. False Mirror What painter was married to Mexican artist Diego Rivera? Also check out the newest online Art quizzes in History. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With enough Bob Ross videos, we think you could replicate these pretty easily. Who is credited as the designer of the many statues which decorated the Parthenon? Romanesque art prevailed during what time period? It's like going to 25 different art galleries at the same time! Play MakeQuestions Art trivia games with your friends and relatives and you will learn about several artistic disciplines. What art critic coined the term “impressionism”? artistic movement known for bold outlines and flatness of the forms. I don't know much about art...but I know what I like. Our online elements of art trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top elements of art quizzes. 14. Name the artist that painted The Creation of Adam – the painting found on the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. 2/10. These people set a high bar in the art world. What quality is associated with peaches in Chinese art? What do you call the technique of allowing tones and colors to shade gradually into one another? Play the best free art games, painting games, puzzles and the best fun quizzes on Tate Kids Vincent Van Gogh. … Those pixels...just look at the emotion expressed in them. English artist Andy Brown created a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II used what? Which of the following paintings did Claude Monet’s wife NOT pose for? Who painted “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” (1884-86)? b. Ieoh M Pei. Those pixels...just look at the emotion expressed in them. Settle onto the couch or around the kitchen table, grab some snacks, and put your smarts to the test! This may be a deep philosophical question that can't be answered by a quiz, but we're going to do it anyway. 9 Fictional French Characters (Literature). Famous Artwork Quiz. Buffalo Games. How old is the earliest known human artwork? My … 2 [Total: 3 Average: 4.7] Contents hide 1 Art Trivia Questions and Answers 2 Art Trivia … Art Trivia … Let's be honest, Wikipedia has helped us on many a science project. 9. December 19, 2017 By. Recent Scores. What school of art grew out of the poetry of Romanian-born Tristan Tzara? Put your art expertise to the test with these questions and prove that you're more than a novice. Trivia Questions. The artist decided to call this painting ____________. This app from QuizStone® turns your iPad, iPhone, and iPod into a social game with stimulating questions, educating explanations, entertaining knowledge and encouraging game plays. What was the original title of Auguste Rodin’s famous sculpture The Thinker? 12. Reacting particularly against 18th-century Neoclassicism, the … Those pixels...just look at the emotion expressed in them. According to Vatican researcher Sabrina Sforza Galitzia, what does Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper predict? 1/10. But these folks have earned it. … What famous artist was considered a suspect in the 1911 theft of the Mona Lisa? ... Home Videos Quizzes Games … Answer: German art society Nazarene is an association formed by some young German painters in 1809 to return to the medieval spirit in art. Type There are some trivia games that cover a variety of topics while others center around specific ones such as entertainment. Who were the models that posed for Grant Wood’s famous painting, American Gothic? Playing trivia is a great way to spend time with the whole family. To which artistic movement does Paul Gauguin’s The Yellow Christ belong? 3. What is the title of Henri Matisse’s famous portrait of his wife? English artist Andy Brown created a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II using what? Which architect was responsible for the glass Pyramid at the Lourve? Your email address will not be published. Test your knowledge in this Art Quiz Trivia. This artist quiz gives you art trivia questions and answers, from Renaissance to modern art. Who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? 4. On our site you can get for free 20 of high-quality images. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon What painter was summoned to Rome in 1481 to decorate the walls of the Sistine Chapel? Board Games Imagination Entertainment. 88,093 PLAYS. All ready to play for free! Random Art History Quiz. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”. Name That Art. Let's go! Bookmark the permalink. With which other painter would you associate painter Francoise Gilot? Which Dutch artist painted in this style? What element was removed from Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper by careless workers? The process of human expression creativity, A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder, A person who conducts auctions by accepting bids and declaring goods sold, The keeper or conservator of various works of art or other collections, A cofounder in the movement known as cubism and created the famous painting “The Weeping Woman” in 1937, Created the famous paintings “Without Hope” in 1945 and “The Two Fridas” in 1939, Created the famous paintings “The persistence of Memory” in 1931 and “The melting Watch” in 1954, Created “The lovers” in 1946 and “this is Harlem” in 1943, Created “The Last Supper” between 1495 and 1498 and “The Mona Lisa” in 1503, Created “The Water Lillies” between 1920-1926 and ” Impression, Sunrise” in 1872, Created “The Starry Night” and a self portrait in 1889, Art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colors, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect, The depiction of a natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests, especially where the main subject is a wide view, with its elements arranged into a coherent (sensible) composition, The attempt to represent a subject matter truthfully and naturally through ones own artwork, The adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture without permission, An offer for something, especially at an auction, The material used to create a work of art, The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group, The placement of arrangement of visual elements in a work of art, To make our manufacture from components or raw materials. 88,093 PLAYS. That’s the only way we can improve. My Bed. What art movement developed in the early 18th century as a reaction against the grandeur, symmetry, and strict regulations of the Baroque? What artist’s portrait of George Washington is the basis for the $1 bill? Play multiplayer one on one with your friends! Art & Photography Books ... Baby Trivia Game, Baby Shower Trivia, kraft rustic baby shower games printable, gender neutral Baby Shower Party activity game cards pdf B11 DamlaDigital. What is the appropriate art term for color? How much do you know about art? Test yourself on these subjects with our arts trivia … Most Played Published Quizzes. In case you were wondering, Trump University isn't … Most Played Published Quizzes. QuizStone® simply reinvents social & trivia gaming and adds whole new possibilities. … What is the main visual element in Impressionist painting? In case you were wondering, Trump University isn't considered an Ancient Wonder. Having an account allows you to also keep track of your answers and score while also enabling you to bookmark the trivia questions you find most interesting. What art critic was influential in popularizing the work of Jackson Pollock? Wit’s End Trivia Board Game. In Leonardo da Vinci’s Annunciation, who is depicted with the virgin Mary? 1/10. The Art of Science Advanced Trivia Game is the coolest and hardest trivia game we've ever found. Product Title Sports Trivia Game … What painting technique was employed by Caravaggio, Ribera, Georges De La Tour, Joseph Wright of Derby and other painters, in order to focus a spotlight on certain areas of a painting? What artist is best known for a painting of his mother? What artist sold a balloon dog for $58.4 million? Random Art History Quiz. 17. From shop DamlaDigital. Batty about the Baroque Era? Sure this quiz is hard, but Michelangelo spent over four years painting the Sistine Chapel while laying on his back, so get over it. What Salt Lake City-born cartoonist produced classic portrayals of the era of the flapper, bootlegging, and jazz? How old is the earliest known human artwork? 21. 1 This video contains 20 trivia questions related to Art. You will find that Art is an ideal category for building and taking quizzes and questions games, especially if they contain images and photographs about the best and most brilliant masterpieces in Art history. Sandro Botticelli. Used bras. Caddy Shack. What artist is known for having painted the Moulin Rouge? What quality is associated with peaches in Chinese art? born out of disillusionment of WWI; attacked conventional standards of aesthetics and behavior and stressed absurdity and the role of the unpredictable in artistic creation; basis of surrealism. You can skip a question, if you don't know the answer. What offshoot of Cubism was influenced by the work of dye chemist Eugène Chevreul? I will list four … See More Reviews. 6. What is the movement in architecture in which buildings have an organic, amoeba-shaped form? Bible Trivia. Trivia questions and answers are shuffled randomly every time you play. Answer: German art society Nazarene is an association formed by some young German painters in 1809 to return to the medieval spirit in art. What 19th century art critic famously compared Whistler’s Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket to “flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face”? What art movement employs aspects of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural objects? Only on Sporcle can you cover hundreds of years of history in just 60 seconds. ... Home Videos Quizzes Games Beanotown Jokes More stuff. Who was the court sculptor of Alexander the Great? … Why not test your trivia by taking this quiz? What did Claude Monet’s father want him to be? Play this hour's "Trivia About Art History" mixed quiz game A new Art History quiz every hour! What art movement literally means the style of “the wild beasts”? Riddles & Puzzles Trivia Mentalrobics Puzzle Games Community. Click the … : In which town was Leonardo da Vinci born? Let us know if this was helpful. Art Trivia Quizzes and Games. 5 out of 5 stars (3,578) 3,578 reviews $ 2.50 Bestseller What artist was struck in the face with a mallet by an envious rival, disfiguring him for life? Here are 250+ trivia questions for kids, with accompanying answers so you and … Let's go! Free Humanities Trivia Questions. Which of these is a work by English artist Tracey Emin? 10. Who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? What object commonly appears in Picasso’s paintings? a. What art movement was Yoko Ono associated with during the 1960s? What element was removed from Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper by careless workers? Free online quizzes and answers for students. If you ever researched a history paper on Wikipedia, this should be a piece of cake. 117 Best History Trivia Questions (World History / American / Art…) Editor / May 18th 2019 / No Comments History is the source of fascination for many people as one can see how events from so long ago have shaped and still affects the society that we live in today. What artist believed he was a reincarnation of his dead brother? What painting attracted more visitors to the Louvre Museum AFTER it was stolen? What artist drew the comic strip Bloom County from 1980 to 1989? How much do you know? 20 Trivia Questions (Art) No. Board Games - Trivia, Party, and Word Games Parker Brothers. You'll love our art trivia questions and answers! Popular All-Time. Artist Name Match. Sandro Botticelli. My Sofa. What is the term for visible traces of an earlier painting beneath newer artwork on canvas? Love oil and canvas paintings? You might not be a history buff, but at least you have a 1-in-4 chance. Forget all about your old board games. Who said there was any logic in High School? What offshoot of Cubism was influenced by the work of dye chemist Eugène Chevreul? Required fields are marked *. This is what happens when you cross Picasso with Pelé. Sections Homepage Trivia Quizzes Free Trivia … > Miscellaneous > Art > Art Movements & Painters 1 ≡ Art Movements & Painters 1 quiz We offer you for free download top of trivia game clipart pictures. Art History Trivia Quizzes and Games. What artist was struck in the face with a mallet by an envious rival, disfiguring him for life? How many paintings did Vincent Van Gogh sell during his lifetime? Free online games - history, animals, geography, entertainment, science, art trivia game clipart. What Spanish painter is often referred to as both the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns? Reacting particularly against 18th-century Neoclassicism, the brotherhood was the first effective anti … Despite our extensive doodling abilities, we don't even have a fraction of the talent of some of these toddlers. This is what happens when you cross Picasso with Pelé. Sometimes history is best taught through pictures. 849 Trivia clip art images on GoGraph. Let us know about it through the REPORT button at the bottom of the page. Asmodee. Riddles & Puzzles Trivia Mentalrobics Puzzle Games Community Quizzes Fact Box Photo Identification Famous Art Celebrities Quizzes Fact Box Photo Identification Famous Art … You will find that Art is an ideal category for building and taking quizzes and questions games, especially if they contain images and photographs about the best and most brilliant masterpieces in Art … What do you call a point with no ending? You can also challenge other art enthusiast, from around the world, to a fun game of art trivia. Soccer Cities Scribble Scrabble. Hieronymus Bosch. Vincent Van Gogh. Also, you can keep your eyes open. Finding the right mix of challenging but not completely impossible is a good goal. Show Answer. Love oil and canvas paintings? Art History Through the Ages Home Quizzes Trivia Quizzes Art History Through the Ages Please read each question carefully and select the correct answer by clicking on the corresponding button. If you didn’t already know, the arts can be defined as “the theory and physical expression of creativity found in human societies and cultures” and includes music, literature, filmmaking, drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, dance, theatre, architecture, and more. Settle onto the couch or around the kitchen table, grab some snacks, and put your smarts to the test! Over 400 quiz questions in rotation. CHECK PRICE ON AMAZON. Found a mistake? True or False Blitz: 19th Century. What artist was struck in the face with a mallet by an envious rival, disfiguring him for life? What is the only work of art Michelangelo ever signed? What object commonly appears in Picasso’s paintings? Test yourself on these subjects with our arts trivia questions and answers. What late 19th-century French painter was known for his pictures of ballet dancers? 20. In 1908, what American artist painted elaborate murals in the newly completed Pennsylvania State Capitol Building? Recorded history is so massive at this point that even the mega-est gallery couldn't hold it. This quiz is so fun you just might be converted. Fun trivia quizzes, word games, online trivia questions and answers for Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit & Family Feud fans. Batty about the Baroque Era? How did the Musée Picasso in Paris come to own its collection of Picasso’s works? Your email address will not be published. Check out the collection of engaging learning games and content from Verified educators and partners. What artist was struck in the face with a mallet by an envious rival, disfiguring him for life? Download the Art Quiz game today to test your knowledge on trivia related to art. Which of Henri Matisse’s paintings was hung upside down at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for 46 days without anyone noticing? Let us know about it through the REPORT button at the bottom of the page. Which artist was a fashion editor and a painter in the school of magic realism? undergoing treatment at a psychiatric hospital. 1 This video contains 20 trivia questions related to Art. Play this Trivia Quiz. Brand University Games. What landmark work came about from a friend’s request for a self-portrait of Rene Magritte? Art Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers is a collection of art quiz questions and answers providing some of the most interesting facts in fine art. With which other painter would you associate painter Francoise Gilot? Found a mistake? Who said there was any logic in High School? You'll love our art trivia questions and answers!